TIETO's interim report 3/2009 (January-September) - Streamlining actions improve profitability from the first two quarters

Tieto Corporation Interim Report 21 October 2009, 8.00 am EET

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July-September highlights

  * Net sales totalled EUR 382.9 (425.3) million, down 10%. In local
    currencies, net sales declined by 6%.

  * Operating profit amounted to EUR 26.3 (33.8) million,
    representing an operating margin of 6.9% (8.0).

  * Operating profit excluding one-off items amounted to EUR 30.1
    (36.7) million, 7.9% (8.6) of net sales.

  * Profit after taxes was EUR 18.4 (23.7) million.

  * Net cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 32.2 (-5.7)

  * Financial Services has started to recover, whereas Telecom
    continued to suffer from weak demand.

  * All country segments - Finland, Sweden and International - were

  * Tieto's net sales and profitability outlook for the full year
    remains unchanged.

January-September highlights

  * Net sales totalled EUR 1 265.7 (1 373.7) million, down 8%. In
    local currencies, net sales declined by 4%.

  * Operating profit amounted to EUR 41.6 (88.0) million,
    representing an operating margin of 3.3% (6.4).

  * Operating profit, excluding one-off items, amounted to EUR 69.5
    (107.5) million, 5.5% (7.8) of net sales.

  * Profit after taxes was EUR 29.4 (58.7) million.

  * Net cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 62.1 (112.8)

                                    Q3/2009 Q3/2008 Jan-Sep/ Jan-Sep/
                                                        2009     2008
Net sales, EUR million                382.9   425.3  1 265.7  1 373.7
Change in net sales, %                  -10       5       -8        7
Operating profit, EUR million          26.3    33.8     41.6     88.0
Operating margin, %                     6.9     8.0      3.3      6.4
Operating profit excl. one-off         30.1    36.7     69.5    107.5
items, EUR million
Operating margin excl. one-off          7.9     8.6      5.5      7.8
items, %
Profit after taxes, EUR million        18.4    23.7     29.4     58.7
Net cash flow from operations, EUR     32.2    -5.7     62.1    112.8
EPS, EUR                               0.25    0.33     0.40     0.81

Hannu Syrjälä, President and CEO:
"General market conditions remained unchanged. Tieto's net sales were
down by 10%, but even with lower sales we were able to deliver a
margin of close to 7%. All country segments - Finland, Sweden and
International - were profitable.

The current year has been characterized by restructuring activities
in Tieto. These actions were started last spring and are now paying
off. During the past nine months, we have lowered our cost base in
line with our plans. Most of the planned streamlining actions have
been completed; work to increase the offshoring ratio continues.

Our outsourcing pipeline is strong, but it will take some time before
we can turn these prospects into signed deals. Customers continue to
be very cautious with their IT investments and are focusing primarily
on cost savings. Tieto is well positioned in its main markets, and
with our new operating structure, innovative offerings and
customer-centric services that aim to boost productivity and
efficiency, we can support our clients through the downturn and into


Polarization of the IT services market continued during the quarter.
On the one hand, the market for new, large-scale IT projects has
continued to decline and new investments are being postponed, unless
they offer clear short-term productivity benefits. On the other, the
outsourcing market is active and the size of new potential cases has
grown. Companies' efforts to achieve cost savings and improve
productivity by rationalizing their operations are opening up new
business opportunities.

In 2009, the IT services market relevant to Tieto is expected to
decline, but less than what had been predicted earlier, due to the
balancing effect of outsourcing business. Close to 60% of Tieto's
business is related to application and ICT infrastructure management
as well as maintenance, which are more resilient to the impacts of an
economic downturn.

Asian competitors have been present in the Nordic countries for some
time, especially in the telecom sector. This year they have entered
other sectors as well, compelling European IT companies to accelerate
offshore production. Adequate offshore capability has become an
increasingly vital competitive factor. Price pressure remained hard
during the quarter.

Demand for IT services continued at a good level in the public,
healthcare and welfare sectors. In the finance sector, the Finnish
and Swedish markets are stable, but competition is fierce. In the UK,
the finance sector is weak with no signs of increasing activity in IT

In the telecom sector, demand remained weak in the third quarter.
Customers have implemented aggressive cost savings and supplier
consolidation programmes. Demand for offshore production has
increased and customers are shifting their core operations and
decision-making to Asia, especially China and India. As early signs
of stabilization are now visible, Tieto expects the telecom market to
bottom out by the end of 2009.

Market development by country
In Finland, the outsourcing market continues to grow. Additionally,
customers are in the market to buy enhancements to existing
applications. However, demand for new IT projects and consultancy has
remained weak. The telecom sector and the Finnish exports sector,
especially the metal and forest industries, face the greatest
challenges. IT budgets in the public sector have not been affected so

In Sweden, demand has remained weak in the telecom sector, although
there are early signs of a stabilizing market. Due to general
cautiousness, the trend is that only few new development projects are
started. On the other hand, new outsourcing-related opportunities
have opened up, especially in the finance and public sectors.

Outside Finland and Sweden, the recession has affected the IT markets
negatively, but impacts vary country by country. In general, telecom
is the most affected sector.

In Germany, the automotive sector has been hit the hardest and is now
going through a heavy transformation process. Additionally, the
market for local telecom R&D has deteriorated during the quarter.
Therefore, demand for IT services in these sectors has been weak.
Energy and healthcare markets are active.

In Norway, the local IT market has slackened despite the fact that
the economy has been hit less hard than other European markets. The
global oil & gas market is currently at a reasonable level, but is
slowing down. Regulatory changes in the finance sector create new
opportunities for capital market solutions.


In June, the company divested its holding in TietoSaab Systems Oy,
previously owned by Tieto (60%) and Saab (40%). In 2008, net sales of
TietoSaab Systems amounted to EUR 9.3 million. Tieto booked EUR 4.9
million in capital gains from the divestment in the second quarter.

In June, Tieto agreed on the acquisition of 20% of the shares in TKP
Tieto Oy and as of 1 July owns the entire share capital of the
company. TKP Tieto was a joint venture, owned by Tieto (80%) and
Finnish pension insurance institutions (20%). In 2008, net sales of
TKP Tieto amounted to around EUR 32 million and the number of
personnel totalled 211.

Tieto also concluded several important agreements during the
nine-month period, such as for application management services with
Elisa and IT infrastructure services with Itella.


To adjust its operations to the current declining market, Tieto
started streamlining actions during the first quarter of 2009. The
company's target is to achieve annualized cost-savings amounting to
EUR 100 million, of which approximately EUR 70 million is expected to
materialize in 2009.

