Buyback of C shares within framework of 2009 Share Bonus Programme

Buyback of C shares within framework of 2009 Share Bonus Programme

In accordance with the previous decision of the Annual General Meeting, Sweco AB
has decided to increase its holding of treasury shares. The shares will be used
within the 2009 Share Bonus Programme.

The Board of Sweco AB, with the support of an authorisation granted by the
Annual General Meeting on 16 April 2009, has today decided to make an offer to
the subscriber of class C shares in Sweco AB, i.e. HQ Bankaktiebolag. The offer
is part of the implementation of Sweco's 2009 Share Bonus Programme and includes
all 2,500,000 class C shares issued by Sweco AB. The shares will be acquired
during the period from 15 May to 19 June 2009.  
Compensation for the acquired shares will be paid as a cash price of SEK 1 per
class C share.
Sweco AB currently holds 2,357,867 treasury shares. 
HQ Bankaktiebolag has notified Sweco of its intention to accept the offer.
When all of the 2,500,000 class C shares have been acquired, the Board of Sweco
AB intends to convert these to class B shares.

For further information please contact:
Fredrik Hedlund, Head of communication at Sweco, +46 8 6956612, +46 734 126612,

Sweco is a provider of international consulting engineering services with
combined expertise in engineering, environmental technology and architecture.
The Group has annual sales of approximately SEK 5.5 billion and 5,400 employees
in ten countries. The company has projects currently underway in some 80
countries worldwide. Sweco is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB.

The information contained herein is subject to the disclosure requirements in
the Swedish Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or the Financial
Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted by Sweco for publication
at 2.30 pm on May 15.

