Invitation to press conference

Invitation to press conference 

Journalists and analysts are hereby invited to a press conference where Eniro
will present its Q1 2009 results and announced rights issue. Jesper Kärrbrink,
President and CEO, and Jan Johansson, CFO, will present and answer questions.
The press conference will be conducted in English and will be webcasted at

Press and analyst conference
Date: April 27, 2009
Time: 10.30 CET
Place: Hotel Anglais, Humlegårdsgatan 23, Stockholm - room “Birk”
Call-in number: SE +46 (0)8 5051 3785, UK +44 (0)20 7138 0826 
Confirmation Code: 3607644

Eniro also invites to a News wire conference call 
Date: April 27, 2009
Time: 8.15 CET
Call-in number: SE +46 (0)856 619 338, UK +44 (0) 1452 555 566
Confirmation Code: 97250678

For further information: 
Åsa Wallenberg, Head of IR & Communication, tel. +46 8 553 310 66, mobile +46 70
361 34 09
Emma Grönlund, Press manager, Eniro AB, +46 8 553 310 75, mobile + 46 76 105 48

Eniro is the leading directory and search company in the Nordic media market.
Eniro's search database connects sellers to buyers and makes it easy to find
people using Online, Offline Media and Voice channels. Eniro has operations in
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Poland.

Eniro is listed on OMX NASDAQ Stockholm and has some 5,000 employees. In 2008,
revenues amounted to SEK 6,645 M, with EBITDA of SEK 2,064 M.

