Completing of the restructuring

Published to the NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen via Company News Service on 19 August

Completing of the restructuring of Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S -
including final completion of the offer to bondholders to acquire shares in the

The restructuring of Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S (Issuer) (former
Landic Property Bonds VIII (Sverige II) A/S), as described in Announcement to
the Stock Exchange no 31, published on 23 March 2009 and the Announcement to
the Stock Exchange no. 36, published on 7 April 2009, is now finally completed. 

All the conditions for the execution of the offer to bondholders to acquire
shares in the issuer (as described in the “aktienota” which was attached to
Announcement to the Stock Exchange no. 51, 17 July 2009) are met and the
transfer of shares to bondholders in the Issuer has therefore also been finally
completed today. 

Final execution of the restructuring means that the changes to the bond
prospectus, as described in Announcement to the Stock Exchange no. 31,
published on 23 March 2009 and the Announcement to the Stock Exchange no. 36,
published on 7 April 2009 and now approved by the Issuer are now valid. Those
changes are also described in Announcement to the Stock Exchange no. 33,
published on 31 March 2009 and the Announcement to the Stock Exchange no. 40,
published on 29 April 2009. Those announcements accompany this message.
Furthermore a schedule showing the Bondowners' mortgages is attached. 

Please address questions relating to this Notice to Klaus T. W. Lund on
telephone +45 3378 4000. 

The text is prepared in Danish and this text is an unauthorised translation. In
case of discrepancies the Danish text prevails. 