Resulting from the cost savings programmes and currency effects, the
cost base, exclusive of non-recurring items, was down by EUR 62
million in the nine-month period. Close to half of the decline was
attributable to currency effects. Within the remaining half, decline
in personnel costs accounts for around 60% of the savings. The
streamlining measures also include accelerated growth in offshore
resources, consolidation of offices and cutting business expenses
throughout the Group.

During the nine-month period, Tieto has booked a total of EUR 46.0
million in restructuring costs, of which close to EUR 4 million were
booked in the third quarter. The nine-month figure includes EUR 16.4
million in costs related to the Performance Improvement Programme. In
the fourth quarter, the company expects to book approximately EUR 5
million in one-off costs. All costs have a cash flow effect
materializing mainly in the third and fourth quarter.


Third-quarter net sales declined by 10% and amounted to EUR 382.9
(425.3) million. The weakened currencies, especially the Swedish
krona (SEK), had a negative impact on net sales in euros. In local
currencies, net sales declined by 6%. Net sales dropped in all
customer industries. Outsourcing activity remained at a high level,
but the market for new projects has not picked up. The most
challenging sectors were the telecom and manufacturing industries,
while development was more stable in the service sectors, i.e.
healthcare and welfare, public and retail sectors. The development in
the finance sector is stabilizing and turning to a positive

Third-quarter operating profit amounted to EUR 26.3 (33.8) million,
representing a margin of 6.9% (8.0). Operating profit included a net
amount of EUR 3.8 million (negative) in one-off items mainly related
to streamlining actions. The net amount comprises EUR 4.5 million in
one-off costs in Sweden and EUR 0.7 million (positive) mainly related
to reduction of provisions. Operating profit excluding one-off items
amounted to EUR 30.1 (36.7) million, representing a margin of 7.9%
(8.6). Financial Services started to recover, whereas Telecom
continues to suffer from weak demand.
All country segments delivered a positive operating margin. The
number of employees was down during the quarter, resulting in a
decrease in personnel costs and a higher utilization rate. After an
unsatisfactory first half, profitability improved due to the decrease
in personnel costs coupled with lower business expenses and
subcontracting costs.

Net financial expenses stood at EUR 0.9 (-3.5) million positive in
the third quarter. Net interest expenses were EUR 1.9 (2.3) million
and net gains from foreign exchange transactions EUR 2.8 (negative
2.2) million. Other financial income and expenses amounted to EUR 0.0
(positive 1.0) million.

Third-quarter earnings per share (EPS) totalled EUR 0.25 (0.33).

The 12-month rolling return on capital employed (ROCE) was 18.6% and
the return on shareholders' equity (ROE) 6.3%.

The order backlog, which only comprises services ordered with binding
contracts, amounted to EUR 1 145 (1 141) million at the end of the
period. In total, 29% (26) of the backlog is expected to be invoiced
this year.

Financial performance by country

                   Net sales                           EBIT      EBIT
                          in   Net sales             margin    margin
                    Q3/2009,          in                 in        in
                         EUR    Q3/2008,  Change,  Q3/2009,  Q3/2008,
                     million EUR million        %         %         %
Finland                  199         199        0      14.6      12.9
Sweden                   103         123      -16       4.7      11.5
International            130         140       -8       0.5       3.7
Group                   - 48        - 37
Total                    383         425      -10       6.9       8.0

In Finland, net sales remained flat. The market for new outsourcing
cases was strong and Tieto concluded several new small and mid-sized
deals and agreement renewals, such as those with Kesko and the Local
Government Pensions Institution, closing the revenue gap caused by
ending contracts. Due to the savings programmes, personnel costs as
well as business expenses were down and profitability improved in the
third quarter. Operating profit amounted to EUR 29.0 (25.7) million.

In Sweden, net sales declined by 16%. In local currency, the decline
was 10%. Excluding the currency impact, the drop in sales was mainly
attributable to the weak development in the telecom sector. Telecom
accounts for close to 40% of Tieto's net sales in Sweden. Operating
profit declined to EUR 4.8 (14.1) million, due to lower net sales and
EUR 4.5 million in one-off cost related to actions to further improve
cost structure. Due to streamlining actions profitability improved
compared with the first two quarters of 2009. The operating profit,
however, includes a positive non-recurring internal adjustment of
approximately EUR 2 million.

In International, net sales declined by 8%, reflecting lower demand.
Two percentage points of the decline were attributable to changes in
exchange rates. The telecom sector in Denmark and the finance sector
in the UK were the most challenging areas. Third-quarter operating
profit declined to EUR 0.7 (5.2) million, mainly due to lower net
sales. Streamlining actions, especially those in the UK, have
balanced out the negative development and turned International back
into the black, but profitability still remained at a very low level.

Net sales by customer sector

                 Net sales in Net sales in
                     Q3/2009,     Q3/2008,
                  EUR million  EUR million Change, %
Telecom                   132          147       -10
Finance                    87           92        -6
Industry sectors          165          186       -12
Total                     383          425       -10

In the telecom sector, Tieto's net sales fell by 10%. Majority of the
drop in net sales is attributable to lower order volumes.
Additionally, weaker currencies had a major impact on net sales.
Competition in the telecom market has become even more aggressive
emphasizing the importance of offshore capabilities. As Tieto has not
been able to adjust its Telecom operations fast enough to respond to
the market changes, profitability was at an unsatisfactory level in
the third quarter.

In the finance sector, net sales fell by 6%. Exchange rate changes
account for more than half of the drop. Business has been stable in
Finland but in Sweden, the market is more competitive. Net sales in
the UK have continued to decline. Products for Capital Markets
comprised the strongest area, partly due to regulatory changes. Due
to the good utilization rate and streamlining actions, operating
profit and margin improved significantly from both the corresponding
quarter in 2008 and the first half of 2009.

In the industry sectors, net sales declined by 12%, or by 6% in local
currencies. Manufacturing and forest were the weakest areas during
the quarter. Profitability in the industry sectors was at a healthy
level. In Tieto's reporting, the industry sectors cover customers in
healthcare and welfare, forest, energy, manufacturing, automotive,
public, retail and logistics.


Net sales declined by 8% and amounted to EUR 1 265.7 (1 373.7)
million. The weakened currencies had a negative impact on net sales
in euros. In local currencies, net sales declined by 4%. The telecom
sector in Denmark and the finance sector in the UK were the most
challenging areas.

