Resolutions adopted by the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Alteration of company name

The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AS Kalev held on 26th
February 2009 represented 85.43% of the company's share capital. The general
meeting thus had a quorum. 

The following resolutions were adopted at the extraordinary general meeting of

1.	Alteration of AS Kalev company name

Resolution:  Change AS Kalev company name and approve new company name public
limited company Luterma. 

2.	Approval of the new phrasing of the Articles of Association

Resolution: To rephrase Clause 1.1 of the Articles of Association of AS Kalev
as follows: “Public limited company (thereafter Company) company name is public
limited company Luterma” and approve the new phrasing of the Articles of

Allan Viirma
Head of Legal Service

Telephone 688 6600