Concerning the resolutions of the Supervisory Board of Shareholders of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB

The meeting of the Supervisory Board of Rytų skirstomieji tinklai, AB
(hereinafter - the Company) was convened on October 20, 2009. Following
decisions were taken: 
1) To revoke the present Board of the Company in corpore; 
2) To elect the following persons to the Board of the Company for the remaining
term of the Board that abandoned its duties: Mr. Henrikas Bernatavičius, Mr.
Arvydas Tarasevičius and Mr. Aloyzas Koryzna; 
3) Not to elect the fourth member of the Board of the Company;
4) To determine, that the newly elected Board of the Company shall start its
activities just after Supervisory Board meeting, in which the Board was