Operating profit amounted to EUR 41.6 (88.0) million including a net
amount of EUR 46.0 million in one-off items that were related to the
restructuring actions during 2009 and EUR 18.1 million in one-off
income. One-off income includes EUR 4.9 million in capital gain from
the TietoSaab divestment in Finland and a positive change of EUR 13.2
million in revenue recognition estimate in Tieto International.
Operating profit excluding one-off items amounted to EUR 69.5 (107.5)
million, representing a margin of 5.5% (7.8).

Financial performance by country

                                                        EBIT     EBIT
                                                      margin   margin
                 Net sales in  Net sales in               in       in
                Jan-Sep/2009, Jan-Sep/2008, Change, Jan-Sep/ Jan-Sep/
                  EUR million   EUR million       %  2009, %  2008, %
Finland                   655           661      -1     11.6     13.0
Sweden                    337           407     -17     -3.1      7.7
International             414           420      -1     -2.4      1.1
Group                   - 141         - 115
Total                   1 266         1 374      -8      3.3      6.4

Net sales by customer sector

                   Net sales in  Net sales in
                 Jan-Sep /2009, Jan-Sep/2008,
                    EUR million   EUR million Change, %
Telecom                     434           486       -11
Finance                     270           298       -10
Industry sectors            563           590        -5
Total                     1 266         1 374        -8

Net financial expenses stood at EUR 3.5 (12.2) million in the
nine-month period. Net interest expenses were EUR 5.4 (6.8) million
and net gains from foreign exchange transactions EUR 2.3 (losses 4.5)
million, of which EUR 3.5 million were unrealized net losses. Other
financial income and expenses amounted to EUR 0.4 (0.9) million.

Nine-month earnings per share (EPS) totalled EUR 0.45 (0.81).

Cash flow and financing
Third-quarter net cash flow from operations, including the increase
of EUR 22.8 (increase 46.5) million in net working capital, amounted
to EUR 32.2 (-5.7) million. The increase in net working capital
was mainly caused by the decrease in accruals for restructuring costs
and vacation pay.

Nine-month net cash flow from operations declined to EUR 62.1 (112.8)
million, reflecting negative cash flow in the second quarter. Net
cash flow from operations includes the increase of EUR 20.5 (5.3)
million in net working capital.

Tax payments amounted to EUR 10.9 (16.3) million in the nine-month

Acquisitions totalled EUR 2.1 (6.6) million in the nine-month period.

The equity ratio was 43.2% (42.0). Gearing was 24.2% (34.3).
Interest-bearing net debt totalled EUR 118.9 (169.7) million,
including EUR 224.0 million in interest-bearing debt, EUR 10.6
million in finance lease liabilities, EUR 10.1 million in finance
lease receivables and EUR 105.6 million in cash and cash equivalents.

The interest-bearing long-term debt consists of EUR 150 million in
bonds, of which EUR 100 million will mature in December 2013 and EUR
50 million (private placement) in July 2012. Short-term
interest-bearing loans of EUR 74.0 million include EUR 55.0 million
drawn from the EUR 250 million syndicated revolving credit facility
maturing in November 2011, EUR 18.7 million in commercial papers
issued under the EUR 250 million Commercial Paper Programme and EUR
0.3 million usage of other short-term credit lines.

Investments totalled EUR 43.2 (85.1) million for the nine-month
period. Capital expenditure, including financial leasing, accounted
for EUR 41.7 (70.4) million and investments in subsidiary and
associated company shares for EUR 1.5 (14.5) million.


During spring 2009, Tieto started personnel negotiations to decrease
the number of employees throughout the Group. As a result of the
completed personnel negotiations, approximately 700 employees have
been given notice by the end of September.

The number of full-time employees amounted to 16 215 (16 392) at the
end of September. From the beginning of 2009, the total headcount
decreased by 643 in onshore countries, and increased by 330 in
offshore sites. Out of the total net change, acquisitions,
divestments and new outsourcing contracts added a total of 67
employees to the headcount. Year on year, the number of employees in
the global delivery centres had increased by 17% and amounted to
about 4 620 (3 950), or 27% (23) of the total headcount at the end of
September. Global operations have grown fast, especially in India and

The 12-month rolling employee turnover stood at 7.0% at the end of
September. The average number of full-time employees was 16 577 (16
355) in the nine-month period.


On 26 March, the Board of Directors decided to convey a total of
74 260 existing shares held by the company, for free, to the key
personnel participating in Tieto's Share Ownership Plan 2006-2008, as
a proportion of the reward to be paid as shares on the basis of the
earning period 2008. The conveyance took place at the end of April.

During the second quarter, Tieto completed the share repurchase
programme of 252 610 shares. The share repurchases relate to the
company's incentive programme for key personnel announced in December
2008 (Performance Share Plan 2009-2011). The plan includes one
three-year earning period, which will end on 31 December 2011. Own
shares were purchased with the company's distributable funds,
reducing the company's distributable non-restricted equity.

During the third quarter, a total of 48 900 stock options 2006 A were
cancelled. After the cancellation, the remaining 410 350 stock
options 2006 A entitle the holders to subscribe for 410 350 shares.

At the end of September, the total number of shares amounted to
72 023 173 and the share capital to EUR 75 841 523. On 17 July 2009,
a total of 1 500 Tieto shares were returned free of consideration to
the company. The company's now holds a total of 541 500 own shares,
representing 0.8% of the total number of shares and voting rights.
The outstanding number of shares, excluding the shares in the
company's possession, was 71 481 673.


The Annual General Meeting decided on 26 March 2009 to offer free of
charge a maximum of 1 800 000 stock options for subscription by the
key personnel of the Group as well as by a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Tieto Corporation. Within this programme, the Board of Directors has
decided to allocate a total of 520 000 stock options 2009 A to 247
key employees of the Group based on performance.

The Board of Directors has accepted a synthetic option programme
Tieto Corporation Phantom Options 2009. The Board has decided to
allocate 31 000 Phantom Options to 15 key employees of Tieto Group
based on performance in those countries, where stock options are not
practical to be used. A maximum of 200 000 Phantom Options 2009 that
may entitle their holders to a cash reward can be issued under this

On 20 October, Tieto and Nokia Siemens Networks announced that they
have signed a global IT service agreement concerning IT application
management services for Nokia Siemens Networks' research and
development (R&D) and customer care related applications. In
addition, approximately 75 employees from Nokia Siemens Networks are
planned to be transferred to Tieto by 1 February 2010. Out of the
transferring employees 40 are based in Finland, 25 in China and India
and about 10 in other European countries. The final implementation of
the agreement is subject to works council consultations and other
statutory legal processes.


Weak demand for IT services might lead to lower utilization of
resources, hard price competition in new agreements and price erosion
in general. If the company is not able to adjust its cost base fast
enough to compensate for negative changes in the market situation,
its profitability will decline.

