CORRECTION: Draft resoliutons of Shareholders Meeting of 24 April 2009

CORRECTION: Profit share allocated for annual bonuses (tantiemes) to be paid to
members of the Board, employee bonuses and other purposes to propose to pay LTL
1 400 thousand (EUR 405 thousand). 

Shareholders Meeting of SC "Klaipedos juru kroviniu kompanija" will take place
in 2009-04-24. 
The following draft resolutions will be presented for the shareholders to vote: 
Item 1 of the Agenda: “The conclusions of AB Klasco audit” - to approve the
conclusions of AB Klasco auditor UAB Ernst & Young of the 2008 year. 
Item 2 of the Agenda: “The annual report and the approval of AB Klasco
financial statements of the 2008 year” - to accept AB Klasco annual report and
to approve financial statements of the 2008 year. 
Item 3 of the Agenda: “On the approval of allocation of Klasco profit (loss) of
the 2008 year”- to approve the allocation of Klasco profit (loss) of the fiscal
year 2008 as follows: retained profit (loss) at the beginning of the reporting
period LTL 78 692 thousand (EUR 22 791 thousand); net profit of the reporting
period LTL 15 369 thousand (EUR 4 451 thousand); total profit (loss) for
distribution LTL 71 061 thousand (EUR 20 580 thousand); profit share allocated
for dividends LTL 25 000 thousand (7 241 thousand EUR; 1,97 Lt (0,57 EUR) per
Item 4 of the Agenda: “On the election of auditors firm and the setting of
payment for audit services” - to elect and set ERNST & YOUNG Baltic UAB to do
audit of 2009 and to pay not over LTL 120 000 per year (EUR 34 754) ; 
Item 5 of the Agenda: “The recall of the board members” - to recall Audrius
Darinskas and Valentinas Greiciunas from the board. 
Item 6 of the Agenda: “The election of the board members” - to suggest into the
board Audrius Pauza and Arvydas Vaitkus. 
Item 7 of the Agenda: “Delisting company‘s shares from the secondary list of
stock exchange of Nasdaq OMX Vilnius“ - to delist company‘s shares from the LR
regulable market, this is from the secondary list of stock exchange of Nasdaq
OMX Vilnius. 

G. Veitiene
PA to President 

