Decision from the Danish Company Appeals Board

Announcement no. 17-2009  
                                                                 29 October 2009

Company Announcement                                                            

Decision from the Danish Company Appeals Board                                  

Amagerbanken has received the decision of the Danish Company Appeal Board       
regarding Ama­ger­banken's individual solvency requirement. The Appeals Board   
has upheld the decision from the Financial Supervisory Authority of 5 October   
2009 imposing an individual solvency require­ment of 13.6 %                     

Amagerbanken has noted the decision and will analyze it further. However, the   
decision does not chan­ge the Bank's plans.                                     

As stated in the company announcement no 15 of 28 October 2009 a part of the    
loan impairment char­ges for the period 1 January to 30 September 2009 would be 
a correction of the loan impair­ment charges made as of 30 June 2009 for approx.
DKK 600m. The impairment charges will be de­duc­ted in the solvency adequacy    
requirements as accounted in the decision. The Danish Finan­ci­al Supervisory   
Authority has confirmed this by letter of 29 October 2009, pursuant to which the
ap­plicable imposed individual solvency requirement is 11.3 %.                  

Amagerbanken notes that this solvency requirement will be met by the completion 
of the capital plan, as set out in the company announcement no. 16 of 28 October
2009, which is expected to ta­ke place before Christmas 2009. Amagerbanken will 
apply for an extension of the deadline for the compliance with the imposed      
solvency requirement.                                                           

                            A M A G E R B A N K E N                             

                               Jørgen Brændstrup                                
                               Managing Director                                
                              and Chief Executive


uk omx  17-2009.pdf