Moody's reviews Nykredit Bank's BFSR for downgrade

19  May 2009

The rating agency Moody's Investors Service has announced that the C+ bank
financial strength rating (BFSR) of Nykredit Bank A/S has been placed on review
for possible downgrade. The Aa3/Prime-1 deposit ratings of Nykredit Bank were
left unchanged with stable outlook. 

See Moody's announcement below.

Kim Duus, Group Managing Director, tel +45 44 55 10 25, or Nels Petersen, Head
of Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 70/+45 20 22 22 72. 

Moody's reviews Nykredit Bank's C+ BFSR for downgrade (Denmark)
London, 19 May 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service has today placed the C+ bank
financial strength rating  (BFSR) of Nykredit Bank A/S on review for possible
downgrade. The Aa3/Prime-1 debt and deposit ratings of Nykredit Bank and the
Aa3 issuer rating of Nykredit Realkredit were left unchanged with stable

Moody's rating action follows the announcement that Forstaedernes Bank
(unrated) will be merged into Nykredit Bank over the next year. Both banks are
currently owned by Nykredit Realkredit. 

Forstaedernes Bank is a regional Danish bank with a focus on retail lending and
savings in Greater Copenhagen. Prior to its acquisition by Nykredit Realkredit
in October 2008 for DKK1.8 billion, it had also rapidly expanded its lending
into property development and management to account for 26% of its total 
portfolio by the end of 2008.

Forstaedernes Bank had total assets at the end of March 2009 of DKK32.9 billion
(3% of the balance of Nykredit Realkredit and 16% of the balance of Nykredit
Bank). Forstaedernes Bank had posted a pre-tax loss of DKK 1.6billion in 2008
and DKK 0.8billion for Q1 2009 due to increased impairments. Nykredit Bank is
the banking arm of Nykredit Group and for Q1 2009 it accounted for
approximately 20% of the group pre-tax profit. It has a good standalone
franchise providing loans to Danish retail and corporate clients with a market
share of around 3% in Denmark and is one of the five largest banks in Denmark
in terms of assets. 

Moody's recognises that the merger of the two banking operations in the
Nykredit Group will create some synergies. However, Forstaedernes Bank has
historically had weaker financial fundamentals than those of Nykredit Bank. The
rating review will therefore focus on the combined group's earnings potential
forward, incorporating an assessment of potential cost synergies and whether
the franchise of Forstaedernes Bank has been damaged in relation to the large
levels of provisioning. The review will also examine the risk in the combined
entity due to the different risk levels of the two banks as well as projections
for asset quality going forward in light of the negative macroeconomic
developments in Denmark . Finally, the review will look at the capitalisation
of the combined entity and also the level of support implied by the parent

Moody's last rating action on Nykredit Bank was on 8 May 2007, when the
Aa3/Prime-1/C+ ratings with 
stable outlook were assigned.

The principal methodologies used in rating Nykredit Bank are "Bank Financial
Strength Ratings: Global 
Methodology" (February 2007) and "Incorporation of Joint-Default Analysis into
Moody's Bank Ratings: A 
Refined Methodology" (March 2007), which can be found at in the
Credit Policy & 
Methodologies directory, in the Ratings Methodologies sub-directory. Other
methodologies and factors that may have been considered in the process of
rating this issuer can also be found in the Credit Policy & 
Methodologies directory.

Headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, Nykredit Bank posted total assets of
DKK205 billion (EUR28 
billion) at the end of March 2009.