- Request for a shareholders' meeting in Alfesca

On 30 July 2009, the Company received notice from certain shareholders of
Alfesca hf comprising Rekstrarfélag Nýja Kaupþings banka hf. (on behalf of
Kaupthing ÍS-5, Kaupþing ÍS-15 and ICEQ verðbréfasjóður), Gildi lífeyrissjóður,
Sameinaði lífeyrissjóðurinn and Stafir lífeyrissjóður, requesting that a
shareholders meeting be held.  The aforementioned parties own 679,756,524
shares or 11.57% of the share capital of Alfesca hf.  They have requested that
at the meeting, Lur Berri Iceland ehf.'s takeover bid to shareholders of
Alfesca hf., dated 25 June 2009, the proposed delisting of the company and the
valuation of the shares of Alfesca hf. is to be discussed. 

The Company has furthermore received notice of the decision of the Icelandic
Financial Supervisory Authority ("Fjármálaeftirlitið") to extend the offer
period of the takeover bid of Lur Berri Iceland ehf. to Alfesca's shareholders,
dated 25 June 2009, for 18 days from 30 July 2009 until 4:00 p.m. on 17 August
2009, pursuant to  Article 103 paragraph 6 of the Act on Securities
Transactions no. 108/2007. The decision of the Icelandic Financial Supervisory
Authority can be obtained from its website, http://www.fme.is. 

In accordance with the Act on Public Limited Companies no. 2/1995 and Alfesca
hf.'s Articles of Association, the board of the company will convene a
shareholders' meeting within 14 days.  Details relating to the date, time and
place of the shareholders meeting will be published shortly.