Virala group's share in Tiimari

TIIMARI PLC         STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 22 OCTOBER 2009 at 12.45            

VIRALA GROUP'S SHARE IN TIIMARI                                                 

Under Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act, we hereby announce   
the following:                                                                  

1 Identification data of the share issuer:                                      
Tiimari Plc, corporate ID 0106264-1                                             

2 Grounds for the notification:                                                 
Subscription of Tiimari Plc's convertible capital loan. Loan is exchangeable to 
shares between 30th October 2009 and 15th March 2013                           

3 Full names of the entities under obligation to notify:                        
Virala Ltd, corporate ID 0147485-7, as the parent company of the group          
Atine Group Ltd, corporate ID 1942577-0                                         

4 Date of transaction and date on which the ownership was determined:           
22nd October 2009                                                               

5 Threshold for notification which the number of shares and voting rights has   
been reached:                                                                   
Virala Ltd's direct ownership of shares and voting rights is over 1/20. The     
indirect ownership of shares and voting rights for Virala Ltd is over 1/4       

6 Information to be notified:                                                   
The shares and the voting rights attached thereto                               

Situation before the arrangement that leads to the change of holdings:          
The number of shares and voting rights 3.292.198, share of shares and voting    
rights 19.98 %                                                                  

Situation should the companies in the Virala group utilise their right to       
exchange loan to shares in full:                                                
The number of shares and voting rights 5.123.195, share of shares and voting    
rights 25.81 %, of which Atine Group Ltd holds 3,292,198 shares, share of shares
and voting rights 16.58 % and Virala Ltd holds 1.830.997, share of shares and   
voting rights 9.22 %                                                            

The registered share capital of Tiimari Plc at the date of this notification    
comprises 16.474.755 shares. If the issued convertible capital loan is exchanged
to shares in full the amount of company shares will increase by a maximum of    

Hannu Krook                                                                     
Tiimari Plc                                                                     

Further information:                                                            

CEO Hannu Krook                                                                 
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail                           

CFO Maija Elenius                                                               
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail                         

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                               
important news media                                                     
Tiimari Plc shares are listed at Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Plc. The Group comprises   
two retail shop concepts, Tiimari and Gallerix. The concepts operate nearly 300 
shops in seven countries within the Baltic Sea region. Both concepts belong to  
the forerunners within their business segments.