Aker Seafoods ASA - Minutes from extraordinary general meeting

An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Aker Seafoods ASA
("AKS") was held on Friday 28 August 2009 at 12:30 at Felix Konferansesenter in
Oslo. Reference is made to the notice of a general meeting dated 6 August 2009
and the stock exchange notice published 7 August 2009. 

The minutes from the Extraordinary General Meeting recording the resolutions
made are enclosed hereto, and are also available on AKS` website at

As recorded in the minutes, the general meeting adopted the resolutions
proposed by the board and as set forth in the notice, however so that in the
resolution regarding the Rights Issue, after proposal by the board, the
following clarifications and additions were made: 

a) The subscription period was set between 3 September and 17 September 2009.
The Company may extend the Subscription Period until 25 November 2009. 

b) Payment for the shares shall be made before 29 September 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Yngve Myhre, CEO, tlf. +47 24 13 01 60
Gunnar Aasbø, CFO, tlf +47 24 13 01 60

This information is subject to disclosure requirements according to vphl. §5-12.