LAROX CORPORATION   INTERIM REPORT 23.4.2009 AT 8.30 AM	                        

MARCH 2009                                                                      

Highlights of the review period:                                                

- The amount of new orders dropped by about a half compared to previous year    
- Net sales were EUR 43.3 million (EUR 37.6 million)                            
- Result before tax EUR 2.7 million (EUR 2.2 million)                           
- Earnings per share was EUR 0.20 (EUR 0.14)                                    

BUSINESS OPERATIONS                                                             

Order backlog was EUR 57.0 million (EUR 109.2 million) at the end of the review 
period and the amount of new orders was EUR 28.0 million (EUR 53.3 million).    
More than 94% of Group net sales were generated by exports and foreign          

PROFITS AND PROFITABILITY                                                       

The net sales for the first quarter were EUR 43.3 million (EUR 37.6 million).   
The Group showed an operating profit of EUR 3.1 million (EUR 2.7 million),      
i.e. 7.2% (7.3%) of net sales. Larox Group's result before tax for the three    
months totaled EUR 2.7 million (EUR 2.2 million, 1 January 2008 to 31 March     
2008). Group profitability compared to the first quarter of last year remained  
on the same level.                                                              

To keep profitability on satisfactory level, the company announced on 27 March  
2009 that the savings target in Finland in the personnel expenses is at least 3 
million euros in comparison with the 2008 realized expenses. Simultaneously,    
Larox implements structural adjustments in order to improve profitability by    
combining functions and reducing overlappings.                                  

BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCING                                                     

By the end of March 2009 the Group balance sheet totaled EUR 119.7 million (EUR 
107.4 million). By the turn of the year the balance sheet total was EUR 118.1   
million. The Group's net financing costs totaled EUR 0.4 million (EUR 0.5       
million), i.e. 0.8% (1.3%) of the net sales. Net cash flow from operating       
activities was negative being EUR -1.5 million (EUR 8.7 million). The equity    
ratio was 30.1 % (30.7 %) and at the end of the previous financial year (31     
December 2008) it was 32.3 %.                                                   


Larox Group's investments totaled EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.6 million) including,  
IT applications, product development and replacement investments.               


The average number of personnel employed by the Group during the review period  
was 581 (490). At the end of the review period it was 581 (495) of whom 274     
(229) worked for the parent company. Employee negotiations and operational      
adjustments have not had influence on personnel number yet. At the turn of the  
fiscal year the number of Group personnel totaled 593 and 279 in the parent     

CHANGES IN GROUP STRUCTURE                                                      

There was no change in Group structure during the review period.                

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

During 1 January 2009 to 31 March 2009 trading in shares totaled 328,527,       
which is 3.5 % of the total number of shares. The value of shares traded was EUR
2.1 million. During the review period the lowest share price was EUR 4.79       
and the highest was EUR 7.30. The closing price of the share was 6.01 and       
the total market value of the shares was EUR 56.4 million. At the end of        
March there were 1.958 shareholders.                                            


The Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Larox Corporation on 26 March 
2009 confirmed the annual financial statements of the company and the Group. A  
dividend of 0.30 euro per share, in total EUR 2.8 million, was distributed in   
accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors. Mr. Timo Vartiainen, Ms.
Katariina Aaltonen, Mr. Teppo Taberman, Mr. Thomas Franck and Mr. Matti Ruotsala
were re-elected to the Board. Mr. Timo Vartiainen was elected Chairman of the   
Board in the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors held immediately  
after the annual general meeting of shareholders. Larox Corporation annual      
general meeting of shareholders elected the auditing society                    
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy as auditors, the primary responsibility resting with  
APA Kim Karhu.                                                                  

OF SHAREHOLDERS                                                                 

The annual general meeting of shareholders authorized the Board of Directors to 
decide within their discretion on the payment of a possible additional dividend 
of EUR 0.20 per share at the maximum, should the economic situation of the      
company allow it. The Board of Directors can decide on the dividend in question 
by 31 December 2009. The possible additional dividend based on the decision of  
the Board of Directors will be paid to the shareholder, who is registered in the
shareholders' registry maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd. on the matching day 
of dividend payment. The Board of Directors will decide on the matching day of  
the dividend payment as well as the payment day of the dividend.                

