Neonet's interim report January 1- March 31, 2009

Neonet's interim report January 1- March 31, 2009

Neonet during the first quarter 

•	Operating revenues totaled SEK 132.3 m (187.2) m
•	Operating earnings before depreciation, amortization and net financial items,
EBITDA, amounted to SEK 1.0 m (37.0)
•	Before tax, a loss of SEK 9.7 m (earnings: 26.7) was reported
•	The after-tax loss was SEK 6.6 m (earnings: 19.7)
•	The loss per share amounted to SEK 0.10 (earnings: 0.30) 

Significant events during the period 

•	Neonet launched trading on the Mexican Stock Exchange
•	Neonet launched trading on the commodities markets by broadening its offering
with gold derivatives on Eurex
•	Neonet announced that the Board will propose a share buyback program at the
Annual General Meeting 

Events after period-end

•	Neonet offers Credit Suisse customers access to EMS platform

Press, analysts and investors are invited to a briefing on Neonet´s report at 12
p.m. CET today. 

The report will be presented by President and CEO Simon Nathanson. The
presentation will be held in English. Lunch will be served in connection to the
presentation. Venue: Operaterrassen, Karl XII:s Torg 4, Stockholm.

Please register your participation at, under coming
events, “Neonet”. It is also possible to attend by telephone on: (UK) +44 (0)20
7806 1967 or (Sweden) +46 (0)8 5051 3791, confirmation code: 1937948. The
briefing will be broadcasted at under Investor
Relations/Presentations and

The interim report for the first quarter is enclosed to this press release.

Neonet discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

For further information, please contact:
Ulrika Lilja
Head of Communications
+46 8 454 15 82

Neonet is a global agency brokerage firm and technology provider, offering
professional market participants neutral, high speed brokerage services and
advanced trading software solutions. Neonet's in-house developed platform offers
connectivity to the world's leading market places globally across the key
regions of North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Neonet's cutting-edge
technology solutions, Neonet XG, include an integrated product suite. It
features high speed market connections, a comprehensive execution management
system, market data services and advanced trading tools. Neonet is listed on the
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and has clients in over 20 countries globally. For more
information, please visit


PR090423_PR_Rapport_Eng.pdf 04232023.pdf