Compulsory redemption and delisting of Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s

|                                                              22 October 2008 |
| NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen                          |                             |
| Nikolaj Plads 6                                |                             |
| DK-1007 Copenhagen K                           |                             |

Stock exchange announcement no 27/2008                                          

Compulsory redemption and delisting of Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s           

Following Handelsbanken's acquisition of 97.7% of all outstanding shares in     
Lokalbanken i Nordsjælland a/s, Handelsbanken and the Supervisory Board of      
Lokalbanken have resolved to initiate a compulsory redemption of the remaining  
shares in Lokalbanken on 29 October 2008 pursuant to section 20b of the Danish  
Public Limited Companies Act.                                                   

As a consequence of the compulsory redemption resolution, Lokalbanken in        
consultation with Handelsbanken has resolved to submit a request to NASDAQ OMX  
Copenhagen to delist Lokalbanken's shares from trading and official listing, the
last stock exchange trading and listing date to be 28 October 2008. The         
compulsory redemption is initiated thereafter.                                  

Yours sincerely                                                                 

Lokalbanken I Nordsjælland a/s                                                  
Executive board                                                                 

Bruno Riis-Nielsen


english - selskabsmeddelelse nr  27 - 2008.pdf