Renewagy A/S - deletion

Copenhagen, 16 October 2009

Renewagy A/S - deletion

Renewagy A/S will be deleted from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen with effect from 17     
November 2009.                                                                  

Thus, the last day of trading is 16 November 2009.

For further information, please see announcements published by Renewagy, e.g.   
half year report of 28 August 2009 and announcement of 15 October 2009 where it 
is stated that Renewagy A/S has decided to start compulsory redemption and seek 
for delisting of the company's shares from NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen.               

ISIN: DK0060111367

Name: Renewagy

Listed capital (of DKK 1): 69,461,940 shares (DKK 69,461,940)

CBR No.: 89 68 99 10

GICS: 55105010

Short name: REN

For further information, please contact: Pernille Burkal, Surveillance, tel. +45
33 93 33 66


renewagy - sletning - uk.pdf