Bang & Olufsen a/s - financial calendar

Please be informed of the following dates for Bang & Olufsen's planned
announcements to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, including dates for Annual General
Meetings in 2009 and 2010: 

Tuesday, 11 August          Annual Report 2008/09
Friday 18 September         Annual General Meeting
Thursday 8. October         Interim report (1st quarter 2009/10)

Monday 11 January           Interim report (2nd quarter 2009/10)
Tuesday 13 April            Interim report (3rd quarter 2009/10)
Thursday 19 August          Annual report 2009/10
Monday 27 September         Annual General Meeting
Thursday 7 October          Interim report (1st quarter 2010/11)

Kim Bo Hansen
Global Counsel

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For further information, please contact:
Global Counsel Kim Bo Hansen, telefon +45 9684 5167

