Rovsing, transfer to the observation list

Copenhagen, 23 September 2009

Rovsing A/S - transfer to the observation list

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has transferred the below company to the observation list 

ISIN         Name   
DK0060049542 Rovsing

Rovsing A/S has been transferred to the observation list due to the fact that   
the company has announced that the company's equity is negative. Thus, the      
company is affected under the Danish Companies Act section § 69a about equity   
loss. The company announces that the management has initiated actions in order  
to re-establish the equity.                                                     

For further information, please see the annual financial statement from Rovsing 
A/S on 22 September 2009.                                                       

For further information, please contact: Pernille Burkal, Surveillance, tel. +45
33 93 33 66


rovsing - overfrsel uk.pdf