Consolidated interim report for Q1 2008

Business results             
In Q1 2009, consumer demand continued to weaken in all of Silvano Fashion       
Group's (“SFG” or the “Company”, and together with its subsidiaries the “Group”)
markets. Management estimates that the apparel market demand has decreased by   
approximately 30% and lingerie market by 25% as compared to the respective      
period in 2008. Accordingly, the growing proportion of retail operations in the 
Group's business has a negative effect on profitability due to lower consumer   
demand and growing distribution expenses.     
Retail operations in Russia, the major region for the retail expansion of the   
Group, demonstrated a minor increase in sales in Russian Rouble terms. Apparel  
retail performance in the Baltic countries is at the level of Q1 2008. In 2008, 
the management of the Group decided to close PTA apparel stores in Russia and to
focus on the development of lingerie retail chain mainly through franchising. In
Q1 2009, 11 PTA shops were closed in Russia. The remaining 2 shops will be      
closed in Q2 2009. PTA will continue its retail operations in Estonia, Latvia,  
Lithuania and Ukraine. The Ukrainian subsidiary of PTA has been restructured in 
Q1 2009 and the operational costs have significantly decreased. For the         
observable future, it is planned to continue Ukrainian apparel operations with  
existing 6 stores.                      
Due to the continuing economic downturn and based on the stores' performance up 
to date, the management decided that selected Oblicie stores will be closed in  
the first half of 2009. 2 lingerie shops were closed and 8 more shops will be   
closed or passed over to trading partners in Q2 - Q3 2009. The remaining stores 
are currently being rebranded into “Milavitsa” concept stores and the rebranding
will be finalized in the second half of 2009. The management believes that the  
rebranding will increase the contribution of “Milavitsa” brand name towards the 
overall performance of Russian lingerie retail and wholesale operations and will
develop and promote the Milavitsa brand in Russia.    
Financial performance            
The Group's sales amounted to EEK 288,179 thousand (EUR 18,418 thousand) in the 
3 months' period ended 31 March 2009, representing a 32.8% decline as compared  
to the respective period in the previous year. Overall wholesale and other sales
decreased by 42.7%, while retail operations presented a growth of 3.8%. The     
proportion of retail sales in total sales increased by 12.1% and reached 33.4%  
of total sales in Q1 2009.         
The Group's gross margin in the 3 months' period deteriorated and was 41.4%, as 
compared to 44.8% in the respective period in the previous year, mainly due to  
the decrease in retail gross margin profitability. The decrease is explained    
firstly by promotion campaigns offering discounts that were aimed towards       
improving demand and decreasing working capital levels in retail operations, and
secondly by the Group's inability to increase prices immediately after the      
devaluation of national currencies in Belarus and Russia.  
The consolidated reported operating loss amounted to EEK 8,997 thousand (EUR 575
thousand), representing a 116.2% decline compared to Q1 2008. The consolidated  
reported operating margin was -3.1% (13.0% in Q1 2008).          
In Q1 2009 the Group continued with the restructuring of Russian retail         
operations. One-off expenses related to Russian operations in Q1 2009 amounted  
to EEK 13,863 thousand (EUR 886 thousand) and partially related to initiatives  
started in prior periods. As at 31 March 2009 provision to cover future losses  
related to the retail chain restructuring amounted to EEK 20,059 thousand (EUR  
1,282 thousand). In addition, the loan receivable in the amount of EEK 15,772   
thousand (EUR 1,008 thousand) was fully provisioned based on the management's   
assessment of the recoverability of the loan. The expenses related to the       
provision have been recognized in other operating expenses in Q1 2009. The      
management will continue the actions to recover the loan balance.   
Considering restructuring expenses and loan write-off expenses, consolidated    
normalised operating profit amounted to EEK 20,638 thousand (EUR 1,319          
thousand), representing a 62.8% decline compared to Q1 2008. The consolidated   
normalised operating margin reached 7.2% (13.0% in Q1 2008). 
Consolidated net loss from foreign exchange rate fluctuations amounted to EEK   
892 thousand (EUR 57 thousand) in the 3 months' period ended 31 March 2009.     
Milavitsa accrued a foreign exchange gain in the amount of EEK 24,471 thousand  
(EUR 1,564 thousand)  that was mainly caused by intercompany trading in EUR     
terms, while Russian operations suffered a loss from foreign exchange rate      
fluctuations. Starting from April 2009, all trading to Russia is Russian Rouble 
denominated to minimise unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses within the 
Corporate income tax amounted to EEK 20,418 thousand (EUR 1,305 thousand) and   
effective tax rate for the Group increased. High effective tax rate is the      
result of Milavitsa's taxable profits being increased by foreign exchange gains,
and increased non-tax deductable expenses (mainly employee remuneration).  
Consolidated reported net loss attributable to equity holders amounted to EEK   
38,960 thousand (EUR 2,490 thousand), compared to net profit of EEK 14,035      
thousand (EUR 897 thousand) in Q1 2008; reported net margin was -13,5% (down    
from a positive margin of 3.3% in Q1 2008). Consolidated normalised net loss    
attributable to equity holders amounted to EEK 11,547 thousand (EUR 738         
thousand), compared to net profit of EEK 14,035 thousand (EUR 897 thousand) in  
Q1 2008; normalised net margin was -4.0% (down from a positive margin of 3.3% in
Q1 2008).         
In Q1 2009 the Group's return on equity was negative and amounted to -6.6% (1.9%
in Q1 2008) and return on assets was -3.4% (1.3% in Q1 2008).    
Financial position   
As of 31 March 2009 consolidated assets amounted to EEK 1,063,327 thousand (EUR 
67,959 thousand) representing a decrease of 12.0% as compared to the position as
of 31 December 2008. The value of total asset base in EUR terms was             
significantly impacted by the devaluation of the Belorussian Rouble which       
depreciated against the Euro by 21.5% in Q1 2009, decreasing the value of assets
based in Belarus in EUR terms.           
Property, plant and intangibles balances decreased by EEK 51,978 thousand       
(EUR 3,322 thousand) as compared to 31 December 2008, the key reason being the  
impact of the foreign exchange rate in the amount of EEK 44,844 thousand (EUR   
2,866 thousand).       
Trade receivables have increased by EEK 2,566 thousand (EUR 164 thousand) in Q1 
2009. Payment discipline of key customers in Russia improved during Q1 2009.    
Inventory balance decreased by EEK 41,150 thousand (EUR 2,630 thousand) and     
amounted to EEK 393,262 thousand (EUR 25,134 thousand) as at 31 March 2009.     
However, in local currency terms, the inventory balance remained at the level of
31 December 2008 and is assessed to be above the level required for the Group's 
trading. The management anticipates that the level of inventories will gradually
decrease in Q2 2009, and is taking appropriate measures.   
Foreign exchange fluctuations also left a negative impact on the Group's equity,
in the form of a negative change in currency translation difference in the      
amount of EEK 80,489 thousand (EUR 5,144 thousand). As the result of Splendo    
Polska Sp. z o.o. disposal, post acquisition retained loss was eliminated from  
the Group's consolidated equity, resulting in a positive contribution to equity 
in the amount of EEK 15,678 thousand (EUR 1,002 thousand). On the overall basis,
equity attributable to equity holders decreased by EEK 103,771 thousand (EUR    
6,632 thousand) and amounted to EEK 537,476 thousand (EUR 34,351 thousand) as of
31 March 2009.           
Current liabilities decreased by EEK 19,715 thousand (EUR 1,260 thousand) in the
3 months' period, remaining at the expected level.    
Current and non-current loans and borrowings increased by EEK 8,215 thousand    
(EUR 525 thousand) to EEK 142,666 thousand (EUR 9,118 thousand). Loans received 
and loans repaid during the 3 months' period amounted to EEK 47,362 thousand    
(EUR 3,027 thousand) and EEK 31,543 thousand (EUR 2,016 thousand) respectively, 
including finance lease liabilities of EEK 1,705 thousand (EUR 109 thousand). In
March 2009 an overdraft facility of PTA Grupp AS with Sampo Pank in the amount  
of EEK 5,007 thousand (EUR 320 thousand) was prolonged to April 2010 and loan   
facility in the amount of EEK 9,998 thousand (EUR 639 thousand) was prolonged   
until March 2010. Furthermore, in April 2009 a credit line facility of Lauma    
Lingerie AS was prolonged until July  2009 with Unicredit Bank in Latvia,       
decreasing the available facility's limit with the bank from EEK 39,117 thousand
(EUR 2,500 thousand) to EEK 31,293 thousand (EUR 2,000 thousand). Information on
maturity of current borrowings is presented in Note 8 to the summarized         
financial statements.    
Certain operational units of the Group require additional financing that was    
previously provided by the Parent company, AS Silvano Fashion Group. In Q1 2009 
financing by the Parent company towards subsidiaries was limited and cash flow  
management between companies within the Group increased in its importance.      
Despite strong overall financial position of the Group certain challenges exist 
in the Group's operational units financing considering the capital repatriation 
limitations of the Republic of Belarus limiting the maximum period of lending   
and trade financing to 180 days.           
Tax liabilities, other payables, including payables to employees, amounted to  
EEK 77,513 thousand (EUR 4,954 thousand). Provisions amounted to EEK 36,143     
thousand (EUR 2,310 thousand) as of 31 March 2009 and included provisions for   
the restructuring of Russian retail operations in the amount of EEK 20,059      
thousand (EUR 1,282 thousand).                                                  