As close to 40% of Tieto's net sales are generated in non-euro
countries, further weakening of currencies, especially the Swedish
krona (SEK), would have a negative impact on net sales and operating
profit translated into euro.

However, the company foresees that the risks of further large-scale
deterioration of the IT market situation and strong further weakening
of currencies have declined from the second quarter.

A comprehensive description of the major long-term risks is available
on the company's website.


There are signs of stabilization in the IT market and Tieto
anticipates that the market will bottom out during 2009. However, the
potential pick-up in demand would have a delayed effect on the
company's net sales. Therefore Tieto's net sales and profitability
outlook for the full year remains unchanged. The company expects its
full-year net sales and operating profit to decline from last year.

Financial calendar for 2009
Capital Market Day on 26 November

Financial calendar for 2010
Fourth-quarter interim report and financial statements bulletin for
2009 on 10 February
Annual Report 2009 on Tieto's website during week 8
Annual General Meeting on 25 March
First-quarter interim report on 27 April
Second-quarter interim report on 21 July
Third-quarter interim report on 27 October

Accounting policies in 2009
The interim report has been prepared in accordance with International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted
by the EU.

Tieto has reclassified all internal long-term loans to Swedish
subsidiaries as a net investment in a foreign operation according to
IAS 21. All related unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses from
the net investment are recognized directly in shareholders' equity.
Excluding this change the accounting policies adopted are consistent
with those used in the annual financial statements for the year ended
31 December 2008 and as described in the annual financial statements.
Of the new standards and interpretations Tieto adopted in 2009, IFRS
8 "Operating Segments" is the only one with a major impact on the
Group's financial statements.

Tieto adopted a new financial reporting structure at the beginning of
2009. The countries are the main operating segments and its reporting
covers Finland, Sweden and International. Reportable segments are
defined based on IFRS 8, "Operating Segments". Deviating from IFRS 8,
Tieto will start to report the Group's net sales by products and
services in 2010.

IAS 1 (Revised) "Presentation of Financial Statements" will have a
minor impact on required disclosures.

The figures in this report are unaudited.

Key figures                   2009  2008  2009 2009  2009  2008  2008
                               7-9   7-9   4-6  1-3   1-9   1-9  1-12
Earnings per share, EUR
- basic                       0.25  0.33  0.14 0.01  0.40  0.81  0.83
- diluted                     0.25  0.33  0.14 0.01  0.40  0.81  0.83
Equity per share, EUR         6.82  6.90  6.46 6.31  6.82  6.90  6.75

Return on equity rolling 12
month, %                       6.3  -2.4   7.8 10.2   6.3  -2.4  12.6
Return on capital employed
rolling 12 month, %           18.6   8.9  18.5 25.3  18.6   8.9  25.2
Equity ratio %                43.2  42.0  40.7 40.0  43.2  42.0  41.1
Net interest-bearing
liabilities, EUR million     118.9 169.7 139.2 79.2 118.9 169.7 101.4
Gearing, %                    24.4  34.3  30.1 17.5  24.4  34.3  21.0
Investments, EUR million      12.7  25.7  14.4 16.1  43.2  85.1  97.9

Number of
shares         2009       2009       2009       2009       2008       2008
               7-9        4-6        1-3        1-9        7-9        1-12

Outstanding shares,
end of period
  Basic     71 481 673 71 483 173 71 661 523 71 481 673 71 661 523 71 661 523
  Diluted   71 555 933 71 557 433 71 739 083 71 555 933 71 661 523 71 739 083

  Basic     71 481 934 71 577 023 71 661 523 71 572 835 71 661 523 71 661 523
  Diluted   71 556 194 71 652 226 71 739 083 71 648 497 71 661 523 71 739 083

Company's possession
of its own shares
  End of
period         541 500    540 000    361 650    541 500    361 650    361 650
  Average      541 239    446 150    361 650    450 338    361 650    403 945

Income statement, EUR
million                     2009  2008    2009    2008 Change    2008
                             7-9   7-9     1-9     1-9      %    1-12
Net sales                  382.9 425.3 1 265.7 1 373.7     -8 1 865.7
Other operating income       1.3   2.2    11.3     8.4     35    10.8
Employee benefit expenses  210.7 227.1   743.4   777.2     -4 1 056.0
Depreciation and
amortization                16.9  16.7    53.2    49.3      8    66.1
Other operating expenses   130.3 149.9   438.8   467.6     -6   642.8
Operating profit (EBIT)     26.3  33.8    41.6    88.0    -53   111.6
Net interest expenses       -1.9  -2.3    -5.4    -6.8    -21    -9.3
Net exchange losses/gains    2.8  -2.2     2.3    -4.5   -151   -21.2
Other financial income and
expenses                     0.0   1.0    -0.4    -0.9    -56     1.3
Profit before taxes         27.2  30.3    38.1    75.8    -50    82.4
Income taxes                -8.8  -6.6    -8.7   -17.1    -49   -21.9
Net profit for the period   18.4  23.7    29.4    58.7    -50    60.5

Net profit for the period
attributable to
   Shareholders of the
Parent company              18.2  23.7    28.9    58.3    -50    59.9
   Minority interest         0.2   0.0     0.5     0.4     25     0.6
                            18.4  23.7    29.4    58.7    -50    60.5

Earnings attributable to the shareholders
of the Parent company per share, EUR

Basic   0.25 0.33 0.40 0.81 -51 0.83
Diluted 0.25 0.33 0.40 0.81 -51 0.83

Statement of comprehensive income, EUR million

Net profit for the period              18.4 23.7 29.4 58.7  -50  60.5
Tax impact on share-based payments      0.0  0.0  0.2  0.0        0.0
Translation difference (net of tax)     6.4 -0.4 10.3 -6.4 -261 -21.5
Total comprehensive income             24.8 23.3 39.9 52.3  -24  39.0

Total comprehensive income
attributable to
   Shareholders of the parent company  24.6 23.3 39.4 51.9  -24  38.4
   Minority interest                    0.2  0.0  0.5  0.4   25   0.6
                                       24.8 23.3 39.9 52.3  -24  39.0

Balance sheet, EUR million         2009    2008 Change    2008
                                 30 Sep  30 Sep      %  31 Dec

Goodwill                          398.2   412.9     -4   389.3
Other intangible assets            44.1    59.3    -26    53.1
Property, plant and equipment      99.0   102.2     -3   100.5
Deferred tax assets                67.8    66.3      2    67.8
Other non-current assets            0.9     1.6    -44     1.5
Total non-current assets          610.0   642.3     -5   612.2
Trade and other receivables       474.1   549.4    -14   498.5
Current income tax receivables     10.7    19.7    -46    13.9
Interest-bearing current assets    10.2    10.2      0     9.7
Cash and cash equivalents         105.6    58.2     81   120.2
Total current assets              600.6   637.5     -6   642.3
Total assets                    1 210.6 1 279.8     -5 1 254.5

