Søndagsavisen a-s postpones the process of examining the strategic opportunities for the distribution activities

27 August 2009
Company Announcement No. 19-09

Søndagsavisen a-s postpones the process of examining the strategic
opportunities for the distribution activities 

In recent months Søndagsavisen a-s has investigated the strategic opportunities
for its distribution activities, and the Board of Directors has made an overall
evaluation hereof. 

There has been considerable interest in the distribution activities, and it is
our belief that attractive opportunities for divesting the activities or
establishing a strategic alliance are available. 

Thus, the Board of Directors has been confirmed in its belief that a divestment
or the establishment of a strategic alliance is the right solution for the
distribution activities. However, it is believed that the timing of a
divestment or establishment of a strategic alliance will be even better during
the course of 2010. 

The process has therefore been put on hold and is expected to be resumed in

For additional information please contact Mads Dahl Andersen, CEO, tel.: +45 39
57 75 00. 

Yours sincerely
Søndagsavisen a-s

Mads Dahl Andersen

Visit us at: http://www.sondagsavisen.dk