Notice of Annual General Meeting of Cloetta Fazer AB (publ)

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Cloetta Fazer AB (publ)

The shareholders in Cloetta Fazer AB (publ) are hereby called to attend the
Annual General
Meeting at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 25 November 2008, in the main auditorium at
Nalen Konferens, Regeringsgatan 74 in Stockholm.

Right to participate
In order to participate in the AGM, shareholders 
must	be entered in the share register maintained by VPC AB (the Nordic Central
Securities Depository) not later than Wednesday, 19 November 2008, and
must	notify the company of their intention to participate in the AGM not later
than Wednesday, 19 November 2008:
-	by post: Cloetta Fazer AB, Ingrid Skoog, Box 735, SE-101 35 Stockholm, Sweden
-	by telephone: 08-534 817 02 
-	by fax: 08-411 27 62
-	by Internet:
For telephone calls and fax messages from outside Sweden, omit 08 and replace
with +468.

When registering, shareholders must provide their name, personal or corporate
identification number, address, telephone number and, when applicable, the names
of any representatives and the number of agents. 

Agents, proxies, etc.
Agents and representatives for legal entities are requested to present
certificates of registration or other proof of authorisation in good time prior
to the AGM. Please note that any proxy forms should be submitted in original. A
registration form, including a proxy form, is enclosed in the invitation that is
sent to all shareholders. Proxy forms can also be downloaded from the corporate
website or ordered from the Company.

Nominee shares
To be entitled to participate in the AGM, shareholders whose shares are held in
the name of a nominee must temporarily re-register the shares in their own names
with VPC AB. Such registration, so-called voting rights registration, must be
completed not later than Wednesday, 19 November 2008, which means that the
shareholders must notify their nominees in good time prior to this date. Please
note that shares held in bank custody accounts and/or traded via the Internet
may also be registered in the name of a nominee.

Proposed agenda
1.	Opening of the AGM
2.	Election of a Chairman of the AGM
3.	Drawing up and approval of the voting list 
4.	Approval of the agenda 
5.	Election of two persons to check and sign the minutes 
6.	Decision as to whether the AGM has been duly convened 
7.	Information about the ongoing merger process in the Cloetta Fazer Group
8.	Presentation of the annual report, the audit report, the consolidated
financial statements and the consolidated audit report for the financial year
from 1 January to 31 August 2008
9.	Decisions regarding:
(a)	adoption of the profit and loss accounts and balance sheets of the Parent
Company and the Group 
(b)	appropriation of the Company's profits according to the adopted balance
sheet and decision on the record date for dividends
(c)	discharge from liability for the members of the Board of Directors and the
Managing Director 
10.	Decision regarding the number of Board members, fees to be paid to the Board
of Directors and auditors, and election of Board members and the Board Chairman
11.	Proposal for decision regarding amendments to the Articles of Association,
including a change in the Company's name 
12.	Proposal for decision regarding principles for remuneration and terms of
employment for senior executives 
13.	Adjournment of the Meeting 

Note: The company's current auditors were elected by the 2007 AGM to serve for a
period of four years.

Proposals for decision

Item 2 - Election of a Chairman of the AGM 
The Company's nominating committee, consisting of Lennart Bylock (chairman),
Juhani Mäkinen (Oy Karl Fazer Ab) and Christer Wagenius (AB Malfors Promotor),
have proposed that Claes Beyer be elected as Chairman of the AGM.

Item 9b - Decision regarding appropriation of the Company's profits according to
the adopted balance sheet and decision on the record date for dividends

As a step in implementing the demerger of the Cloetta Fazer Group, the Board
proposes that all of the shares in the wholly-owned subsidiary Cloetta AB
(publ), corporate identity number 556308-8144, (“Cloetta”) be distributed to the
shareholders in Cloetta Fazer. The shares in Cloetta AB will be distributed to
the shareholders in proportion to their existing holdings, whereby each share of
class A in Cloetta Fazer AB will entitle the holder to one new class A share in
Cloetta AB and each share of class B in Cloetta Fazer AB will entitle the holder
to one new class B share in Cloetta AB. The Board's proposed record date for the
distribution is Friday, 28 November 2008. Provided that the AGM approves the
proposal, the shares in Cloetta are expected to be distributed by VPC AB on
Monday, 1 December 2008. Information about the Board's proposed decision on
distribution of the shares in Cloetta will be available on Cloetta Fazer's
corporate website,, as of 11 November 2008.

