Published to the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen via Company News Service on 18 June 2009. Invitation to information meeting To the Bondowners in Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige III) A/S With this the Bondowners are invited to an information meeting to be held 26 June 2009, 10.00 AM at Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab Weidekampsgade 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen At the meeting, Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab will present the tax rules applying to acquiring shares in Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S in view of the tax reform. The information will be general, and inter alia cover the tax schemes for owning the shares of Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A / S, for example personally, through a company, in a partnership with personal liability, a limited partnership, an investment vehicle etc. The offer for acquisition of shares in Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S is expected to published later this month. Sincerely, Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S Please address questions relating to this Notice to Company Secretary Klaus T. W. Lund, on phone +45 3378 4000. This text is an unauthorized translation of a text prepared in Danish. In case of discrepancies the Danish text prevails.