BI Private Equity f.m.b.a. - transfer to the observation list

|                                      |               Copenhagen, 4 June 2009 |
BI Private Equity f.m.b.a. - transfer to the observation list                   

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has transferred the below ISIN code to the observation    
list today:                                                                     

| ISIN                          | Name                                         |
| DK0060079614                  | BI Private Equity                            |

BI Private Equity f.m.b.a. has been transferred due to the fact that the Board  
in accordance with section 12 in Article of Association has decided to suspend  
redemption of shares in the fund for a period of up to six months. The global   
financial crisis has lead to a situation, where it is very difficult to manage  
venture activities in UCITS form.                                               

For further information, please see the announcement published on 29 May 2009,  
by BI Private Equity.                                                           

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


bi private equity - overfrsel uk.pdf