SmallCap Sentinel: Obama Says Harness the Sun and Wind, Companies Must Harness the Opportunity

IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 26, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- All eyes were on Washington, D.C. this past week as Barack Obama became the country's 44th president. As the world watched, Obama's inaugural address offered a forward view of the administration's economic interests and initiatives.

While pundits pore over Obama's more general references, little was left to question from the new president's directive to harness the sun and the winds. For providers of sun and wind energy driven technologies, such as GWS Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:GWSC), Obama's confirmation of his intentions was a boon to their blossoming business plans.

GWS describes itself as a company whose products and solutions are part of the new "microgeneration" movement transforming the way everyday people provide for their energy needs. Through a growing line of solar and wind-powered products ranging from handheld devices that can recharge an iPod to wind turbines for point-of-use alternative energy generation, the company believes it is leading the way in the emerging microgeneration marketplace.

A recent solar-driven GWS initiative may ably fit Obama's 'harness' directive in potentially ubiquitous ways. GWS has added Solar Arcadia's iPhone Solar Chargers to its line of innovative microgeneration products. With over 13 million iPhones sold worldwide, the product has enormous market potential and investors should be excited by the prospect of what the iPhone Solar Charger can add to GWS's potential revenue stream.

Similarly, GWS recently announced that it will be distributing Four Seasons Windpower's patented residential and commercial vertical axis wind turbine product line, believing that the technology will allow its customers to satisfy every type of wind power requirement.

For many companies, the prospect of having an analyst author a glowing report is the ultimate in public affirmation. For others with the right products at the right time, having the new president summon attention to your industry during the most watched inaugural in history may go one better.

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