Sales by business segments                                                      
|          |     3 |     3 | Chang |     3 |     3 | Chang |       3 |       3 |
|          | month | month |     e | month | month |     e |  months |  months |
|          |     s |     s |   EEK |     s |     s |   EUR |    2009 |    2008 |
|          |  2009 |  2008 | thous |  2009 |  2008 | thous | percent | percent |
|          |   EEK |   EEK |   and |   EUR |   EUR |   and |     age |     age |
|          | thous | thous |       | thous | thous |       |    from |    from |
|          |   and |   and |       |   and |   and |       |   sales |   sales |
| Women's  | 36,92 | 43,43 | -6,50 | 2,360 | 2,776 |  -416 |   12.8% |   10.1% |
| apparel  |     6 |     5 |     9 |       |       |       |         |         |
| Lingerie | 240,9 | 367,1 | -126, | 15,40 | 23,46 | -8,06 |   83.6% |   85.6% |
|          |    58 |    94 |   236 |     0 |     8 |     8 |         |         |
| Subcontr | 10,29 | 18,16 | -7,87 |   658 | 1,161 |  -503 |    3.6% |    4.3% |
| acting   |     5 |     6 |     1 |       |       |       |         |         |
| services |       |       |       |       |       |       |         |         |
| and      |       |       |       |       |       |       |         |         |
| other    |       |       |       |       |       |       |         |         |
| sales    |       |       |       |       |       |       |         |         |
| Total    | 288,1 | 428,7 | -140, | 18,41 | 27,40 | -8,98 |  100.0% |  100.0% |
|          |    79 |    95 |   616 |     8 |     5 |     7 |         |         |

