Sale of two properties

Published to the OMX Nordic Exchange via Company News Service on 29 April 2009

Sale of two properties

Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S has via its subsidiary in Sweden
sold two properties. The sales price amounts to 105.6 mSEK. 

The Properties are located at Värnamo, Rosen 1 and Bollnäs, Älgen 4.

The properties comprise an area of 13,750 m² and a budgeted yearly rental
income of approximately 13 m SEK. 

The sales price exceeds the booked value as per 31. 12. 2008 with 11%

The buyers of the two properties are locally based investors, which proves that
investors are to be identified locally. 

The properties are sold with effect from beginning of April 2009.

Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary Klaus T.
W. Lund, on phone +45 3378 4000. 