Share capital, share issue
premiums and other reserves       110.7   111.9     -1   109.0
Retained earnings                 375.4   381.2     -2   373.0
Parent shareholders' equity       486.1   493.1     -1   482.0
Minority interest                   1.7     1.4     21     1.6
Total equity                      487.8   494.5     -1   483.6

Finance lease liability            10.6    14.7    -28    14.5
Other interest-bearing loans      150.0   150.1      0   150.0
Deferred tax liabilities           28.9    29.6     -2    29.2
Pension obligations                18.5    22.4    -17    17.2
Provisions                         49.3    27.5     79    28.6
Other non-current liabilities       1.5     1.7    -12     1.6
Total non-current liabilities     258.8   246.0      5   241.1
Trade and other payables          376.4   451.7    -17   447.5
Current income tax liabilities     13.6    14.2     -4    15.6
Interest-bearing loans             74.0    73.4      1    66.7
Total current liabilities         464.0   539.3    -14   529.8
Total equity and liabilities    1 210.6 1 279.8     -5 1 254.5

Net working capital in the balance sheet, EUR million

                              2009   2008 Change   2009   2009   2008
                            30 Sep 30 Sep      % 31 Mar 30 Jun 31 Dec

Accounts receivable          301.4  317.2     -5  336.4  312.1  357.7
Other working capital
receivables                  171.8  231.5    -26  151.3  156.5  140.3
Working capital receivables
included in assets           473.2  548.7    -14  487.7  468.6  498.0

Operative accruals           136.3  217.5    -37  197.1  160.0  191.1
Other working capital
liabilities                  232.8  225.1      3  250.5  222.8  250.6
Pension obligations and
provisions                    67.8   50.0     36   55.5   72.2   45.7
Working capital liabilities
included in current
liabilities                  436.9  492.6    -11  503.1  455.0  487.4

Net working capital in the
balance sheet                 36.3   56.1    -35  -15.4   13.6   10.6

Cash flow, EUR million     2009  2008  2009   2009   2009  2008  2008
                            7-9   7-9   4-6    1-3    1-9   1-9  1-12

Cash flow from
Net profit                 18.4  23.7  10.0    1.0   29.4  58.7  60.5
amortization and
impairment                 16.9  16.7  19.0   17.3   53.2  49.3  66.1
   Share-based payments     1.0   1.3   1.1    1.0    3.1   3.2   4.1
   Profit/loss on sale
of fixed assets and
shares                      0.3   0.0  -6.1    0.0   -5.8   0.2   0.2
   Other adjustments       -0.2   0.0   0.8    0.1    0.7  -1.3  -1.3
   Net financial
expenses                   -0.9   3.5   1.6    2.8    3.5  12.2  29.2
   Income taxes             8.8   6.6  -1.2    1.1    8.7  17.1  21.9
Change in net working
capital                   -22.8 -46.5 -25.8   28.1  -20.5  -5.3  30.3
   Cash generated from
operations                 21.5   5.3  -0.6   51.4   72.3 134.1 211.0
Net financial expenses
paid                        5.0  -4.2  -1.3   -3.0    0.7  -5.0  -6.0
Income taxes paid           5.7  -6.8 -10.2   -6.4  -10.9 -16.3 -14.0
Net cash flow from
operations                 32.2  -5.7 -12.1   42.0   62.1 112.8 191.0

Cash flow from investing
Acquisition of Group
companies and business
operations, net of cash
acquired                    0.2  -3.8   0.1   -2.4   -2.1  -6.6  -8.0
Capital expenditure       -12.0 -21.7 -13.4  -15.9  -41.3 -53.2 -68.5
Advance payment for
acquisition of shares       1.0     -  -1.0      -    0.0     -     -
Disposal of business
operations                  0.0     -   5.7    0.0    5.7     -     -
Sales of fixed assets       1.2   0.2   1.7    0.0    2.9   1.5   3.0
Change in loan
receivables                 1.3  -0.1  -1.9    0.1   -0.5  -2.3  -1.4
Net cash used in
investing activities
from operations            -8.3 -25.4  -8.8  -18.2  -35.3 -60.6 -74.9

Cash flow from financing
  Dividends paid            0.0   0.0 -36.3    0.0  -36.3 -36.0 -36.0
  Repurchase of own
shares                      0.0   0.0  -2.6    0.0   -2.6     -     -
  Payment of finance
lease liabilities          -1.3  -0.9  -3.9    1.3   -3.9  -2.6  -2.6
  Change in
liabilities               -16.5  -3.1  70.4  -46.6    7.3 -28.1 -27.5
  Net cash used in other
financing activities        0.0  -0.1   0.0    0.0    0.0  -0.1     -
Net cash used in
financing activities
from operations           -17.8  -4.1  27.6  -45.3  -35.5 -66.8 -66.1

Change in cash and cash
equivalents                 6.1 -35.2   6.7  -21.5   -8.7 -14.6  50.0

Cash and cash
equivalents at beginning
of period                -101.7 -93.4 -94.6 -120.2 -120.2 -72.9 -72.9
Foreign exchange
differences                 2.2   0.0  -0.4    4.1    5.9   0.1   2.7
Cash and cash
equivalents at end of
period                    105.6  58.2 101.7   94.6  105.6  58.2 120.2
                            6.1 -35.2   6.7  -21.5   -8.7 -14.6  50.0

Statement of changes in shareholders'
equity, EUR million

                    Parent shareholders' equity       Minority Total
                                                      interest equity
               Share   issue    Own    Retained Total
               capital premiums shares earnings

Balance at 31
Dec 2007          75.8     39.6  -41.1    399.3 473.6      4.0  477.6
interest                                    0.3   0.3     -3.0   -2.7
of own shares                     32.1    -32.1   0.0             0.0
reserves                   -2.2             2.2   0.0             0.0
against equity                              3.1   3.1             3.1
Dividend                                  -35.8 -35.8           -35.8
income                     -1.3            53.2  51.9      0.4   52.3
At 30
September 2008    75.8     36.1   -9.0    390.2 493.1      1.4  494.5