Sales by markets  
In Q1 2009, the Group mainly focused on the Baltic, Russian, Belorussian and    
Ukrainian markets.   
Total sales by markets                                                          
|          |     3 |     3 | Chang |     3 |     3 | Chang |       3 |       3 |
|          | month | month |     e | month | month |     e |  months |  months |
|          |     s |     s |   EEK |     s |     s |   EUR |    2009 |    2008 |
|          |  2009 |  2008 | thous |  2009 |  2008 | thous | percent | percent |
|          |   EEK |   EEK |   and |   EUR |   EUR |   and |     age |     age |
|          | thous | thous |       | thous | thous |       |    from |    from |
|          |   and |   and |       |   and |   and |       |   sales |   sales |
| Estonia  | 25,47 | 37,11 | -11,6 | 1,628 | 2,372 |  -744 |    8.8% |    8.7% |
|          |     3 |     4 |    41 |       |       |       |         |         |
| Finland  | 6,118 | 14,94 | -8,82 |   391 |   955 |  -564 |    2.1% |    3.5% |
|          |       |     3 |     5 |       |       |       |         |         |
| Latvia   | 6,525 | 10,81 | -4,28 |   417 |   691 |  -274 |    2.3% |    2.5% |
|          |       |     2 |     7 |       |       |       |         |         |
| Belarus  | 70,72 | 70,17 |   548 | 4,520 | 4,485 |    35 |   24.5% |   16.4% |
|          |     3 |     5 |       |       |       |       |         |         |
| Ukraine  | 15,81 | 35,08 | -19,2 | 1,011 | 2,242 | -1,23 |    5.5% |    8.2% |
|          |     9 |     0 |    61 |       |       |     1 |         |         |
| Russia   | 142,1 | 223,4 | -81,3 | 9,082 | 14,28 | -5,19 |   49.3% |   52.1% |
|          |    02 |    49 |    47 |       |     1 |     9 |         |         |
| Other    | 21,41 | 37,22 | -15,8 | 1,369 | 2,379 | -1,01 |    7.5% |    8.6% |
| markets  |     9 |     2 |    03 |       |       |     0 |         |         |
| Total    | 288,1 | 428,7 | -140, | 18,41 | 27,40 | -8,98 |  100.0% |  100.0% |
|          |    79 |    95 |   616 |     8 |     5 |     7 |         |         |