The annual general meeting of shareholders authorized the Board of Directors to 
decide on the purchase of own B-series shares in the following way: The number  
of own B-series shares to be purchased is 500.000 shares at the maximum. The    
Board of Directors can purchase these shares only by using the company's        
unrestricted shareholders' equity in public trading arranged by Nasdaq OMX      
Helsinki Ltd. at fair value at the date of acquisition in a proportion not pro  
rata to the shares owned by the shareholders. The authorization is valid for 18 
months from the date of the decision by the annual meeting of shareholders.     

The Board of Directors of Larox Corporation decided on 26 March 2009 on a       
directed share issue for the reward payment from the measuring period 2007-2008 
of the Share Ownership Plan 2007-2010. In the share issue 44,350 Larox          
Corporation new B shares will be issued and conveyed without consideration to   
the key persons participating in the Share Ownership Plan according to the terms
and conditions of the plan. The decision on the directed share issue is based on
the authorization granted to the Board of Directors by the annual general       
meeting of shareholders held on 30 March 2007. This decision was announced on 26
March 2009.                                                                     

RISKS AND UNCERTAINTY FACTORS                                                   

Risk management is part of Larox Group's management and control system. It aims 
to prevent negative phenomena, support the Group strategy and ensure continuity 
of its operations and the wellbeing of its personnel. According to Larox risks  
management system risks are divided into the following four risk categories:    
commercial, operational, financial risks and risk of damage.                    

Larox operates on a global market where global economic trends affect its       
business development, even though it is not at the mercy of changes in some     
particular market area. The recent political unrest in sub-equatorial Africa    
has caused the most uncertainty in Larox's business. Larox established          
subsidiaries in both China and Russia, the global economic crisis adds          
challenges the new subsidiaries are facing.                                     

The demand risk of Larox products has increased essentially because of the      
global economic challenges. The uncertainty in demand, which appeared at the    
end of 2008, is expected to continue during the year of 2009. The international 
crisis has decreased Larox's customers' interest in investments and their       
operational volumes when at the same time some customers are starting economic  
measurements, this all causing the increase in competition to continue. There   
are certain branches of industry in Larox's clientele where no effects of the   
economic crisis have been noticed, such as the food and pharmaceutical          
industries. Larox manages risks related to purchasing and manufacturing already 
at contract level by tying raw material costs to materials cost index.          
Furthermore Larox will inspect and control its subcontractors even more than    
before in accordance with quality systems and by developing logistics. In       
addition, Larox aims to expand its cooperation networks. Along with the economic
crisis the availability of supplier resources has increased.                    

The constant uncertainty about the financial situation of customer companies has
increased Larox's credit loss risk, too. Larox attempts to control these risks  
by applying more suitable payment terms, by monitoring operations actively and  
by reacting to payment delays more efficiently. On the initiative of some       
customers Larox has negotiated and agreed on the postponement of some orders in 
the order backlog to a later date than originally agreed. Larox's aim is that   
the company gets interest on the invested capital of the postponed deliveries   
and a compensation for the warehousing of the goods.                            

The euro, U.S. dollar, Australian dollar and South African rand are Larox's main
invoicing currencies. Larox's principal buying currency is the euro. Larox      
fights off currency risks by means of various protective measures. The          
fluctuation of exchange rates of Larox's main currencies makes the management of
currency risks more difficult.                                                  

Larox fights off the risk of damage by following various occupational health    
and safety schemes and by preparing other strategies and plans for business     
premises, and by supervising the implementation of these strategies and plans.  
According to Larox, traffic and other accidents and illnesses during business   
trips pose the greatest risk of damage. Larox attempts to prevent these risks   
by detailed codes of practice as well as vaccinations and other health care     
measures. During the review period there have not been savage personnel damages 
or other accidents, which could seriously risk Larox ability to do business.    

Further information about risks and risk management is presented in the Group's 
Internet pages ( in the section of Corporate Governance.          

