SSH Announces New Managed File Transfer Automation and Integration Solutions

New SSH Tectia Solutions Provide Easy Interactive File Transfer Services for    
Remote Workers and Partners, and Reduce Cost of Legacy File Transfer Solutions  

HELSINKI, FINLAND and WELLESLEY, Mass. - October 27, 2009                       

SSH Communications Security (HEX:SSH1V), a forerunning provider of              
open-standards-based enterprise security and managed file transfer solutions,   
today announced SSH Tectia MFT Portal and SSH Tectia MFT z/Optimizer. SSH Tectia
MFT Portal is an interactive file transfer portal with a web-based user         
interface to share files securely inside organizations as well as with external 
stakeholders. SSH Tectia MFT z/Optimizer enables the customers to migrate from 
the proprietary Sterling Connect:Direct file transfer solution to               
open-standards-based secure file transfers that can lead into significant cost  
savings. These new solutions complement SSH Tectia MFT Events and SSH Tectia MFT
Auditor that SSH introduced earlier this year, and they enable the customers to 
further automate and extend their secure data flows.                            

SSH Tectia MFT Portal provides a fast-to-deploy data sharing service for remote 
and traveling employees, marketing partners, subcontractors, and other users in 
need of easy and managed access to business data and materials. It facilitates  
both the “store-and-forward” and “on-the-fly-streaming” data transfer models to 
accommodate enterprise DMZ security policies and to keep the internal file      
transfer processes intact. It offers easy connectivity to the enterprise data   
repositories, ensuring timely availability of business data and materials for   
remote and external users.                                                      

SSH Tectia MFT Portal facilitates data access with the back-end data            
repositories using a versatile selection of protocols, including secure file    
transfer protocols SFTP and FTPS, JDBC for database access, and SMTP or POP3 for
e-mail access. Customization of the web-based portal views according to various 
user roles enables organizations to adapt the user experience to the actual     
business roles, tasks, and processes - and hides the complexities of the        
back-end file transfer and repository architecture from the user, regardless of 
the repositories and protocols used.                                            

SSH Tectia MFT z/Optimizer is a file transfer job conversion software for the   
IBM z/OS mainframe platform, which transparently converts file transfer jobs    
written for the Sterling Connect:Direct file transfer tool into the de-facto    
standard SFTP file transfer protocol. This enables enterprises to               
cost-effectively extend their legacy file transfer environment by utilizing the 
ubiquitous and secure SFTP protocol for flexible connectivity to distributed    
internal and external file transfer nodes.                                      

"SSH Tectia MFT Portal and SSH Tectia MFT z/Optimizer are a natural extension to
the security automation capabilities of the SSH Tectia Managed File Transfer    
solutions suite," said Jari Mielonen,CEO of SSH Communications Security. "They  
expand the enterprises' file transfer connectivity by utilizing standard        
protocols and easy-to-use end user solutions, allowing organizations to         
optimize, secure, and standardize their data exchange interfaces with both      
internal units and partners, and to lower the licensing and operational costs of
their file transfer infrastructures - saving time and improving cash flow."     

SSH Tectia MFT Portal and SSH Tectia z/Optimizer will be available by the end of
2009 directly from SSH Communications Security, and from its global network of  
sales channel partners. Visit for more information and to request a 
product evaluation.                                                             

About SSH Communications Security                                               

SSH Communications Security Corp. is a forerunning provider of                  
open-standards-based data security and managed file transfer solutions for      
private and public organizations. SSH Tectia solutions enable the customers to  
secure, automate, and govern their vital business information flows in internal 
and public networks.                                                            

Our innovative SSH Tectia solutions adapt seamlessly to the existing IT         
infrastructure and business processes, and they accommodate changes in          
cost-effective and flexible ways. We operate in the Americas, Europe, and APAC  
regions, with headquarters located in Finland. We have thousands of customers in
multiple industries and public sectors around the world. SSH was established in 
1995, and its shares are quoted on the NASDAQ-OMX exchange, under the trading   
code of SSH1V.                                                                  

About SSH Tectia                                                                

The SSH Tectia solutions are based on enterprise-class security software and    
services. SSH Tectia provides managed and secure file transfer, auditing,       
monitoring, application connectivity, and system administration capabilities.   
The SSH Tectia software runs on key enterprise operating systems ranging from   
Windows to Unix and IBM mainframes. They are built on a distributed, versatile, 
and scalable platform, with a proven and successful deployment track record at  
many of the world's largest financial institutions, enterprises, and government 
agencies. The SSH Tectia platform scales flexibly to both large global          
environments and small and mid-size deployments. SSH also offers professional   
services for evaluating, planning, and deploying the secure file transfer       
infrastructure with security audits and forensics.                              

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SSH Corp. PR Contact:                                                           
Jouni Leinonen                                                                  
SSH Corp.                                                                       
+358 20 500 7540                                                                                                                 

Global Marketing Contact:                                                       
Tommi Lampila                                                                   
SSH Corp.                                                                       
+1 781 247 2106                                                                                                                   

Investor Relations Contact:                                                     
Mikko Karvinen                                                                  
SSH Corp.                                                                       
+358 20 500 7419                                                                                                                 

© 2009 SSH Communications Security Corp. All rights reserved. ssh® and Tectia®  
are registered trademarks of SSH Communications Security Corp in the United     
States and in certain other jurisdictions. The SSH and Tectia logos are         
trademarks of SSH Communications Security Corp and may be registered in certain 
jurisdictions. All other names and marks are the property of their respective   