Mauna Kea Technologies Partners With Key European Distributors to Sell Cellvizio(r) Confocal Endomicroscopy Imaging Systems

Deals Extend Company's Reach to Gastroenterologists in UK, Spain, Greece, and

PARIS, Dec. 22, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mauna Kea Technologies, a leader in in
vivo cellular imaging, announced today that it has signed several distribution
agreements with key European medical device suppliers. These distributors will
sell the company's flagship product, Cellvizio(r), the world's smallest
microscope, into new and existing European gastroenterology markets. 

Diagmed Healthcare Limited will distribute the system throughout the United
Kingdom, while EndoTecnica S.L. unit and Endoscopiki S.A. will distribute
Cellvizio in Spain and Greece, respectively. RMS Endoscopy will sell to the
Belgian market as well as in Luxembourg. 

"These suppliers are at the forefront of medical technologies in their
respective markets and have solid relationships with their gastroenterologist
customer base," noted Sacha Loiseau president, CEO and founder of Mauna Kea
Technologies. "We believe these experienced organizations are all well-equipped
to identify key customers who want to arm themselves with the leading
real-time, in vivo microscopic imaging system that improves a physician's
ability to accurately identify GI and biliary diseases and treat them on the

The company chose this select group because of their expertise in the
gastroenterology and medical technology sectors and their commitments in
promoting innovative technologies which benefit both patients and physicians. 

About Cellvizio(r) 

Cellvizio(r), the world's smallest microscope, is the first system designed to
provide live images of internal human tissues at the cellular level during
endoscopic procedures. This new method, known as probe-based confocal laser
endomicroscopy (pCLE), allows physicians to pinpoint and remove diseased tissue
with endoscopic tools on the spot, or, in more serious cases, send the patient
directly to surgery. This new, advanced imaging technique helps physicians more
effectively detect cancer so patients can be treated earlier and undergo fewer
biopsies. Physicians and thought leaders at more than 40 top medical
institutions around the world have completed over 2,000 of these procedures and
have published more than 25 peer-reviewed papers on the technology in major
medical journals. Cellvizio, which delivers up to 12 images per second and can
be used with almost any endoscope, has 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration and the European CE-Mark for use in the gastrointestinal
and pulmonary tracts. 

About Mauna Kea Technologies/Cellvizio Inc. 

Mauna Kea Technologies, which operates as Cellvizio Inc. in the U.S., is a
venture-backed medical device company based in Paris, France, with U.S. offices
in Fort Washington, Penn. With its flagship Cellvizio(r) system, the company
leads the growing in vivo cellular imaging market, enabling physicians to
visualize, diagnose and treat pathologies that cannot be seen using other
imaging techniques. Investors include Psilos Group, Seventure and Creadev. For
more information about Mauna Kea Technologies: 

CONTACT:  Lazar Partners
          Media Contact: 
          Erich Sandoval