Balance at 31
Dec 2008          75.8     33.2   -9.0    382.0 482.0      1.6  483.6
interest                                                  -0.4   -0.4
reserves                    0.1            -0.1   0.0             0.0
against equity                              3.1   3.1             3.1
Dividend                                  -35.8 -35.8           -35.8
Own shares
purchased                         -2.6           -2.6            -2.6
income                      1.6            37.8  39.4      0.5   39.9
At 30
September 2009    75.8     34.9  -11.6    387.0 486.1      1.7  487.8

Net sales by country, EUR
                            2009 2008 Change  2009  2008 Change  2008
                             7-9  7-9      %   1-9   1-9      %  1-12
Finland                      199  199      0   655   661     -1   900
Sweden                       103  123    -16   337   407    -17   548
International                130  140     -8   414   420     -1   572
Group elimination            -48  -37     30  -141  -115     23  -155
Group total                  383  425    -10 1 266 1 374     -8 1 866

Internal sales by country, EUR million

              2009 2008 Change 2009 2008 Change 2008
               7-9  7-9      %  1-9  1-9      % 1-12
Finland         20   14     47   55   43     28   53
Sweden           5    5    -12   19   17     14   26
International   24   18     31   67   55     21   77
Group total     48   37     30  141  115     23  155

Net sales according to customer location, EUR million

             2009 Change Share  2008 Share  2008 Change
              1-9      %     %   1-9     %  1-12      %
Finland       596     -5    47   624    45   853      6
Sweden        313    -17    25   375    27   506      2
Other         357     -5    28   374    27   506      6
Group total 1 266     -8   100 1 374   100 1 866      5

Net sales by customer sector, EUR million

                 2009 2008 Change  2009  2008 Change  2008
                  7-9  7-9      %   1-9   1-9      %  1-12
Telecom           132  147    -10   434   486    -11   648
Finance            87   92     -6   270   298    -10   402
Industry sectors  165  186    -12   563   590     -5   816
Group total       383  425    -10 1 266 1 374     -8 1 866

Operating profit (EBIT) by country, EUR million

                        2009  2008 Change  2009  2008 Change  2008
                         7-9   7-9      %   1-9   1-9      %  1-12
Finland                 29.0  25.7   12.9  76.3  85.8  -11.1 114.2
Sweden                   4.8  14.1  -65.7 -10.5  31.2 -133.8  48.7
International            0.7   5.2  -87.3  -9.9   4.6 -313.4   3.8
Countries total         34.5  45.0  -23.3  55.9 121.6  -54.0 166.7
Group operations        -8.2 -11.1   26.2 -14.3 -33.6   57.3 -55.1
Operating profit (EBIT) 26.3  33.9  -22.4  41.6  88.0  -52.8 111.6

Operating margin (EBIT) by country, %

                        2009 2008 Change 2009 2008 Change 2008
                         7-9  7-9         1-9  1-9        1-12
Finland                 14.6 12.9    1.7 11.6 13.0   -1.3 12.7
Sweden                   4.7 11.5   -6.8 -3.1  7.7  -10.8  8.9
International            0.5  3.7   -3.2 -2.4  1.1   -3.5  0.7
Countries total          9.0 10.6   -1.6  4.4  8.9   -4.4  8.9

Operating margin (EBIT)  6.9  8.0   -1.1  3.3  6.4   -3.1  6.0

Personnel by country           End of period              Average
                       2009 Change Share   2008   2008   2009   2008
                        1-9      %     %    1-9   1-12    1-9    1-9
Finland               5 772     -5    36  6 048  6 021  5 976  6 175
Sweden                3 086     -6    19  3 298  3 291  3 230  3 330
Czech                 1 544      9     9  1 417  1 501  1 521  1 318
Germany               1 062    -10     7  1 178  1 143  1 086  1 252
India                   837     28     5    656    784    797    622
Latvia                  608     -2     4    621    628    625    584
Poland                  629     22     4    517    558    592    475
Norway                  581    -11     4    655    655    614    674
China                   457     91     3    239    290    389    184
Great Britain           275    -21     2    350    347    298    343
Italy                   262      3     2    255    251    261    246
Denmark                 214    -27     1    293    289    274    314
Lithuania               179      4     1    173    186    184    148
Netherlands             133     -1     1    135    138    142    134
France                  139      5     1    133    143    139    130
Estonia                 118     -5     1    125    119    121    121
Other                   319      6     2    301    274    327    304
Group total          16 215     -1   100 16 392 16 618 16 577 16 355

Total assets by country, EUR million

                     2009    2008 Change    2008
                   30 Sep  30 Sep      %  31 Dec
Finland             465.8   506.4     -8   460.4
Sweden              255.8   289.8    -12   291.3
International       320.5   356.2    -10   335.7
Group elimination   -18.5   -16.6     11   -26.7
Countries total   1 023.6 1 135.8    -10 1 060.8
Group Operations    187.0   144.0     30   193.7
Total assets      1 210.6 1 279.8     -5 1 254.5

Non-current assets according to asset location, EUR
                                     2009          2008 Change   2008
                                   30 Sep        30 Sep      % 31 Dec
Finland                             251.1         259.3     -3  254.3
Sweden                              139.6         148.7     -6  132.7
Other                               150.6         166.4     -9  155.9
Total non-current assets            541.2         574.4     -6  542.9

Capital expenditure by country, EUR million

                 2009 2008 Change 2009 2008 Change 2008
                  7-9  7-9      %  1-9  1-9      % 1-12
Finland           6.9 18.4    -62 25.9 49.5    -48 58.0
Sweden            2.8  1.6     75  7.5  8.9    -16  9.5
International     2.1  2.6    -18  2.8  9.5    -71 10.7
Group Operations  0.6  0.7    -14  5.5  2.6    116  5.0
Group total      12.4 23.2    -47 41.7 70.4    -41 83.2

Depreciation by country, EUR million

                    2009  2008 Change  2009  2008 Change  2008
                     7-9   7-9      %   1-9   1-9      %  1-12
Finland             10.9   9.4     16  32.3  27.5     18  36.9
Sweden               2.0   2.0     -1   6.1   6.4     -6   8.5
International        1.5   1.6     -9   7.2   4.7     54   6.4
Group Operations     0.2   1.0    -79   0.7   3.1    -78   4.1
Group total         14.6  14.0      4  46.3  41.7     11  56.0

Amortization on allocated intangible assets from acquisitions, EUR

                   2009 2008 Change 2009 2008 Change  2008
                    7-9  7-9      %  1-9  1-9      %  1-12
Finland             0.1  0.1     -4  0.4  0.4     -2   0.5
Sweden              0.7  1.1    -34  2.2  2.7    -19   3.5
International       1.5  1.5     -1  4.4  4.5     -4   6.0
Group Operations    0.0  0.0      0  0.0  0.0      0   0.0
Group total         2.3  2.7    -14  6.9  7.6     -9  10.0

                                                  2009   2008 Change
Commitments and contingencies, EUR million      30 Sep 31 Dec      %

For Tieto obligations
  Pledges                                            -      -
On behalf of joint ventures
  Guarantees                                       2.2    0.0    pos
Other Tieto obligations
  Rent commitments due in one year                52.8   54.4     -3
  Rent commitments due in 1-5 years               99.4  102.2     -3
  Rent commitments due after 5 years              23.0   19.5     18
  Operating lease commitments due in one year     11.5   14.4    -20
  Operating lease commitments due in 1-5 years     9.6   13.5    -29
  Operating lease commitments due after 5 years    0.0    0.0
  Other commitments                               14.8   13.9      7

Operating lease commitments are principally three-year lease
agreements that do not include buyout clauses.

