NeuroSearch A/S - Share purchase programme

In announcement no. 15-09 from 7 May 2009, NeuroSearch announced the launch of
a share purchase programme under which the company will buy own shares for an
amount of up to DKK 50 million during 2009. 

The programme is structured according to European Commission Regulation No
2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, also referred to as the “Safe Harbour” rules,
for the purchase of own shares. 

In the past week, since the issue of announcement no. 15-09, the following
transactions have been made under NeuroSearch's share purchase programme: 

Accumulated share purchase / Number of shares	/ Average price (DKK)/ 
Transaction value (DKK)

11 May 2009	6,000	110.17	661,020
12 May 2009	5,000	111.42	557,100
13 May 2009	6,800	107.31	729,708
14 May 2009	4,000	100.88	403,520
15 May 2009	4,000	104.90	419,600
Total 	        25,800	107.40	2,770,948

With the purchased amount of shares as stated above, NeuroSearch now holds a
total of 25,800 treasury shares of DKK 20 nominal value each, corresponding to
0.16% of the total number of 16,274,030 issued shares in NeuroSearch A/S. 

An amount of DKK 47,229,052 remains to be used under the share purchase
programme. Based on the closing price on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen on Friday 15 May
2009, this corresponds to a maximum of 441,393 additional NeuroSearch shares to
be bought under the programme. 

Flemming Pedersen

Contact persons:
Flemming Pedersen, CEO, telephone: +45 4460 8214 or +45 2148 0118
Hanne Leth Hillman, Vice President, Director of Investor Relations & Corporate
Communications, telephone: +45 4460 8212 or +45 4017 5103 

NeuroSearch - Company profile  
NeuroSearch (NEUR) is a Scandinavian biopharmaceutical company listed on NASDAQ
OMX Copenhagen. The core business of the company covers the development of
novel pharmaceutical agents, based on a broad and well-established drug
discovery platform focusing on ion channels and central nervous system (CNS)
disorders. A substantial share of the activities is partner financed through
strategic alliances with Eli Lilly and Company and GlaxoSmithKline and a
license collaboration with Abbott. The drug pipeline comprises seven clinical
(Phase I-III) development programmes: ACR16 for Huntington's disease (Phase
III), tesofensine for obesity (Phase III ready), ABT-894 for ADHD (Phase II) in
partnership with Abbott, ACR325 to treat dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease
(Phase II ready), ACR343 for schizophrenia (Phase II ready), ABT-560 for the
treatment of various CNS disorders (Phase I) in collaboration with Abbott, and
NSD-788 for anxiety/depression (Phase I). In addition, NeuroSearch has a broad
portfolio of preclinical drug candidates and holds equity interests in several
biotech companies.


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