Major hospital in Portugal signs multi-year agreement with Sectra

Major hospital in Portugal signs multi-year agreement with Sectra

Hospital de São João, one of Portugal's largest hospitals, has selected the IT
and medical-technology company Sectra as its provider of PACS products and

Throughout the agreement, Sectra will supply PACS solutions and direct service
and support to Hospital de São João. With this order, Sectra is the main
contractor in digital radiology solutions for all five public hospitals in

Hospital de São João is located in Porto, the second-largest city in Portugal.
In total, the hospital performs approximately 300,000 examinations annually, a
figure that is projected to grow to 400,000 over the next few years with the
integration of other clinical departments such as gastro-enterology, cardiology
and other image-producing departments. 

“Sectra has extensive experience in delivering and servicing mission-critical IT
systems,” says Afonso Pedrosa, IT Manager at Hospital de São João. “It is
obvious that, over the years, Sectra has developed a deep understanding of
radiology operations and will be able to meet our future needs, ensuring
high-quality support for our operations.”
“Being the main contractor for all public hospitals in Porto demonstrates the
true strength of Sectra's competitive position and our commitment to fulfilling
our customers' needs, and highlights the skill and dedication of our highly
professional team,” says Carlos Cardoso, President of Sectra Iberia.

Dr. Torbjörn Kronander, President, Sectra Imtec AB, +46 705 23 52 27 
Dr. Jan-Olof Brüer, CEO and President, Sectra AB, +46 13 23 52 09

About Sectra's medical operations
Sectra develops and sells IT-systems and products for radiology, mammography and
orthopedic departments. More than 1000 hospitals worldwide use the system daily,
together performing over 45 million radiology examinations annually. This makes
Sectra one of the world leading companies within systems for handling digital
radiology images (PACS). In Scandinavia, Sectra is the market leader with more
than 50% of all film-free installations. Outside Scandinavia, Sectra's system is
installed at customers in North America and most major countries in Europe and
the Far East.

About the Sectra Group
Sectra successfully develops and sells cutting-edge products in the expansive
niche segments of medical systems and secure communication systems.  The company
was founded in 1978 and has its roots in the Linköping Institute of Technology
in Sweden.  Today, Sectra has offices in twelve countries and operates through
partners worldwide. Sales in the 2007/2008 fiscal year totaled SEK 743 million.
The Sectra share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB exchange. For more
information, visit