Notional amounts of derivative financial   2009   2008
instruments, EUR million                 30 Sep 31 Dec

Foreign exchange contracts                110.5  252.0
Interest rate swaps                       250.0  100.0

Includes the gross amount of all notional values for contracts that
have not yet been settled or closed. The amount of notional value
outstanding is not necessarily a measure or indication of market
risk, as the exposure of certain contracts may be offset by that of
other contracts.

Fair values of derivatives, EUR million
The net fair values of derivative financial instruments
at the                                                    2009   2008
balance sheet date were:                                30 Sep 31 Dec

Foreign exchange contracts                                 0.7   -6.1
Interest rate swaps                                        0.9    0.6

Derivatives are used for hedging purposes only.

Contingent assets
The Finnish tax authorities have confirmed an additonal loss EUR 41.0
million (of which a
deferred tax asset EUR 10.7 million could be recognized) on the loss
incurred by the Parent company in connection with the intra-group
transaction carried out in April 2004, but the decision has been


Key figures                   2009  2009 2009  2008  2008  2008  2008
                               7-9   4-6  1-3 10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3
Earnings per share, EUR
- basic                       0.25  0.14 0.01  0.02  0.33  0.26  0.23
- diluted                     0.25  0.14 0.01  0.02  0.33  0.26  0.23
Equity per share, EUR         6.82  6.46 6.31  6.75  6.90  6.58  6.29
Return on equity rolling 12
month, %                       6.3   7.8 10.2  12.6  -2.4  -4.9  -7.7
Return on capital employed
rolling 12 month, %           18.6  18.5 25.3  25.2   8.9   8.8   7.2
Equity ratio %                43.2  40.7 40.0  41.1  42.0  38.8  38.0
Net interest-bearing
liabilities, EUR million     118.9 139.2 79.2 101.4 169.7 138.1 139.7
Gearing, %                    24.4  30.1 17.5  21.0  34.3  29.3  31.0
Investments, EUR million      12.7  14.4 16.1  12.8  25.7  23.2  36.2

Income statement, EUR
million                      2009  2009  2009  2008  2008  2008  2008
                              7-9   4-6   1-3 10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3
Net sales                   382.9 444.8 438.0 492.0 425.3 480.1 468.3
Other operating income        1.3   7.1   2.9   2.4   2.2   1.7   4.5
Employee benefit expenses   210.7 265.8 266.9 278.8 227.1 273.1 277.0
Depreciation and
amortization                 16.9  19.0  17.3  16.8  16.7  16.3  16.3
Other operating expenses    130.3 156.7 151.8 175.2 149.9 162.8 154.9
Operating profit (EBIT)      26.3  10.4   4.9  23.6  33.8  29.6  24.6
Financial income and
expenses                      0.9  -1.6  -2.8 -17.0  -3.5  -5.8  -2.9
Profit before taxes          27.2   8.8   2.1   6.6  30.3  23.8  21.7
Income taxes                 -8.8   1.2  -1.1  -4.8  -6.6  -5.1  -5.4
Net profit for the period    18.4  10.0   1.0   1.8  23.7  18.7  16.3

Balance sheet, EUR million                    2009    2009    2009
                                            30 Sep  30 Jun  31 Mar

Goodwill                                     398.2   392.7   391.4
Other intangible assets                       44.1    46.1    49.2
Property, plant and equipment                 99.0   100.8   103.2
Other non-current assets                      68.7    75.3    68.7
Total non-current assets                     610.0   614.9   612.5
Trade receivables and other current assets   495.0   495.5   514.1
Cash and cash equivalents                    105.6   101.7    94.6
Total current assets                         600.6   597.2   608.7
Total assets                               1 210.6 1 212.1 1 221.2

Total equity                                   487.8   462.0   452.1
Non-current interest-bearing loans             160.6   161.9   163.2
Provisions                                      49.3    54.5    37.2
Other non-current liabilities                   48.9    46.9    42.5
Total non-current liabilities                  258.8   263.3   242.9
Trade payables and other current liabilities   390.0   396.3   506.1
Current interest-bearing loans                  74.0    90.5    20.1
Total current liabilities                      464.0   486.8   526.2
Total equity and liabilities                 1 210.6 1 212.1 1 221.2

                                         2008    2008    2008    2008
                                       31 Dec  30 Sep  30 Jun  31 Mar

Goodwill                                389.3   412.9   414.7   415.9
Other intangible assets                  53.1    59.3    62.3    62.5
Property, plant and equipment           100.5   102.2    94.4    92.2
Other non-current assets                 69.3    67.9    69.0    67.4
Total non-current assets                612.2   642.3   640.4   638.0
Trade receivables and other current
assets                                  522.1   579.3   583.5   579.7
Cash and cash equivalents               120.2    58.2    93.4    85.0
Total current assets                    642.3   637.5   676.9   664.7
Total assets                          1 254.5 1 279.8 1 317.3 1 302.7

Total equity                            483.6   494.5   471.3   451.1
Non-current interest-bearing loans      164.5   164.8   165.4   166.2
Provisions                               28.6    27.5    35.9    38.7
Other non-current liabilities            48.0    53.7    53.1    45.9
Total non-current liabilities           241.1   246.0   254.4   250.8
Trade payables and other current
liabilities                             463.1   465.9   515.1   531.1
Current interest-bearing loans           66.7    73.4    76.5    69.7
Total current liabilities               529.8   539.3   591.6   600.8
Total equity and liabilities          1 254.5 1 279.8 1 317.3 1 302.7

Cash flow, EUR million      2009  2009   2009  2008  2008  2008  2008
                             7-9   4-6    1-3 10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3

