LifeCycle Pharma A/S - Report Pursuant to the Danish Securities Trading Act, Section 28(a)

Company Announcement no. 5/2009

To: OMX Nordic Exchange			Hørsholm, Denmark, March 9, 2009

LifeCycle Pharma A/S - Report Pursuant to the Danish Securities Trading Act,
Section 28(a) 

Hørsholm, Denmark, March 9, 2009; Pursuant to the Danish Securities Trading
Act, Section 28(a), LifeCycle Pharma A/S (OMX: LCP) is required on a daily
basis, to make public transactions in LifeCycle Pharma shares and related
securities by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons /
companies closely associated with these. 

Name	                  Karin J. Hamberg
Reason for reporting	EVP & CMO
Issuer and ID code/ISIN	LifeCycle Pharma A/S / DK0060048148
Type of transaction	Purchase of shares
Date of transaction	March 6, 2009
Relevant market	          NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Number of traded securities	5,000
Market value	         DKK 50,000

For more information, please contact: 
LifeCycle Pharma A/S
Peter Schøtt Knudsen
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: + 45 2055 3817

About LifeCycle Pharma A/S (LCP)
Based in Hørsholm, Denmark, with an office in New York, LCP is an emerging
specialty pharmaceutical company. Clinical development is the core of LCP's
effort to develop a product portfolio which includes products for
immunosuppression, specifically organ transplantation, and products to combat
certain cardiovascular diseases. As a fully integrated company, LCP adapts new
technologies on a fast commercial timetable. LCP's unique, patented delivery
technology, MeltDose®, can improve absorption and bioavailability - at
low-scale up costs - not only for a broad spectrum of drugs already on the
market but also for new chemical entities. LCP has a cholesterol-lowering
product, Fenoglide™, currently on the U.S. market and a diversified near- and
medium-term pipeline with four product candidates in clinical trials and a
number of projects in preclinical development. LCP is listed on NASDAQ OMX
Copenhagen under the trading symbol (OMX: LCP). 

For further information, please visit


09mar2009 - lifecycle pharma - report pursuant to the danish securities trading act section 28_a_.pdf