Commentary on BNS news agency news letter on 20 October 2009 "Nordeka is planning to obtain intercity omnibuses..."

Company Release, 20 October 2009, No. 1

In response to a publication on the home page of the national news agency
Baltic News Service, we hereby inform that proposals for a tender announced by
Nordeka JSC on the supply of new busses for intercity routes were received from
11 applicants, and the proposal from trader Domenikss was selected as the

Currently negotiations are under way on the terms of delivery of busses for
intercity routes, the contract will possibly be signed shortly. At present the
contract sum for 55 busses amounts to 10.725 million Euros (7.538 million
Latvian lats). 

Nordeka JSC will provide more detail after the signature of the contract.

Sergejs Zabavņikovs
Chairman of the Board, Nordeka JSC

Dainis Pinkis
371 67500300