14-2009 - Amagerbanken

Announcement no. 14-2009  
                                                                 23 October 2009

Company Announcement                                                            

Amagerbanken hereby convenes an extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 4   
November 2009 at 19.00 in the former “tappehal” at the Carlsberg land, Ny       
Carlsbergvej 91, 1760 Copen­hagen V.                                            

The notice convening the General Meeting is enclosed as well as the complete    

Proposal for an extensive authorisation to the Board of Directors to increase   
the Bank's share capital with or without subscription right for the Bank's      
shareholders is submitted. As already mentioned in the Bank's Annual Report 2008
the Bank has planned a strengthening of its capital base. The matter of the     
Bank's individual solvency ratio is expected to be clarified through the pending
case in the Danish Company Appeals Board, after which a more accurate basis will
show how the Bank's capital base must be strengthened. The authorisation has    
been made wide to give the Bank the greatest possible flexibility by            
strengthening the capital base.                                                 

Beyond this, a proposal for a temporary authorisation to obtain state-funded    
capital injection with full or part conversion right is submitted. Furthermore, 
a proposal for termination of the voting right restriction is submitted, if     
state-funded capital injection with conversion right is obtained or a           
substantial capital increase is completed, where the termination of the voting  
right restriction will take place as part of the planned renewal of the Bank's  
governance structure.                                                           

Moreover, a proposal for election of an additional auditor in the Bank is       
recommended with a view to secure that the Bank's advisor of measurement of the 
Bank's individual solvency ratio, etc. by the election as auditor appointed by  
the General Meeting also will appear as the public re­presentative.


notice convening general meeting okt 2009.pdf complete proposals.pdf