DnB NOR's exposure to Icelandic banks

DnB NOR has no direct exposure to Icelandic banks. DnB NOR Bank has short-term
currency and settlement limits for Norwegian subsidiaries of Icelandic banks. 
In addition, DnB NOR owns covered bonds issued by BN Boligkreditt for a total
of NOK 591 million and senior bonds issued by Glitnir Bank ASA (former BN Bank)
for a total of NOK 250 million. 
Vital has a limited exposure to FIH in Denmark, but this is covered by the
Danish deposit guarantee scheme. 
Contact persons:
Trond Bentestuen
Group executive vice president
Corporate Communications
tel.: +47 950 28 448

Per Sagbakken
executive vice president
IR/Long-term Funding
tel.: +47 906 61 159