OUTLOOK FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR                                                

The instability in the world economy causes uncertainty in the demand situation.
Due to this outlook for the rest of the year is very difficult to predict and   
the estimation includes more uncertainty than usual. The net sales of the Group 
are expected to clearly decrease in comparison to the previous year. The Group  
is obligated to adjust its costs in order to be able to maintain satisfactory   
level in profitability.                                                         

Lappeenranta on 23 April 2009                                                   

Larox Corporation                                                               
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information please contact                                          
Mr. Topi Karppanen                                                              
President & CEO                                                                 

Tel +358 (0) 207 687 210                                                        
Fax   +358 (0) 207 687 277                                                      

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd, central media                                                                                      

NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT                                                     

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS recognition and   
measurement principles. The review is not prepared in accordance with all the   
requirements of IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting -standard. Larox has applied 
the same accounting principles in this Annual Report as in Annual Report 2008.  
In addition new requirements of IAS 1 and IFRS 8 standards have been applied    
since 1 January 2009. The contents of the changes in standards and              
interpretations are presented more detailed in Annual Report 2008. Other        
reversed or new standards or interpretations have no material impact on the     
financial statement of the Group.                                               

The preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the
use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and 
liabilities and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting
period. The estimates are based on management's best knowledge of current events
and actions but actual results may differ from these estimates.                 

All below figures in the financial statements have been adjusted and therefore  
the added sum of individual figures may differ from the presented added figure. 
Annual reporting information included in this release is unaudited.             

| INCOME STATEMENT                |              |             |               |
| 1 000 EUR                       |     1-3/2009 |    1-3/2008 |     1-12/2008 |
| Net sales                       |       43 292 |      37 563 |       207 995 |
| Other operating income          |          478 |         859 |         4 230 |
| Materials                       |      -21 063 |     -18 088 |      -107 971 |
| External services               |       -2 194 |      -1 821 |       -11 146 |
| Employee benefits expense       |       -9 674 |      -8 191 |       -36 360 |
| Depreciation, amortization &    |       -1 001 |        -884 |        -3 808 |
| impairment losses               |              |             |               |
| Other operating expenses        |       -6 736 |      -6 712 |       -36 322 |
| OPERATING PROFIT                |        3 103 |       2 726 |        16 618 |
| Financial income                |          325 |         518 |           655 |
| Financial expenses              |         -655 |      -1 137 |        -3 778 |
| Share of profit/loss in         |          -30 |         105 |           462 |
| associates                      |              |             |               |
| PROFIT/LOSS BEFORE TAX          |        2 743 |       2 212 |        13 957 |
| Income tax expense              |         -823 |        -883 |        -3 935 |
| PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD      |        1 919 |       1 329 |        10 022 |
| Profit for the period           |        1 919 |       1 329 |        10 022 |
| attributable to equity holders  |              |             |               |
| of the parent company           |              |             |               |
| Earnings per share attributable |              |             |               |
| to equity holders of the parent |              |             |               |
| company                         |              |             |               |
| EPS basic (EUR)                 |         0.20 |        0.14 |          1.07 |
| EPS diluted (EUR)               |         0.20 |        0.14 |          1.07 |
| STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE      |     1-3/2009 |    1-3/2008 |     1-12/2008 |
| INCOME                          |              |             |               |
| 1 000 EUR                       |              |             |               |
| Profit for the period           |        1 919 |       1 329 |        10 022 |
| OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME      |              |             |               |
| Gains/ losses  recognized       |              |             |               |
| directly in equity              |              |             |               |
| Cash flow hedges excluding      |           10 |          48 |          -208 |
| taxes,(taxes 1-3/2009 4,        |              |             |               |
| 1-3/2008 17, 1-12/2008 -73)     |              |             |               |
| Currency translation            |          575 |        -591 |        -1 269 |
| differences                     |              |             |               |
| Total other comprehensive       |          585 |        -543 |        -1 477 |
| income                          |              |             |               |
| TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR  |        2 505 |         786 |         8 545 |
| THE PERIOD                      |              |             |               |
| Total comprehensive income      |        2 505 |         786 |         8 545 |
| attributable to equity holders  |              |             |               |
| of the parent company           |              |             |               |

| STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION,     |           |             |             |
| IFRS                                 |           |             |             |
| 1 000 EUR                            | 31.3.2009 |   31.3.2008 |  31.12.2008 |
| ASSETS                               |           |             |             |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS                   |           |             |             |
| Intangible asssets                   |    18 776 |      18 596 |      18 998 |
| Goodwill                             |     2 946 |       2 818 |       2 843 |
| Property, plant and equipment        |    11 585 |       9 187 |      11 382 |
| Investments in associates            |     1 762 |       1 483 |       1 723 |
| Available-for-sale investments       |        23 |          23 |          23 |
| Deferred tax asset                   |     5 113 |       5 407 |       5 063 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS             |    40 204 |      37 515 |      40 031 |
| CURRENT ASSET                        |           |             |             |
| Inventories                          |    27 998 |      29 867 |      28 191 |
| Trade receivables and other          |    47 678 |      37 224 |      46 555 |
| receivables                          |           |             |             |
| Current tax assets                   |     1 019 |         733 |       1 701 |
| Cash and bank                        |     2 830 |       2 037 |       1 661 |
| TOTAL CURRENT ASSET                  |    79 526 |      69 860 |      78 108 |
| TOTAL ASSET                          |   119 730 |     107 376 |     118 139 |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               |           |             |             |
| Share capital                        |     5 629 |       5 629 |       5 629 |
| Share premium account                |     5 777 |       5 777 |       5 777 |
| Other reserves                       |      -198 |          48 |        -208 |
| Translation differences              |      -107 |        -197 |        -205 |
| Retained earnings                    |    24 489 |      16 788 |      24 777 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                 |    35 590 |      28 044 |      35 770 |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES              |           |             |             |
| Deferred tax liability               |     4 692 |       2 578 |       4 111 |
| Long term financial liabilities      |    11 176 |      11 245 |      13 124 |
| Employee benefit obligations         |       631 |         584 |         594 |
| Non-current provisions               |     2 069 |         736 |       1 843 |
| TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES        |    18 568 |      15 143 |      19 672 |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES                  |           |             |             |
| Short term financial liabilities     |    30 428 |      17 418 |      25 144 |
| Trade payables and other payables    |    33 279 |      42 872 |      35 893 |
| Current tax liabilities              |       511 |       1 668 |         550 |
| Current provisions                   |     1 354 |       2 230 |       1 110 |
| TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES            |    65 572 |      64 188 |      62 697 |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         |   119 730 |     107 376 |     118 139 |

| STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW, IFRS      |             |             |              |
| 1 000 EUR                         |    1-3/2009 |    1-3/2008 |    1-12/2008 |
| Net profit/loss                   |       1 919 |       1 329 |       10 022 |
| Adjustments to the net            |       2 184 |       2 280 |       10 400 |
| profit/loss of the period         |             |             |              |
| Change in working capital         |      -5 803 |       6 306 |       -2 999 |
| Interest paid                     |        -407 |        -517 |       -1 848 |
| Interest income received          |         179 |          14 |           78 |
| Other financing items             |         -25 |         -84 |          253 |
| Income taxes paid                 |         450 |        -623 |       -5 058 |
| Net cash from operating           |      -1 503 |       8 705 |       10 848 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Net cash used in investment       |        -633 |        .566 |       -6 228 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Increase in loans                 |       5 850 |       8 349 |       27 356 |
| Decrease in loans                 |      -2 585 |     -16 114 |      -26 129 |
| Repayment of finance lease        |         -13 |         -39 |          -88 |
| liabilities                       |             |             |              |
| Dividends paid                    |             |             |       -5 629 |
| Net cash used in financing        |       3 252 |      -7 804 |       -4 490 |
| activities                        |             |             |              |
| Change in cash and cash           |       1 116 |         224 |          131 |
| equivalents                       |             |             |              |
| Operating balance of cash and     |       1 661 |       1 812 |        1 812 |
| cash equivalents                  |             |             |              |
| Effect of the foreign exchange    |          53 |           0 |         -282 |
| rates                             |             |             |              |
| Closing balance of cash and cash  |       2 830 |       2 037 |        1 661 |
| equivalents                       |             |             |              |

