Announcement of Management Board of JSC "LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE"

Management Board of JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” informs on 29th of October,
2009, Riga City Center Regional Court announced the judgement in case Nr.

Court decided:

To satisfy demand of JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE”, Vat. ID. Nr. 40003020174, of
shareholder Aldis Taurītis against JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE”, about approval
as invalid all decisions of current meeting of shareholders on 24th of July,

To admit decisions of JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” of current meeting of
shareholders of 24th of July, 2009 as invalid starting from the moment decision
was assumed. 

To deny demand of JL Index Ltd., Vat. ID Nr. 40003989217 about admission as
valid decisions from its approval moment of current meeting of shareholders on
24th of July, 2009 (protocol Nr.1 (2008)) of JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” as to
JSC „LATVIJAS ZOOVETAPGĀDE” shareholders, members of the Management and
Supervisory Board.