Women's apparel      
In Q1 2009, women's apparel revenue decreased by 15.0% compared to Q1 2008,     
amounting to EEK 36,926 thousand (EUR 2,360 thousand). In the Baltics, revenue  
decreased by 1.2%, amounting to EEK 25,598 thousand (EUR 1,636 thousand).       
Revenue in Ukraine increased by 25.8% due to retail expansion, amounting to EEK 
4,428 thousand (EUR 283 thousand). Revenue in Russia decreased by 34.8%         
amounting to EEK 7,088 thousand (EUR 453 thousand) entirely due to closing of   
PTA Russian stores during Q1 2009. Sales to Finland decreased by 63.6% due to a 
decrease in wholesale sales amounting EEK 1,612 thousand (EUR 103 thousand). 
The majority of lingerie sales revenue in Q1 2009 in the amount of EEK 135,014  
thousand (EUR 8,629 thousand) was generated in the Russian market, accounting   
for 56.0% of all lingerie sales in Q1 2009 as compared to EEK 212,575 thousand  
(EUR 13,586 thousand) in the respective period in 2008. Sales in Russia comprise
both retail sales and wholesale. The second largest region for lingerie sales   
was Belarus where sales reached EEK 70,723 thousand (EUR 4,520 thousand),       
contributing 29.4% of lingerie sales (both retail and wholesale) as compared to 
EEK 70,175 thousand (EUR 4,485 thousand) in Q1 2008.         
Sales in the major markets, including Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, were heavily
affected by the economic situation and devaluation of the local currencies. As  
the result, sales in Q1 2009 were lower as compared to Q1 2008. Wholesale       
operations decreased to a larger extent as compared to the decrease in the      
retail operations. This was partially caused by the fact that many of the       
Milavitsa's Russian and Ukrainian wholesale partners were overstocked in Q4 of  
2008 due to a sharp decrease in demand caused by the overall economic crisis and
had to realize their excess stocks in Q1 2009.       
The Group has conducted several meetings with its trading partners in Russia and
Ukraine in order to address the slowdown in sales. A number of actions have been
introduced to the market including additional marketing activity in Belarus,    
favorable pricing in Russia, support in opening franchising stores, new         
wholesales structure in Ukraine and other.        
In terms of lingerie brands, the sales of “Milavitsa” core brand accounted for  
72.9% of total lingerie sales revenue in Q1 2009 (Q1 2008: 78.6%) and amounted  
to EEK 175,758 thousand (EUR 11,233 thousand). The sales of “Lauma” core brand  
accounted for 4.5% of total lingerie sales (Q1 2008: 6.0%) and amounted to EEK  
10,796 thousand (EUR 690 thousand). Other brands such as “Alisee”, “Aveline”,   
“Laumelle”, “Lauma Aqua” and “Laumelle Aqua” comprised 22.6% of total lingerie  
sales in Q1 2009 (Q1 2008: 15.4%), amounting to EEK 54,404 thousand (EUR 3,477  
Retail operations 
Total retail sales of the Group in Q1 2009 amounted to EEK 94,866 thousand (EUR 
6,063 thousand), representing a 3.8% increase as compared to the respective     
period in 2008.           
Retail operations were conducted in Estonia, Latvia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania 
and Ukraine. At the end of Q1 2009 the Group operated 119 retail outlets with a 
total area of 12,545 square meters. 
In Q1 2009 7 new stores in the lingerie business were opened, including 3 under 
Milavitsa name in Belarus, 1 under Yamamay and 2 under Jockey brand names in    
Lithuania and 1 store under Lauma Lingerie brand name in Latvia. 15             
underperforming stores were closed: 11 PTA stores in Russia, 1 Oblicie store in 
Russia and 1 Oblicie store in Poland, 1 Milavitsa store in Russia and 1         
Milavitsa store in Belarus. 
Number of stores as at:                                                         

                                31.03.2009     31.12.2008
Estonia                                 11             11
Latvia                                   8              7
Poland                                   0              8
Belarus                                 30             28
Russia                                  39             52
Lithuania                               24             21
Ukraine                                  7              7
Total stores                           119            134
Total sales area, sq m              12,545         14,566   
Women's apparel retail operations were conducted in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, 
Russia and Ukraine. At the end of Q1 2009 the Group operated 26 women's apparel 
stores with a total sales area of 5,051 square meters. In Q1 2009 women's       
apparel retail revenue decreased by 5.2% compared to Q1 2008 amounting to EEK   
34,955 thousand (EUR 2,234 thousand). Retail sales increased in the Baltics and 
Ukraine and decreased in Russia. Retail sales in the Baltics increased by 7.8%  
and amounted to EEK 24,972 thousand (EUR 1,596 thousand). Retail sales in       
Ukraine increased by 25.8% and amounted to EEK 4,428 thousand (EUR 283          
thousand). Growth of retail sales in the Baltics and Ukraine was driven by the  
retail expansion. At the end of Q1 2009 PTA operated 24 stores in the Baltics   
and Ukraine as compared to 20 stores at the end of Q1 2008. Overall             
like-for-like apparel retail growth was a negative 4.0% due to the influence of 
economic crisis.          
The Group's lingerie sales operations were performed in Russia, Belarus, Latvia,
Lithuania, Ukraine, and Estonia. At the end of Q1 2009, the Group operated 93   
lingerie stores with a total area of 7,494 square meters.      
In respect to lingerie retail in Russia, in Q1 2009 the Group's main focus was  
on closing poor-performing stores, renegotiation of lease agreements with       
lessors and the improvement of sales performance. As a result, 2 lingerie stores
were closed. As most of the rental contracts were denominated in EUR or USD     
terms, the devaluation of the Russian Rouble did not increase the rent charges  
in Russian Ruble terms significantly.  All of the lessors were approached for   
rent reduction or fixing of EUR or USD exchange rate. The overall consumer      
market demand continued to deteriorate which affected practically all retail    
segments. Some of the retail companies have initiated store closings. The       
like-for-like traffic in the shopping centers where the Group's stores are      
operating decreased by 15% as compared to the respective period in the previous 
year. However, due to a number of marketing and sales actions performed by the  
Group, the like-for-like increase in sales was 23% in Russian Rouble terms and  
17% in pieces, as compared to the respective period in 2008. The number of      
checks remained stable and the average check went up in Russian Rouble terms and
in pieces. The sales increase was only partially affected by the price increase 
caused by the currency devaluation. The Group will continue closing inefficient 
stores or relocating them to better locations. Most of the stores will be       
rebranded into “Milavitsa” stores in Q2 - Q3 2009.  
In Belarus, one ineffective store was closed and 3 new “Milavitsa” stores were  
opened, adding to the growth of the retail sales in the country.   
In the Baltics, lingerie retail sales were stable as compared to Q1 2008. The   
first franchised Yamamay shop was opened in Lithuania in cooperation with the   
Italian partner. Altogether, 4 new lingerie shops were opened in the Baltics (3 
in Lithuania, and 1 in Latvia).       
Stores by concept                                                               
| Market  |   PTA | Oblici |     Milavitsa |       Other |  Total |      Sales |
|         | store |      e |        stores |      stores |        |     area,  |
|         |     s | stores |               |             |        |       sq m |
| Russia  |     2 |     33 |             4 |           - |     39 |      3,445 |
| Ukraine |     6 |      1 |             - |           - |      7 |        994 |
| Estonia |     9 |      1 |             - |           1 |     11 |      2,120 |
| Latvia  |     4 |      - |             - |           4 |      8 |      1,123 |
| Lithuan |     5 |      - |             - |          19 |     24 |      2,033 |
| ia      |       |        |               |             |        |            |
| Belarus |     - |      - |            30 |           - |     30 |      2,830 |
| Total   |    26 |     35 |            34 |          24 |    119 |     12,545 |