| CHANGE IN       |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| SHAREHOLDERS'   |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| EQUITY          |           |        |         |        |          |         |
|              Equity belonging to parent company's shareholders               |
|  1-3/2008       |           |        |                                       |
| 1 000 EUR       | Share     | Share  | Hedging | Trans  | Retai    | Total   |
|                 | cap       | issue  | res.    | ation  | ned      |         |
|                 | ital      | premiu |         | diff.  | ear      |         |
|                 |           | m      |         |        | nings    |         |
|                 |           |        |         |        |          |         |
|                 |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                         |
| 1.JAN 2008                                                                   |
|                 |     5 629 |  5 777 |         |   -127 |   21 566 |  32 845 |
| Dividend        |           |        |         |        |   -5 629 |  -5 629 |
| distribution    |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| Share-based     |           |        |         |        |       42 |      42 |
| payments        |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| Total           |           |        |      48 |    -70 |      809 |     786 |
| comprehensive   |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| income for the  |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| period          |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                         |
| 31 MAR  2008                                                                 |
|                 |     5 629 |  5 777 |      48 |   -197 |   16 788 |  28 044 |
|                 |           |        |         |        |          |         |
|              Equity belonging to parent company's shareholders               |
|  1-3/2009       |     |                                                      |
| 1 000 EUR       | Share     | Share  | Hedging | Trans  | Retai    | Total   |
|                 | cap       | issue  | res.    | ation  | ned      |         |
|                 | ital      | premiu |         | diff.  | ear      |         |
|                 |           | m      |         |        | nings    |         |
|                 |           |        |         |        |          |         |
|                 |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                         |
| 1.JAN 2009                                                                   |
|                 |     5 629 |  5 777 |    -208 |   -205 |   24 777 |  35 770 |
| Dividend        |           |        |         |        |   -2 814 |  -2 814 |
| distribution    |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| Share-based     |           |        |         |        |      130 |     130 |
| payments        |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| Total           |           |        |      10 |     98 |    2 397 |   2 505 |
| comprehensive   |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| income for the  |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| period          |           |        |         |        |          |         |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                                         |
| 31 MAR 2009                                                                  |
|                 |     5 629 |  5 777 |    -198 |   -107 |   24 490 |  35 590 |

KEY RATIOS OF LAROX GROUP                                                       

| 1 000 EUR                             |  1-3/2009 |   1-3/2008 |   1-12/2008 |
| New orders                            |    27 982 |     53 317 |     184 799 |
| Group order backlog, end of the       |    57 029 |    109 183 |      72 006 |
| period                                |           |            |             |
| Net sales                             |    43 292 |     37 563 |     207 995 |
| Operating profit                      |     3 103 |      2 726 |      16 618 |
| % of net sales                        |       7.2 |        7.3 |         8.0 |
| Net financing costs                   |       360 |        514 |       2 661 |
| % of net sales                        |       0.8 |        1.4 |         1.3 |
| Result before taxes                   |     2 743 |      2 212 |      13 957 |
| Result for the period                 |     1 919 |      1 329 |      10 022 |
| EPS basic and diluted (EUR)           |      0.20 |       0.14 |        1.07 |
| Investments                           |       633 |        625 |       7 402 |
| Shareholders' equity per share at the |      3.79 |       2.99 |        3.81 |
| end of the period (EUR)               |           |            |             |
| Equity ration %                       |      30.1 |       30.7 |        32.3 |
| Contingent liabilities (EUR million)  |      43.8 |       27.7 |        44.2 |
| Trading price at the end of period,   |      6.01 |      10.94 |        4.60 |
| (EUR)                                 |           |            |             |
| Market capitalization at the end of   |           |            |             |
| period,                               |           |            |             |
| EUR million *)                        |      56.4 |      102.6 |        43.2 |
| Personnel, average                    |       581 |        490 |         562 |
| Personnel at the end of the period    |       581 |        495 |         593 |
| Net sales/employer                    |        75 |         77 |         370 |

*) The price of the A share is based on the B share's last trading rate of the  
reporting period (weighted average).                                            

KEY FIGURES BY QUARTERS                                                         

|                     |     2009 |     2008 |     2008 |      2008 |      2008 |
| 1 000 EUR           |      1-3 |    10-12 |      7-9 |       4-6 |       1-3 |
| New orders          |   27 982 |   25 817 |   53 759 |    51 906 |    53 317 |
| Group order backlog |   57 029 |   72 006 |  110 087 |   115 675 |   109 183 |
| Net sales           |   43 292 |   64 079 |   58 804 |    47 548 |    37 563 |
| Operating profit    |    3 103 |    4 908 |    5 524 |     3 460 |     2 726 |
| % of net sales      |      7.2 |      7.7 |      9.4 |       7.3 |       7.3 |
| Net financing costs |      360 |    1 182 |      732 |       233 |       514 |
| % of net sales      |      0.8 |      1.8 |      1.2 |       0.5 |       1.4 |
| Result before taxes |    2 743 |    3 726 |    4 792 |     3 227 |     2 212 |
| Result for the      |    1 919 |    2 828 |    3 317 |     2 548 |     1 329 |
| quarter             |          |          |          |           |           |
| EPS basic and diluted          |     0.30 |     0.35 |      0.27 |      0.14 |
| 0.20                           |          |          |           |           |

