Max Bank to close Århus branch and centre efforts on the Bank's primary market areas

Max Bank has decided to close the branch in M. P. Bruunsgade in Århus for
reasons of business economics. The last day the Branch will be open for
services will be 23 October 2009. 

Max Bank, which is based in Næstved, opened the Århus Branch in 2007 as part of
the plan to set up Max Bank branches in selected growth areas in Denmark. The
Bank does not consider it profitable in the next few years to expand its branch
network further. In that perspective, one small “remote branch” is not
expedient, one of the reasons being the costly facilities the head office needs
to make available in this respect. 

In future Max Bank will centre efforts on the South of Zealand in terms of
retail customer branches. Retail customers outside the primary market area are
serviced by the Bank's Direct Centre at the head office. As for corporate
customers, the Bank's primary sphere of operation will be Zealand. 

The closure of the Århus Branch will not cause any changes in the Bank's
expectations for 2009. The operational economic benefit thereof will not feed
through until in 2010. 

Yours faithfully
Max Bank A/S

Henrik Lund
Chief Executive Officer
Tel. +45 55 78 01 20


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