In Q1 2009, wholesale amounted to EEK 183,018 thousand (EUR 11,697 thousand),   
representing 63.5% of the Group's total revenue (Q1 2008: 74.5%). The main      
wholesale regions were Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic States for       
lingerie and Finland and the Baltic states for women's apparel. in Q1 2009,     
wholesale of women's apparel decreased by 69.5% amounting to EEK 2,237 thousand 
(EUR 143 thousand). Decrease in the Baltics wholesales operations was in line   
with the planned, as PTA retail chain was expanding. 
Lingerie wholesale in Q1 2009 decreased by 42.2% compared to Q1 2008, amounting 
to EEK 180,781 thousand (EUR 11,554 thousand). Most of the lingerie wholesale   
partners are located in Russia. Wholesale operations decreased in Russia,       
Ukraine, Belarus and some other countries due to the crisis in the economy. The 
decrease in the wholesales operations was also partially caused by the fact that
many of the Milavitsa Russian and Ukrainian wholesales partners were overstocked
in Q4 of 2008 due to the sharp decrease in demand caused by the crisis and had  
to realize their excess stocks in Q1 2009.          
Milavitsa franchised stores which are being serviced through wholesale partners 
were affected by the crisis to a much lesser degree, as compared to purely      
wholesales deliveries ending in the uncontrolled retail (open markets, kiosks,  
department stores, other).   
Production, sourcing, purchasing and logistics   
Due to increased uncertainty in the marketplace and falling demand the Group's  
manufacturing companies reduced their production and purchasing volumes in Q1   
2009. In addition, adjustments in the production planning process were made to  
adjust for changing circumstances, e.g. change of quarterly production planning 
to monthly planning in largest production subsidiary SP ZAO Milavitsa was       
In respect to sourcing number of cooperation partners decreased by 30.8% in SP  
ZAO Milavitsa and by 25.0% in Lauma Lingerie in Q1 2009. Total volume of        
production in SP ZAO Milavitsa amounted to 3,829 thousand pieces in Q1 2009     
representing a 21.4% decrease as compared to the respective period in prior     
year. In broad terms available own production capacities in SP ZAO Milavitsa    
remained at the level of 2008 while outsourced production capacities with       
cooperation partners being the major source for the production output decrease. 

In respect to logistics a new warehouse complex Machuliszhi in Belarus with     
total storage capacity of 1,032 thousand pieces of garments started its         
operations in Q1 2009. 
In Q1 2009 the Group's investments totalled EEK 13,223 thousand (EUR 845        
thousand) with investments into retail amounting to EEK 11,844 thousand (EUR 757
thousand) while other investments were made in equipment and facilities to      
maintain effective production.    
At the end of March 2009, the Group employed a staff of 3,718 including 654 in  
retail and 2,288 in production. The rest were employed in wholesale,            
administration and support operations. The average number of employees in Q1    
2009 was 3,680.             
The total salaries and wages for Q1 2009 amounted to EEK 92,894 thousand (EUR   
5,937 thousand). The remuneration paid to members of the Management Board       
totalled EEK 2,097 thousand (EUR 134 thousand). Four members of the Management  
Board also serve as executives for the Group's subsidiaries.                    

