IT - NASDAQ OMX Nordic CCP Full Launch schedule confirmed for Copenhagen and Stockholm (94/09)

NASDAQ OMX Nordic has decided to continue preparations for the Full Launch of
Central Counterparty (CCP) services for its markets in Copenhagen and Stockholm
on October 19th, 2009. 
Helsinki market will continue with the three Soft Launch instruments and will
not be part of the Full Launch as per October 19th, 2009. The Full Launch date
for NASDAQ OMX Helsinki will be communicated in a separate notice over the
coming days. 

According to previous communication in IT Notice 91/09, final launch
confirmation message for Copenhagen and Stockholm will be sent on Saturday
October 17th latest by 13:00 CET, following the verification of the production

Please note that the planned activities for Friday October 16th, described in
IT Notice 91/09, will only apply to Copenhagen and Stockholm, not to Helsinki.

