QPR builds success on the Microsoft platform

QPR builds success on the Microsoft platform                                    

As QPR has chosen the Microsoft ecosystem as the platform to specialize in its  
software products integrate well with MS products in all levels. This makes     
uploading QPR content into MS Office-documents and MS SharePoint portals easy.  
With QPR Add-in for Microsoft Office product report drafting even easy and      

The selection of Microsoft as the platform to specialize in is one of the three 
key strategic choices QPR has made. Thanks to this QPR's software products for  
Business Process and Performance management integrate easily to Microsoft       
products (e.g. to Windows Server, SQL Server, Office SharePoint Server, Office, 
SilverLight). With the QPR Add-in for Microsoft Office product it is possible to
create textual reports which automatically update their information from data   
bases managed by QPR software. Since 2007, QPR has been a Microsoft Gold        
Certificated partner.                                                           

“The management of organizations has for long pursued to encourage all employees
to apply process and performance management systems. Now that the tools, network
speed, information technology and users' IT competences have been enhanced,     
collaborative management is starting genuinely to take place. Keeping this in   
mind, we have built into our products a superior level of compatibility with    
Microsoft products - in data warehouse, operating system, intranet and even on  
the MS Office level”,  says Jari Jaakkola, CEO at QPR.                          

”Our users wish to have easy-to-use software that integrates well to tools      
familiar to them. The way QPR utilizes tools of Microsoft environment clearly   
lowers the threshold for the use of QPR software and increases the customer's   
benefit from their usage. QPR is one of our leading Finnish partner's in the    
Office Business Applications area. Thanks to the close co-operation we believe  
this position to preserve also in the future”, says Antti Kirmanen, product     
marketing manager at Microsoft Finland.                                         

Customers of QPR use Company's software in many central and business critical   
management areas.                                                               

”To QPR and our customers it is important to secure the reliability and         
interconnectivity of QPR software and solutions build on top of them.           
Microsoft's ongoing investments into its ecosystem guarantee the innovativeness 
and high quality of our solutions”, says Tony Virtanen, Vice President, Product 
and Technology at QPR Software Plc.                                             

QPR software is used by 1 500 customers around the world from the private as    
well as the public sector. Customer organizations systematically develop with
them their processes and performance. Customers may also use software to comply
with requirements set by regulation and standards or to manage operational
changes related to these. 

QPR has two software products based on own Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).  
QPR ScoreCard is used for strategy and performance management and QPR           
ProcessGuide for process modeling and analysis. Both products are localized to  
24 languages.                                                                   

About QPR Software Plc                                                          

QPR Software Plc is an international, highly regarded partner for enterprises   
and public sector in process development and business performance improvement.  
QPR's mission is to help people and organizations to take control of their      
business processes and achieve their goals. QPR software has been implemented in
more than 1,500 organizations across the globe and is provided in more than 20  
languages. QPR was founded in 1991, has its headquarters in Helsinki, Finland   
and co-operates with an extensive network of talented partners in over 50       
countries worldwide.QPR Software's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.  
(ticker: QPR1V).                                                                

QPR - Quality. Processes. Results.       www.qpr.com                            

For more information, please contact:                                           
Tony Virtanen, Vice President, Products &                                       
Tel. +358 (0) 40 7724 022                                                       