Notification on change of holdings accordance with the Securities Markets Act

Tiimari Plc.      Stock exchange release April 27, 2009 at 10.40 AM             


Tiimari Plc Board of Directors has resolved and announced on April 23, 2009 the 
allocation of the new shares in the directed issue to the investors             
participating in it. Tiimari has been informed that based on the allocation of  
the directed issue the share of shares and voting rights of Primate Oy would be 
over 1/20.                                                                      

Under Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act, we hereby announce   
the following:                                                                  

1 Identification data of the share issuer:                                      
Tiimari Plc, corporate ID 0106264-1                                             

2 Grounds for the notification:                                                 
Tiimari Plc's directed issue                                                    

3 Full names of the entities under obligation to notify:                        
Primate Oy, corporate ID 2187474-3                                              

4 Date of transaction and date on which the ownership was determined:           
April 24, 2009, when the allocation of the directed issue was determined        

5 Threshold for notification which the number of shares and voting rights has   
been reached:                                                                   
The share of shares and voting rights for Primate Oy will be more than 1/20     

6 Information to be notified:                                                   
The shares and the voting rights attached thereto upon the implementation of the

Situation before the arrangement that leads to the change of holdings:          
The number and share of shares and voting rights was 0                          

Situation after the arrangement that leads to the change of holdings:           
The number of shares and voting rights 825,000, share of the shares and votes   

The registered share capital of Tiimari Plc at the date of this notification    
comprises 11,311,070 shares and and as a result of the directed issue the number
of shares will be 16,486,605 shares.                                            

Tiimari Plc                                                                     
Hannu Krook                                                                     

Further information: CEO Hannu Krook                                            
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail                           

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                               
important news media                                                            

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of three retail shop        
concepts: Tiimari, Gallerix and Paperazzi. These three concepts do business in  
eight countries within the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300
shops. All three concepts belong to the forerunners of their market segment. In 
the corporation there is also a company called Tiimore Oy which specialises in  
corporate gifts and sales promotion solutions.