Item 10 - Decision regarding the number of Board members, fees to be paid to the
Board of Directors and auditors, and election of Board members and the Board

The Company's nominating committee has proposed:

that the number of Board members amount to four, with no deputies.

that board fees be paid in an amount of SEK 375,000 to the Board Chairman and
SEK 200,000 to each of the other members of the Board. In addition, the
nominating committee has proposed that no remuneration be paid for work on the
Board committees.
that fees to the Company's auditors be paid in a reasonable amount according to
approved account.

that sitting Board members Anders Dreijer, Karsten Slotte and Berndt Brunow be
re-elected and that Krister Friberg be elected as a new member of the Board.
Former Board members Olof Svenfelt, Meg Tivéus and Christer Zetterberg have
declined re-election. Information about Krister Friberg can be viewed on Cloetta
Fazer's corporate website and will also be available at the
that Anders Dreijer be re-elected as Board Chairman .

The nominating committee's proposal regarding the number of Board members, Board
fees and the composition of the Board has been made with consideration to the
ongoing demerger process in the Cloetta Fazer Group, including the public tender
offer made by Oy Karl Fazer Ab to the shareholders in Cloetta Fazer AB on 16
June 2008. Against the same background, no proposed criteria for appointment of
a nominating committee for the coming financial year will be presented to the
Item 11 - Proposal for decision regarding amendments to the Articles of
Association, including a change in the Company's name 

The Board proposes that the Articles of Association be amended to state that the
name of the Company shall be Fazer Konfektyr Service AB (1 §), that the Board of
Directors shall have its registered office in Stockholm (6 §), that the Annual
General Meeting shall be held in Stockholm (7 §), that the former limitation
whereby no person may vote their own or other shares constituting 40 per cent or
more of the total number of shares in the Company be removed from the Articles
of Association (7 §), that the pre-emption rules regarding the Company's class A
shares be removed from the Articles of Association (10 §), and that certain
editorial changes be made. The complete proposal for resolution including the
new proposed Articles of Association will be available on Cloetta Fazer's
corporate website,, as of 11 November 2008.

The Board's proposal for decision regarding amendments to the Articles of
Association has been made with consideration to the ongoing demerger process in
the Cloetta Fazer Group, including the public tender offer made by Oy Karl Fazer
Ab to the shareholders in Cloetta Fazer AB on 16 June 2008.

Item 12 - Proposal for decision regarding principles for remuneration and terms
of employment for senior executives 

Remuneration to the Managing Director and other senior executives consists of
basic salary, variable remuneration, other benefits and pension benefits. The
distribution between basic salary and variable remuneration should be
proportionate to the individual's responsibilities and powers.

For the Managing Director, bonuses may amount to a maximum of 40 per cent of
basic salary.

The retirement age for the Managing Director is 60 years. Pension benefits for
the Managing Director consist of a defined contribution plan.

Termination benefits
The mutual term of notice between the Company and the Managing Director is
twelve months. In the event of dismissal by the Company, the Managing Director
is also entitled to termination benefits corresponding to one year's salary.

The Board of Directors has the right to deviate from the above guidelines in
individual cases where the Board assesses this to be specially motivated.

Special majority rules
For valid decision by the AGM under item 11, the resolution must be supported by
shareholders representing at least two-thirds of both the number of votes
exercised and the number of votes represented at the AGM.

Number of shares and votes
The Company has a total of 24,119,196 shares, consisting of 4,660,000 class A
shares and 19,459,196 class B shares. The total number of votes is 66,059,196,
of which 46,600,000 are represented by class A shares and 19,459,196 are
represented by class B shares.

The accounting documents, audit report, auditors' statement regarding the
earlier principles for remuneration and terms of employment for senior
executives and complete proposals for resolution on agenda items 9b, 11 and 12,
as well as information materials regarding the proposal for resolution on agenda
item 9b, will be available at the Company and on the corporate website as of Tuesday, 11 November 2008, and will be sent to those
shareholders who so request and who provide their mailing address.

Ljungsbro, October 2008

Cloetta Fazer AB (publ)

The Board of Directors

