Genovis nano products show promising results in magnetic resonance studies

Genovis nano products show promising results in magnetic resonance studies 

Genovis has during the last year worked intensively with the use of its
nanoparticles as contrast agents in studies employing magnetic resonance. The
nanoparticles possess unique properties that are very useful in the development
of new medical products, such as diagnostics and therapeutics in the areas of
cancer and neuro.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), is used to detect a variety of diseases and
conditions. MRI is a technique that creates images of the interior of a body,
but without the need to use x-ray. The images are above all used to study
changes in living tissue. 

The study results Genovis has obtained show that the nanoparticles have no toxic
effect and that they are stable in the biological environment. The studies have
also demonstrated that due to their high magnetic quality, the particles produce
a unique contrast effect, which makes it possible to use them in several

-The results are extremely stimulating. The studies show that we can market our
nano products not only as lab tools, but - which is more important - as contrast
agents to be used for modern drug discovery. This is a completely new business
area for Genovis. By focusing on our technology platform and by capturing our
experiences from years of R&D, our products have gradually gained increased
value. We can now commence to realize the values we have built during years of
intense development work, says Sarah Fredriksson CEO Genovis AB. 

In the market for medical product development, in particular preclinical
development, the combination of nanoparticles and magnetic resonance opens up
new business opportunities for Genovis. The customers are biotech/pharma,
contract research and medtech companies. Genovis has products that offer cost
savings, shorter lead times and improved decision-making as regards preclinical
drug discovery projects.

Find out more, contact:
Sarah Fredriksson, CEO, Genovis AB
Tel: +46 46 10 12 35

Genovis is a biotech company on the leading edge of nanotechnology and
nanoparticles. The company's patented nano-induced magnetic transfer (NIMT®)
technology was developed to facilitate effective preclinical research for the
life science industry. Genovis shares are listed on the First North OMX Nordic
Exchange. Mangold Fondkommission is our certified advisor and liquidity

