TAMFELT CORP. STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE August 7, 2009 at 10.40 a.m.               


Pursuant to the amendment in the Finnish Companies Act that came into force on 3
August 2009 the record date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Tamfelt     
Corp., which is to be held on 31 August 2009, is 19 August 2009.                

Below is the corrected and supplemented notice in its entirety.                 

NOTICE OF THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING                                     

Notice is given to the shareholders of Tamfelt Corp. of the Extraordinary       
General Meeting to be held on Monday 31 August 2009 at 11 a.m. at the           
Headquarters of Tamfelt Corp., Yrittäjänkatu 21, Tampere, Finland.              

A. The following proposal by the Board of Directors concerning combination of   
the share series, directed free share issue and amendment of the Articles of    
Association shall be discussed in the General Meeting.                          

1. Combination of share series                                                  

The Board of Directors proposes that the Company's share series be combined by  
removing the relevant sections in the Articles of Association pertaining to the 
common shares and preferred shares. Following the combination of the share      
series, the Company would have only one (1) single class of shares and each     
share would have one (1) vote and equal rights. The record date for the         
combination of share series is estimated to be September 3, 2009. The shares    
converted in connection with combining the share series would be incorporated in
the book-entry securities system and are estimated to become traded publicly as 
of September 4, 2009. The combination of share series approved by the General   
Meeting of Shareholders would not require any separate actions by shareholders. 

2. Directed free share issue                                                    

The Board of Directors proposes that in connection with the combination of share
series, a free share issue be directed to holders of common shares in such a way
that differing from the pre-emptive right of the shareholders, holders of common
shares would receive one (1) new share free of charge for each four (4) common  
shares. Based on the combination of the share series and the directed free share
issue, the ownership of four (4) common shares changes to be the ownership of   
five (5) shares of the Company.                                                 

Each holder of common shares as of the record date would have the right to      
receive new shares. The new shares would be distributed among holders of common 
shares in the above-mentioned proportion (4:1) and recorded directly to the     
holder's book-entry account on the basis of information on the record date and  
in accordance with the regulations and procedures of the book-entry securities  

If the number of common shares held by the holder of common shares is not       
divisible by four (4), the remaining shares will be given to Nordea Bank Finland
Plc to sell for the account of the holders of common shares whose number of     
common shares is not divisible by four (4), as specified in more detail by the  
Board of Directors and in accordance with the agreement between the Company and 
Nordea Bank Finland Plc. The directed free share issue approved by the General  
Meeting of Shareholders would not require any separate actions by shareholders. 

A maximum of 2,529,799 new shares would be issued in directed free share issue. 
The new shares will carry full shareholder rights from the registration to the  
Trade Register. The Board of Directors is authorized to resolve about other     
terms and practical aspects of the directed free share issue.                   

The Board of Directors judges that the combination of share series and the      
connected directed free share issue would create benefits for holders of        
preferred shares and for the Company that are equal to those for holders of     
common shares through the directed free share issue. It is the view of the Board
of Directors that combining share series and the connected directed free share  
issue can be considered reasonable in terms of the overall benefit for the      
Company and its shareholders and that there is a weighty financial reason for   
them when taking into consideration the interests of the Company and all its    

3. Amendments to the Articles of Association                                    

The Board of Directors proposes that the stipulations in the Articles of        
Association concerning the common shares and preferred shares from Article 3 and
Article 12 of the Articles of Association be removed and that the Article 3 a of
the Articles of Association concerning the conversion of common shares be       

The approval of the proposal of the Board of Directors presented above requires 
the adoption of all its individual items.                                       

The Board of Directors of the Company has obtained a fairness opinion from      
Alexander Corporate Finance Oy, and according to the opinion, the exchange rate 
is fair from a financial point of view to the Company's shareholders. The       
auditors of the Company, Mr Jari Paloniemi, Authorized Public Accountant, and Mr
Veikko Terho, Authorized Public Accountant, have given a statement confirming   
that the grounds for deviating from the pre-emptive rights of the shareholders  
in the directed free share issue are in accordance with the Finnish Companies   

B. Documents of the General meeting                                             

The proposal of the Board of Directors with thereto related appendices as well  
as this notice are available on Tamfelt Corp.'s website at and  
are also available at the meeting. Copies of the proposal of the Board of       
Directors with thereto related appendices will be sent to shareholders upon     

C. Instructions for the participants in the General Meeting                     

1. Right to participate and registration                                        

Each shareholder, who is registered on August 19, 2009 in the shareholders'     
register of the Company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd, has the right to         
participate in the General Meeting. A shareholder, who wants to participate in  
the General Meeting, shall register for the meeting no later than August 24,    
2009 at 4 PM. Such notice can be given:                                         

a) by email                                          
b) by telephone +358 10 404 9201, or                                            
c) by regular mail to the address Tamfelt Corp., Shareregister, P.O.Box 427,    
33101 Tampere, Finland.                                                         

Pursuant to chapter 5, section 25 of the Companies Act, a shareholder who is    
present at the General Meeting has the right to request information with respect
to the matters to be considered at the meeting.                                 

2. Proxy representative and powers of attorney                                  

A shareholder may participate in the General Meeting by way of proxy            
representation. A proxy representative shall produce a dated proxy document or  
otherwise in a reliable manner demonstrate his/her right to represent the       
shareholder at the General Meeting. Possible proxy documents should be delivered
in originals to Tamfelt Corp., Shareregister, P.O. Box 427, 33101 Tampere,      
Finland before the last date for registration.                                  

3. Holders of nominee registered shares                                         

A holder of nominee registered shares may be notified to be temporarily entered 
into the shareholders' register of the Company for the participation in the     
General Meeting, provided that the holder of the shares has the right to be     
entered into the shareholders' register based on the shares on the record date  
of the General Meeting. The notification regarding the temporary entering to the
shareholders' register must be made at the latest 24 August 2009.  A holder of  
nominee registered shares is considered as being registered for the             
participation in the General Meeting once he/she has been notified to be        
temporarily entered into the shareholders' register. A holder of nominee        
registered shares is advised to request necessary instructions regarding the    
registration for the General Meeting from his/her custodian bank.               

4. Other information                                                            

On the date of this notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting, Tamfelt Corp.'s
total number of common shares is 10.119.198 and the total number of preferred   
shares is 17.444.766. The total number of votes of the common shares is         
202.383.960 and the total number of votes of the preferred shares is 17.444.766.

Juankoski, August 5, 2009                                                       

TAMFELT CORP.                                                                   

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                              

Hanna Koskela                                                                   
Communications Officer                                                          

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Main media                                                                                                                              

Tamfelt is a world-leading supplier of technical textiles. The company's main   
products are clothing products for the paper and pulp as well as mining and     
chemical industries.  The Group employs about 1,400 people and its net sales in 
2008 were 165.0 million euro. Founded in 1797, the company is one of the        
pioneers of Finnish industry.


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