DIVIDEND PAYMENT                                                                

Based on the resolution of the annual general meeting of shareholders held      
on 26 March 2009 a dividend of EUR 0.30 per share will be paid; a total of      
EUR 2.814.480. The dividends will be paid on 20 May 2009.                       


| Property, plant and equipment   |              |              |              |
|                                 |    31.3.2009 |    31.3.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Acquisition cost                |       32 762 |       29 520 |       29 520 |
| Translation differences         |          -43 |         -172 |         -349 |
| Additions                       |          829 |          270 |        1 226 |
| Acquisition of subsidiary       |              |              |        2 938 |
| Disposals                       |              |              |          -33 |
| Acquisition cost                |       33 548 |       29 618 |       32 762 |
| Cumulative depreciations        |      -21 380 |      -20 263 |      -20 263 |
| Translation differences         |         -207 |          165 |          279 |
| Depreciation for the period     |         -376 |         -333 |       -1 394 |
| Cumul depr, end of period       |      -21 963 |      -20 431 |      -21 380 |
| Carrying value, end of period   |       11 585 |        9 187 |       11 382 |
| Intangible assets (excluding    |              |              |              |
| goodwill)                       |              |              |              |
|                                 |    31.3.2009 |    31.3.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Acquisition cost                |       32 488 |       29 858 |       29 858 |
| Translation differences         |           17 |          -32 |           18 |
| Additions                       |          408 |          354 |        1 763 |
| Acquisition of subsidiary       |              |              |          850 |
| Disposals                       |              |              |            0 |
| Acquisit. cost, end of period   |       32 913 |       30 180 |       32 488 |
| Cumulative depreciations        |      -13 490 |      -11 062 |      -11 062 |
| Translation differences         |          -23 |           29 |          -14 |
| Depreciation for the period     |         -625 |         -551 |       -2 414 |
| Cumul depr, end of period       |      -14 138 |      -11 584 |      -13 490 |
| Carrying value, end of period   |       18 775 |       18 596 |       18 998 |

SEGMENT REPORTING                                                               

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal        
reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker who is responsible for 
allocating resources and assessing performance of the segment. The chief        
operating decision maker of Larox Group has been identified as the CEO of Larox 
Group, currently Mr. Topi Karppanen.                                            

Business operations of Larox Group are managed as one operational entity, solid 
liquid separation. The segment is based on customer life-cycle model.           

| Solid and liquid           | 1.1.-31.3.     | 1.1.-31.3.      | 1.1.-31.12.  |
| separation                 | 2009           | 2008            | 2008         |
|                            |                |                 |              |
| Net sales                  |         43 767 |          36 966 |      207 491 |
| Other operating income     |            261 |           1 312 |        2 259 |
| Materials                  |        -21 178 |         -18 263 |     -107 073 |
| External services          |         -1 954 |          -1 857 |      -11 146 |
|                            |                |                 |              |
| Employee benefits expenses |         -8 878 |          -7 492 |      -34 017 |
| Other operating expenses   |         -7 769 |          -7 411 |      -36 775 |
| Depreciations              |         -1 119 |            -884 |       -4 116 |
| Operating profit           |          3 131 |           2 371 |       16 623 |
|                            |                |                 |              |
| Financing                  |           -344 |            -513 |       -2 523 |
|                            |                |                 |              |
| Profit / loss before taxes |          2 787 |           1 858 |       14 100 |
| Operating profit %         |            7.2 |             6.4 |          8.0 |


| 1 000 EUR                 |               |                 |                |
| 1.1.-31.3.2009            | Segment       | Non allocated   | IFRS           |
|                           | information   | amounts *)      |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Net sales                 |        43 767 |            -475 |         43 292 |
| Operating profit          |         3 131 |             -28 |          3 103 |
| Profit / loss before      |         2 787 |             -44 |          2 743 |
| taxes                     |               |                 |                |
| 1.1.-31.3.2008            | Segment       | Non allocated   | IFRS           |
|                           | information   | amounts*)       |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Net sales                 |        36 966 |             597 |         37 563 |
| Operating profit          |         2 371 |             355 |          2 726 |
| Profit / loss before      |         1 858 |             354 |          2 212 |
| taxes                     |               |                 |                |
| 1.1.-31.12.2008           | Segment       | Non allocated   | IFRS           |
|                           | information   | amounts*)       |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Net sales                 |       207 491 |             504 |        207 995 |
| Operating profit          |        16 623 |              -5 |         16 618 |
| Profit / loss before      |        14 100 |            -143 |         13 957 |
| taxes                     |               |                 |                |

*) Unallocated amounts consist mainly of financial lease, hedging accounting and
foreign exchange rate differences. Internal reporting is not calculated         
according to IAS 17, IAS 32 or IAS 39 standards in above reported amounts.      

COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES                                                   

| Loans secured by real estate and corporate      |               |            |
| mortgages                                       |               |            |
| 1 000 EUR                        |    31.3.2009 |     31.3.2008 | 31.12.2008 |
| Pension loans                    |              |               |            |
| Loans from financial             |       41 422 |        28 395 |     38 049 |
| institutions                     |              |               |            |
| Other loans                      |              |               |            |
| Total                            |       41 422 |        28 395 |     38 049 |
| Real estate mortgages            |        6 560 |         6 560 |      6 560 |
|                                  |              |               |            |
| Corporate mortgages, general     |        3 936 |         3 936 |      3 936 |
| pledging                         |              |               |            |
| Corporate mortgages, specific    |        9 062 |         9 062 |      9 062 |
| pledging                         |              |               |            |
| Total                            |       19 558 |        19 558 |     19 558 |
| Guarantees for others            |              |               |            |
|  Pledged securities  *)          |       13 511 |         9 111 |     13 511 |
|  Others                          |          161 |           124 |        161 |
| Total                            |       13 672 |         9 235 |     13 672 |
| *) Book value of secured shares                 |               |            |
| Other liabilities                |              |               |            |
| Operating lease liabilities 1    |         993  |         1 116 |      1 094 |
| 000 EUR                          |              |               |            |
| Lease liabilities 1 000 EUR      |        9 784 |           950 |      9 889 |


| 1 000 EUR                      |    31.3.2009 |     31.3.2008 |   31.12.2008 |
| Currency derivatives:          |          868 |         6 718 |            0 |
| Currency options               |        7 390 |        11 315 |        7 033 |
| Forward contracts              |              |               |              |
| Fair value                     |         -209 |           591 |         -402 |
| Nominal value                  |        8 258 |        18 034 |        7 033 |

Related party transactions                                                      

| 1 000 EUR                  | 1.1.-31.3.     | 1.1.-31.3.    | 1.1.-31.12.    |
|                            | 2009           | 2008          | 2008           |
| Transactions with          |                |               |                |
| associated                 |                |               |                |
| Companies                  |                |               |                |
| Sales of goods and         |              5 |               |             15 |
| services                   |                |               |                |
| Purchases of goods and     |            492 |         1 203 |          2 736 |
| services                   |                |               |                |
| Other transactions with    |                |               |                |
| related                    |                |               |                |
| Parties                    |                |               |                |
| Purchases of services      |             10 |             5 |             20 |
| Balances with associated   |                |               |                |
| companies                  |                |               |                |
| Trade receivables          |              9 |            13 |             16 |
| Other receivables          |            124 |               |                |
| Trade payables             |            716 |           512 |            236 |

CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES                                                      
Equity ratio, % =                                                               

Shareholders' equity                                                            
---------------------------------	x 100                                         
Total assets - advances received                                                

Earnings per share =                                                            

Net profit                                                                      
Adjusted average number of shares                                               
during the period                                                               

Market capitalization at the end of the period =                                

Number of shares at the end of the period x trading price at the end of the     
period weighted by the number of shares traded                                  

Larox develops, designs and manufactures industrial filters and is a            
leading technology company in its field. Larox is a full service solution       
provider in filtration for separating solids from liquids. It supplies          
comprehensive aftermarket services throughout the lifespan of the Larox         
solution. Companies world-wide in mining and metallurgy, chemical processing    
and related industries benefit from the Larox technologies. Larox operates      
in over 40 countries and has over 580 employees. Larox Group is headquartered   
in Lappeenranta, Finland where the Group also has production facilities. Net    
sales in 2008 totaled 208.0 million euros, of which more than 93 % were         
generated by exports and the company's foreign operations.


20090423 larox corporation interim report 1.1.-31.3.2009.pdf