Lappland Goldminers AB (publ) AGM May 28, 2009

The shareholders in  Lappland Goldminers  AB (publ)  held the  Annual
General Meeting on Thursday the 28th of May 2009 in Lycksele, Sweden.
This is a summary of the most important decisions made by the  Annual
General Meeting.

Annual Report
The annual report and the auditor's report as well as the
consolidated annual report and the auditor's group report were
presented. The income statement and the balance sheet for both the
parent company and the consolidated group were accepted by the

Discharge from liability
The Meeting discharged the members of the Board and the President
from liability for the fiscal year 2008.

The fees to be paid to the Board of Directors were set by the Meeting
at a total of SEK 650,000 to be divided with SEK150,000 to the
chairman and SEK 100,000. It was resolved that the fees to the
accountants would be paid in accordance with reasonable and by the
company approved invoices.

Board of Directors
The Meeting decided to re-elect Ulf Ericsson, Tomas Björklund, Tony
Harwood, Svante Lundbrink, Pia Gideon, Lars-Olof Nilsson and Karl-Åke
Johansson. Ulf Ericsson was re-appointed as Chairman of the Board.

Nomination Committee
The Meeting resolved to establish a Nomination Committee for the next
Annual General Meeting. The three largest shareholders in the company
will appoint one representative each, who together with the Chairman
of the Board shall comprise the Nomination Committee. The composition
of the Nomination Committee shall be communicated six months at the
latest before the Annual General Meeting in 2010.

Guidelines for remuneration of the senior management
The Meeting approved the guidelines proposed by the Board regarding
remuneration to the CEO and other leading officials in the senior

Authorization to decide on new issues
The Meeting resolved to authorize the Board for the period until the
next Annual General Meeting, at one or more occasions, to decide on
new issues of shares, convertibles and/or warrants encompassing a
share capital increase of up to SEK 154,000 corresponding to up to
7,700,000 new shares.

Conditional amendment of the articles of association
The Meeting decided, as proposed by the board, to adjust the articles
of association as regards notices of general meetings to new
regulations expected to come into force before the AGM 2010. The
adjustment is however conditioned by such legislation taking effect.
According to the new rules, notice of general meeting can be
advertised in Post och Inrikes Tidningar and on the company's web

Presentation by CEO
The CEO of Lappland Goldminers AB, Kjell Larsson, commented on the
development during the fiscal year of 2008 and including the Q1
report, 2009.

For additional information:

Kjell Larsson, CEO                  Ulf Ericsson, Chairman of the
Tel. +46 950-275 06, + 46 70-385 03 Ph: +46 70-529 09 59

Also visit:
About Mangold Fondkommission:

Lappland Goldminers  AB  is  an exploration  company  with  producing
mines. The  Company  is  listed  on the  market  place  "First  North
Premier" under  the  name GOLD,  with  Mangold Fondkommission  AB  as
Certified Adviser, as  well as  on the Norwegian  OTC list.  Lappland
Goldminers strategy is to develop  into a profitable, producing  gold
company, with centrally  located processing plants  in gold  regions.
The  company  is  strategically  positioned  with  the  Blaiken  Gold
Operation and  the  fully permitted  Fäboliden  Gold Project  on  the
Västerbotten Gold Line in Sweden, with the Pahtavaara Gold  Operation
in the north of Finland and with its gold projects in the Haveri area
in south of Finland. The processing  plants will be supported by  ore
from  one  or  several  mines   either  through  the  Company's   own
exploration or through acquisitions. Lappland Goldminers is a  member
of SveMin,  the Swedish  association for  mines, minerals  and  metal
producers, and follows SveMin's reporting rules for public mining and
exploration companies.


Press release PDF.pdf