Key Events in Q1 2009      
Organizational structure and the Group's management
In February 2009, the Company's Management Board approved changes to the        
management structure of the Group. The changes were aimed at the optimization of
the management structure addressing integration, coordination, and              
communications issues that were identified within the existing governance       
structure. In March 2009, the new Supervisory board was formed in Milavitsa with
3 supervisory board members (7 members previously).   
Furthermore, a crisis management committee (CMC) was established in March 2009  
with the participation of the Group's supervisory board members, management     
board members and  selected members of the management boards of the largest     
subsidiaries. Meetings are held weekly with the objective to timely address the 
challenges arising from the new economic and demand realities. All of the       
Group's primary activities are reviewed in the CMC, including Russian retail    
operations, Lauma Lingerie integration, apparel operations, the Group's         
financial situation, cash management and other issues.          
Splendo Polska Sp. z o.o. disposal transaction    
On 12 February 2009 the Company entered into agreement for the sale of all of   
its shares (90% of the share capital) in Splendo Polska Sp. z o.o., a Polish    
retail subsidiary operating 6 retail outlets. The closing has not taken place at
the date of this report and discussions are continuing between the parties to   
finalise the closing formalities. Provided that such formalities are resolved,  
the Management anticipates that the closing of transaction will be completed in 
Q2 2009. 
The investment into Splendo Polska Sp. z o.o. is accounted for as the investment
held for sale (fully provisioned) as of 31 March 2009 and a loss related to the 
transaction was fully provided as of 31 December 2008. Considering the signed   
agreement for the sale of Splendo Polska Sp. z o.o. shares the operating results
of Splendo Polska Sp. z o.o. were not consolidated in the Group's financial     
results and financial position as of 31 March 2009. Net loss of Splendo Polska  
Sp. z o.o. operations in Q1 2009 amounted to EEK 1,174 thousand (EUR 75         
thousand) and total assets amounted to EEK 7,620 thousand (EUR 487 thousand) as 
of 31 March 2009. 
Selected financial data                                                         

The Group's operating results are best summarised in the following figures and  
| Key figures and ratios                  | 31.03.2009 | 31.03.2008 |   Change |
| Net sales (EEK thousand)                |    288,179 |    428,795 | -140,616 |
| Net income, attributable to             |    -38,960 |     14,035 |  -52,995 |
| shareholders (EEK thousand)             |            |            |          |
| Earnings before interest, taxes and     |      2,172 |     67,171 |  -64,999 |
| depreciation (EBITDA) (EEK thousand)    |            |            |          |
| Earnings before interest and taxes      |     -8,997 |     55,546 |  -64,543 |
| (EBIT) (EEK thousand)                   |            |            |          |
| Net sales (EUR thousand)                |     18,418 |     27,405 |   -8,987 |
| Net income attributable to shareholders |     -2,490 |        897 |   -3,387 |
| (EUR thousand)                          |            |            |          |
| Earnings before interest, taxes and     |        139 |      4,293 |   -4,154 |
| depreciation (EBITDA) ( EUR thousand)   |            |            |          |
| Earnings before interest and taxes      |       -575 |      3,550 |   -4,125 |
| (EBIT) (EUR thousand)                   |            |            |          |
| Operating margin, %                     |      -3.1% |      13.0% |        - |
| Net margin, %                           |     -13.5% |       3.3% |        - |
| ROA, %                                  |      -3.4% |       1.3% |        - |
| ROE, %                                  |      -6.6% |       1.9% |        - |
| Earnings per share (EPS), in EEK        |      -0.98 |       0.35 |        - |
| Earnings per share (EPS), in EUR        |      -0.06 |       0.02 |        - |
| Current ratio                           |        2.0 |        3.2 |        - |
| Quick ratio                             |        1.0 |        1.8 |        - |

Underlying formulas:                                                            
Operating margin = operating profit / sales revenue                             
Net margin = net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent / sales    
ROA (return on assets) = net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent
/ average total assets                                                          
ROE (return on equity) = net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent
/ average equity                                                                
EPS (earnings per share) = net profit attributable to equity holders of the     
parent / weighted average number of ordinary shares                             
Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities                            
Quick ratio = (current assets - inventories) / current liabilities              

Dmitry Ditchkovsky                                                              
Chairman of the Management Board                                                
26 May 2009                                                                     