Cash flow from operations
Net profit                  18.4  10.0    1.0   1.8  23.7  18.7  16.3
Adjustments                 25.9  15.2   22.3  39.5  28.1  27.2  25.4
Change in net working
capital                    -22.8 -25.8   28.1  35.6 -46.5  19.5  21.7
   Cash generated from
operations                  21.5  -0.6   51.4  76.9   5.3  65.4  63.4
Net financial expenses
paid                         5.0  -1.3   -3.0  -1.0  -4.2  -0.6  -0.2
Income taxes paid            5.7 -10.2   -6.4   2.3  -6.8 -10.9   1.4
Net cash flow from
operations                  32.2 -12.1   42.0  78.2  -5.7  53.9  64.6

Net cash used in
investing activities
from operations             -8.3  -8.8  -18.2 -14.3 -25.4 -12.8 -22.4

Net cash used in
financing activities
from operations            -17.8  27.6  -45.3   0.7  -4.1 -32.9 -29.8
Change in cash and cash
equivalents                  6.1   6.7  -21.5  64.6 -35.2   8.2  12.4

Cash and cash equivalents
at beginning of period    -101.7 -94.6 -120.2 -58.2 -93.4 -85.0 -72.9
Foreign exchange
differences                  2.2  -0.4    4.1   2.6   0.0  -0.2   0.3
Cash and cash equivalents
at end of period           105.6 101.7   94.6 120.2  58.2  93.4  85.0
                             6.1   6.7  -21.5  64.6 -35.2   8.2  12.4

Net sales by country, EUR million 2009 2009 2009  2008 2008 2008 2008
                                   7-9  4-6  1-3 10-12  7-9  4-6  1-3
Finland                            199  230  227   239  199  230  232
Sweden                             103  116  119   141  123  144  141
International                      130  143  141   152  140  144  135
Group elimination                  -48  -45  -48   -40  -37  -38  -40
Group total                        383  445  438   492  425  480  468

Net sales by customer sector, EUR million

                 2009 2009 2009  2008 2008 2008 2008
                  7-9  4-6  1-3 10-12  7-9  4-6  1-3
Telecom           132  149  153   162  147  172  167
Finance            87   94   89   104   92  102  104
Industry sectors  165  201  197   226  186  206  198
Group total       383  445  438   492  425  480  468

Operating profit (EBIT) by country, EUR million

                         2009  2009  2009   2008   2008   2008   2008
                          7-9   4-6   1-3  10-12    7-9    4-6    1-3
Finland                  29.0  25.2  22.1   28.3   25.7   31.6   30.0
Sweden                    4.8 - 6.7 - 8.7   17.6   14.1    7.4    9.7
International             0.7 - 6.6 - 4.0  - 0.9    5.2    2.1  - 2.7
Countries total          34.5  11.9   9.4   45.1   45.0   41.1   37.0
Group operations        - 8.2 - 1.5 - 4.5 - 21.5 - 11.1 - 11.5 - 12.4
Operating profit (EBIT)  26.3  10.4   4.9   23.6   33.9   29.6   24.6

Operating margin (EBIT) by
country, %                        2009 2009 2009  2008 2008 2008 2008
                                   7-9  4-6  1-3 10-12  7-9  4-6  1-3
Finland                           14.6 10.9  9.7  11.9 12.9 13.7 12.9
Sweden                             4.7 -5.8 -7.3  12.5 11.5  5.2  6.9
International                      0.5 -4.6 -2.8  -0.6  3.7  1.4 -2.0
Countries total                    9.0  2.7  2.1   9.2 10.6  8.6  7.9

Operating margin (EBIT)            6.9  2.3  1.1   4.8  8.0  6.2  5.3

Major shareholders 30 September 2009
                                            Shares     %
OP Pohjola Group                         4 079 370  5.7%
Swedbank Robur fonder                    3 629 256  5.0%
Didner & Gerge Aktiefond                 2 566 900  3.6%
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Co.   1 720 975  2.4%
The State Pension Fund                   1 610 000  2.2%
Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland   1 561 000  2.2%
Tapiola Pension                          1 530 000  2.1%
Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB      1 403 908  1.9%
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co.       1 249 749  1.7%
SEB Investment Management                  938 990  1.3%
                                        20 290 148 28.1%
Nominee registered                     44 047 548  61.2%
Others                                  7 685 477  10.7%
Total                                  72 023 173  100.0

Based on the ownership records of Euroclear Finland Oy and Euroclear
Sweden AB.

For further information, please contact:

Hannu Syrjälä, President and CEO, tel. +358 2072 68729,
Seppo Haapalainen, CFO, tel. +358 2072 63500, +358 400 455587,
Reeta Kaukiainen, EVP, Communications and Investor Relations, tel.
+358 2072 68711,
+358 50 522 0924, reeta.kaukiainen@tieto.com
Pasi Hiedanpää, Manager, Investor Relations, tel. +358 2072 68088,
+358 50 378 2228, pasi.hiedanpaa@tieto.com

Press conference for analysts and media will be held on Tieto's
premises, Aku Korhosen tie 2, Helsinki at 10.00 am EET (9.00 am CET,
8.00 am UK time). The results will be presented in English by Hannu
Syrjälä, President and CEO. Notification of attendance to
sirpa.salo@tieto.com, tel. +358 2072 68714.

The conference will be webcasted and published live on Tieto's
website www.tieto.com. Questions can be presented online. An
on-demand video will be available after the conference.

Conference call hosted by the management starting at 2.00 pm EET
(1.00 pm CET, 12.00 am UK time). The conference call will also be
available as a live audio webcast at www.tieto.com. Callers may
access the conference directly at the following telephone numbers: US
callers: +1 866 966 5335, non-US callers: +44 20 3023 4402, no code.
Lines are to be reserved ten minutes before the start of the
conference call.

An on-demand audiocast of the conference will also be published on
Tieto's website later during the day. A replay will be available
until 28 October 2009 at the following numbers: US callers:
+1 866 583 1035, non-US callers: +44 20 8196 1998, access code:

Tieto publishes financial information in English, Finnish and
Swedish. All releases are posted in full on Tieto's website as soon
as they are published.


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Principal Media

Tieto is an IT service company providing IT, R&D and consulting
services. With approximately 16 000 experts, we are among the leading
IT service companies in Northern Europe and the global leader in
selected segments. We specialize in areas where we have the deepest
understanding of our customers' businesses and needs. Our superior
customer centricity and Nordic expertise set us apart from our


Tieto Corporation
Business ID: 0101138-5

Aku Korhosentie 2-6
PO Box 38
Tel +358 207 2010
Fax +358 2072 68898
Registered office: Helsinki

E-mail: info@tieto.com


Interim report 32009.pdf