Lur Berri Iceland ehf. has received the decision of the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority ("Fjármálaeftirlitið") on extending the offer period of the takeover bid of Lur Berri Iceland ehf. to Alfesca's shareholders, dated 25 June 2009, for 18 days from 30 July 2009 until 4:00 p.m. on 17 August 2009, in accordance with Article 103 paragraph 6 of the Act on Securities Transactions no. 108/2007. The decision of the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority on the extension of the takeover bid is made following a request from Rekstrarfélag Nýja Kaupþings banka hf. (on behalf of Kaupthing ÍS-5, Kaupþing ÍS-15 and ICEQ verðbréfasjóður), Gildi lífeyrissjóður, Sameinaði lífeyrissjóðurinn and Stafir lífeyrissjóður, that are shareholders of Alfesca hf. owning collectively 679,756,524 shares in Alfesca hf. or 11.57% of the share capital. The aforementioned parties have furthermore requested that a shareholders meeting to be held in Alfesca hf. whereby it is proposed that the takeover bid, the intention to delist and the valuation of the shares of Alfesca hf. will be discussed. The decision of the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority can be obtained from its website, Due to the extension of the takeover bid, the settlement of the transactions related to those that have accepted the offer is delayed and will be at latest 5 business days after the expiry of the offer period, which is now 17 August 2009, in accordance with Article 103 paragraph 7 of the Act on Securities Transaction no. 108/2007.