Balance Sheet                                                                   
Consolidated, unaudited                                                         
|                   |  | 31.03. | 31.03. | 31.12. | 31.03. | 31.03.2 | 31.12.2 |
|                   |  |   2009 |   2008 |   2008 |   2009 |     008 |     008 |
|                   |  |    EEK |    EEK |    EEK |    EUR |     EUR |     EUR |
|                   |  | thousa | thousa | thousa | thousa | thousan | thousan |
|                   |  |    nds |    nds |    nds |    nds |      ds |      ds |
| ASSETS            |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Non-current       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| assets            |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Property, plant   |  | 246,16 | 251,84 | 293,53 | 15,733 |  16,096 |  18,760 |
| and equipment     |  |      8 |      8 |      0 |        |         |         |
| Intangible assets |  | 11,469 | 26,959 | 16,085 |    733 |   1,723 |   1,028 |
| Investment        |  | 21,060 | 21,389 | 23,141 |  1,346 |   1,367 |   1,479 |
| property          |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Investments in    |  |    720 |  1,017 |  2,879 |     46 |      65 |     184 |
| equity accounted  |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| investees         |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Available-for-sal |  |  7,182 |  7,933 |  8,716 |    459 |     507 |     557 |
| e financial       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| assets            |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Other receivables |  |    954 |  4,788 | 17,477 |     61 |     306 |   1,117 |
| Total non-current |  | 287,55 | 313,93 | 361,82 | 18,378 |  20,064 |  23,125 |
| assets            |  |      3 |      4 |      8 |        |         |         |
| Current assets    |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Inventories       |  | 393,26 | 357,32 | 434,41 | 25,134 |  22,837 |  27,764 |
|                   |  |      2 |      1 |      2 |        |         |         |
| Prepaid taxes     |  | 43,419 | 26,834 | 62,070 |  2,775 |   1,715 |   3,967 |
| Trade receivables |  | 170,57 | 202,95 | 168,01 | 10,902 |  12,971 |  10,738 |
|                   |  |      9 |      2 |      3 |        |         |         |
| Other receivables |  | 58,581 | 45,938 | 50,851 |  3,744 |   2,936 |   3,250 |
| Prepayments       |  | 37,348 | 60,005 | 49,209 |  2,387 |   3,835 |   3,145 |
| Cash and cash     |  | 72,585 | 109,62 | 82,129 |  4,639 |   7,006 |   5,249 |
| equivalents       |  |        |      0 |        |        |         |         |
| Total current     |  | 775,77 | 802,67 | 846,68 | 49,581 |  51,300 |  54,113 |
| assets            |  |      4 |      0 |      4 |        |         |         |
| TOTAL ASSETS      |  | 1 063, | 1 116, | 1 208, | 67,959 |  71,364 |  77,238 |
|                   |  |    327 |    604 |    512 |        |         |         |
| LIABILITIES AND   |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| EQUITY            |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Equity            |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Share capital at  |  | 400,00 | 400,00 | 400,00 | 25,565 |  25,565 |  25,565 |
| par value         |  |      0 |      0 |      0 |        |         |         |
| Share premium     |  | 223,29 | 223,29 | 223,29 | 14,271 |  14,271 |  14,271 |
|                   |  |      3 |      3 |      3 |        |         |         |
| Own shares        |  | -7,041 |      0 | -7,041 |   -450 |       0 |    -450 |
| Statutory capital |  |  1,046 |  1,046 |  1,046 |     67 |      67 |      67 |
| reserve           |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Translation       |  | -138,5 | -102,5 | -58,08 | -8,857 |  -6,551 |  -3,713 |
| reserve           |  |     75 |     01 |      6 |        |         |         |
| Retained earnings |  | 58,753 | 199,96 | 82,035 |  3,755 |  12,780 |   5,243 |
|                   |  |        |      2 |        |        |         |         |
| Total equity      |  | 537,47 | 721,80 | 641,24 | 34,351 |  46,132 |  40,983 |
| attributable to   |  |      6 |      0 |      7 |        |         |         |
| equity holders of |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| the parent        |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Minority interest |  | 122,10 | 140,22 | 141,97 |  7,804 |   8,962 |   9,074 |
|                   |  |      6 |      5 |      7 |        |         |         |
| Total equity      |  | 659,58 | 862,02 | 783,22 | 42,155 |  55,094 |  50,057 |
|                   |  |      2 |      5 |      4 |        |         |         |
| Non-current       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| liabilities       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Loans and         |  | 13,081 |  3,035 | 18,197 |    836 |     194 |   1,163 |
| borrowings        |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Deferred tax      |  |    203 |    201 |    201 |     13 |      13 |      13 |
| liabilities       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Other liabilities |  |  4,600 |    360 |  1,314 |    294 |      23 |      84 |
| Provisions        |  |    125 |    133 |    125 |      8 |       8 |       8 |
| Total non-current |  | 18,009 |  3,729 | 19,837 |  1,151 |     238 |   1,268 |
| liabilities       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Current           |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| liabilities       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Loans and         |  | 129,58 | 20,403 | 116,25 |  8,282 |   1,304 |   7,430 |
| borrowings        |  |      5 |        |      4 |        |         |         |
| Trade payables    |  | 147,42 | 143,71 | 167,95 |  9,422 |   9,185 |  10,734 |
|                   |  |      3 |      6 |      1 |        |         |         |
| Corporate income  |  |  7,135 |  8,621 |  4,006 |    456 |     551 |     256 |
| tax liability     |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Other tax         |  | 32,373 | 28,917 | 18,150 |  2,069 |   1,848 |   1,160 |
| liabilities       |  |        |        |        |        |         |         |
| Other payables    |  | 32,670 | 27,397 | 27,584 |  2,088 |   1,751 |   1,763 |
| Provisions        |  | 36,018 | 21,671 | 70,817 |  2,302 |   1,385 |   4,526 |
| Accrued expenses  |  |    532 |    125 |    689 |     34 |       8 |      44 |
| Total current     |  | 385,73 | 250,85 | 405,45 | 24,653 |  16,032 |  25,913 |
| liabilities       |  |      6 |      0 |      1 |        |         |         |
| Total liabilities |  | 403,74 | 254,57 | 425,28 | 25,804 |  16,270 |  27,181 |
|                   |  |      5 |      9 |      8 |        |         |         |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES |  | 1 063, | 1 116, | 1 208, | 67,959 |  71,364 |  77,238 |
| AND EQUITY        |  |    327 |    604 |    512 |        |         |         |

