Regarding notification to AB DnB NORD Bankas on the squeeze-out of the shares

AB DnB NORD Bankas (company code 112029270, VAT payer's code LT120292716,
registered office J. Basanavičiaus st. 26, Vilnius, the data about the company
is collected and stored at the Register of Legal Entities) (hereinafter the
"Issuer")informs that on 20 April 2009 the largest shareholder of the Issuer -
Bank DnB NORD A/S (company code CVR-nr.: 28691947, registered office:
Amerikakaj, Dampfærgevej 28, DK 2100 Kopenhaga Ø, Denmark) - submitted to the
Issuer the notification on the 
squeeze-out of the shares. 
   On 20 April 2009 Bank DnB NORD A/S by the right of ownership holds 5,131,093
(five million one hundred thirty one thousand ninety three) ordinary registered
shares of the Issuer with nominal value of LTL 115 (one hundred fifteen
Lithuanian Litas) each, which constitute 99.84 percent  of the votes at the
General Meeting of Shareholders of the Issuer. 
   The squeeze-out price offered  by the Bank DnB NORD A/S for the shares
amounts to LTL 125 (one hundred twenty five Lithuanian Litas) per 1 (one)
ordinary registered share of the Issuer with nominal value of LTL 115 (one
hundred fifteen Lithuanian Litas) each. The offered price was established in
accordance with Item 2 of Part 4 of Article 37 and Part 5 of Article 37 of the
Law on Securities of the Republic of Lithuania. 
   The notification includes a requirement that during 90 (ninety) days period
from the announcement of the notification on the squeeze-out of the shares in
the daily newspaper „Lietuvos rytas“, other shareholders sell all shares of the
Issuer to Bank DnB NORD A/S for a price offered by the Bank DnB NORD A/S, or
during the same time period they can contest the price offered according to the
procedure determined in the law. 

Attached: the notification by the Bank DnB NORD A/S on the squeeze-out of the
shares and its appendices. 

Andrius Vilkancas
Press Officer 
tel. +370 5 239 3413


pranesimas notification.pdf cirkuliaras circular.pdf igyvendinimo ataskaita implementation report.pdf