Rights issue in Zepto Computers A/S, admission to trading of subscription rights

|                                            |         Copenhagen, 3 June 2009 |

Marketplace Announcement                                                        
First North 08/2009                                                             
Rights issue in Zepto Computers A/S, admission to trading of subscription rights
Subscription rights in Zepto Computers will be admitted to trading on NASDAQ OMX
Copenhagen as per 9 June 2009. As at the same date, ISIN DK0060054625 (ZEPTO)   
will be traded exclusive of T-ret (subscription rights).                        

| ISIN:                                | DK0060181220                          |
| Name:                                | Zepto Computers T-ret                 |
| Proportion:                          | 1:1                                   |
| Trade in subscription rights (both   | 9 June 2009 - 22 June 2009            |
| days included):                      |                                       |
| Orderbook ID:                        | 66.558                                |
| Orderbook Code:                      | ZEPTO T                               |

| Subscription price, new shares:      | DKK 2.94                              |
| Proportion:                          | 1:1                                   |
|                                      | Shareholders in Zepto Computers will  |
|                                      | have the right to subscribe for one   |
|                                      | new shares per one existing share     |
| Subscription period (both days       | 12 June 2009 - 25 June 2009           |
| included):                           |                                       |

This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Advisor,        
Schrøder Partners A/S.                                                          

For further information, please call Schrøder Partners A/S on +45 43 58 33 00.


08 - zepto - t-ret til handel - uk.pdf