Income statement Q1                                                             
Consolidated, unaudited                                                         

|                               |   |    2009 |     2008 |     2009 |     2008 |
|                               |   |      Q1 |       Q1 |       Q1 |       Q1 |
|                               |   |     EEK |      EEK |      EUR |      EUR |
|                               |   | thousan | thousand | thousand | thousand |
|                               |   |      ds |        s |        s |        s |
| Net sales                     |   | 288,179 |  428,795 |   18,418 |   27,405 |
| Costs of goods sold           |   | -168,93 | -236,639 |  -10,797 |  -15,124 |
|                               |   |       6 |          |          |          |
| Gross Profit                  |   | 119,243 |  192,156 |    7,621 |   12,281 |
| Other operating income        |   |  11,516 |    4,287 |      736 |      274 |
| Distribution costs            |   | -63,353 |  -68,923 |   -4,049 |   -4,405 |
| Administrative expenses       |   | -48,270 |  -54,356 |   -3,085 |   -3,474 |
| Other operating expenses      |   | -28,133 |  -17,618 |   -1,798 |   -1,126 |
| Operating profit              |   |  -8,997 |   55,546 |     -575 |    3,550 |
| Interest expenses             |   |  -3,442 |     -657 |     -220 |      -42 |
| Gains/losses on conversion of |   |    -892 |   -3,052 |      -57 |     -195 |
| foreign currencies            |   |         |          |          |          |
| Other financial income /      |   |   1,048 |    2,723 |       67 |      174 |
| expenses                      |   |         |          |          |          |
| Total financial income /      |   |  -3,286 |     -986 |     -210 |      -63 |
| expenses                      |   |         |          |          |          |
| Share of profit of equity     |   |  -1,831 |      188 |     -117 |       12 |
| accounted investees           |   |         |          |          |          |
| Profit before corporate       |   | -14,114 |   54,748 |     -902 |    3,499 |
| income tax                    |   |         |          |          |          |
| Corporate income tax          |   | -20,418 |  -28,117 |   -1,305 |   -1,797 |
| Net profit / loss for period  |   | -34,532 |   26,631 |   -2,207 |    1,702 |
| Net profit attributable to    |   | -38,960 |   14,035 |   -2,490 |      897 |
| parent company                |   |         |          |          |          |
| Net profit attributable to    |   |   4,428 |   12,596 |      283 |      805 |
| minority shareholders         |   |         |          |          |          |
| Earnings per share            |   |         |          |          |          |
| Basic earnings per share      |   |   -0.98 |     0.35 |    -0.06 |     0.02 |
| (EEK/EUR)                     |   |         |          |          |          |
| Diluted earnings per share    |   |   -0.98 |     0.35 |    -0.06 |     0.02 |
| (EEK/EUR)                     |   |         |          |          |          |

Statement of comprehensive income Q1                                            
Consolidated, unaudited                                                         

|    |    |                                  2009|     2008|     2009|     2008|
|    |    |                                    Q1|       Q1|       Q1|       Q1|
|    |    |                                   EEK|      EEK|      EUR|      EUR|
|    |    |                             thousands|thousands|thousands|thousands|

| Profit for the period                 |   | -34,53 | 26,63 | -2,207 |  1,702 |
|                                       |   |      2 |     1 |        |        |
| Other comprehensive income            |   |        |       |        |        |
| Foreign currency translation          |   | -104,8 | -34,0 | -6,704 | -2,177 |
| differences for foreign operations    |   |     98 |    63 |        |        |
| Disposal of subsidiary                |   | 16,820 |     0 |  1,075 |      0 |
| Other comprehensive income for the    |   | -88,07 | -34,0 | -5,629 | -2,177 |
| period                                |   |      8 |    63 |        |        |
| Total comprehensive income            |   | -122,6 | -7,43 | -7,836 |   -475 |
|                                       |   |     10 |     2 |        |        |
| Comprehensive income attributable to  |   | -103,7 | -11,9 | -6,632 |   -764 |
| parent company                        |   |     71 |    54 |        |        |
| Comprehensive income attributable to  |   | -18,83 | 4,522 | -1,204 |    289 |
| minority shareholders                 |   |      9 |       |        |        |


cons interim report_1q2009_eng.pdf