Tiimari Group's net sales in October 2009 (preliminary)

Tiimari Plc         Stock Exchange Release 6 November 2009 at 8.30              

TIIMARI GROUP'S NET SALES IN OCTOBER 2009 (preliminary)                         

Tiimari Group's preliminary net sales in October 2009 grew by 3 % compared to   
October last year. The net sales rose to EUR 7.3 million (7.1). Sales in Tiimari
business segment increased by 1 % and Gallerix business segment sales increased 
by 10 % compared to last year. The sales in Tiimari business segment in Finland 
increased in October by around 5 % compared to last year, although there was one
less sales days. In Sweden, Gallerix's sales to franchise shops and from own    
shops picked up in October. The sales in Gallerix business segment has grown    
since July compared to last year. The weak demand in the Baltic region and      
Poland continued and the development of the currency exchange rates made the    
effects on the sales in euro still bigger.                                      

The ten-month preliminary cumulative sales of the Tiimari Group were EUR 55.5   
million (58.2), down now only by 5 % from the corresponding period last year.   
The number of sales days during the beginning of the year was four less compared
to the review period.                                                           

The Tiimore business gift merchandiser sold at the end of September was         
classified as discontinued operations and its sales is therefore not included in
the Group's sales.                                                              

Tiimari Group's sales in October 2009                                           
|             |                |      |      accumulated sales        |        |
|             |                |      |                               |        |
|             | monthly sales  |      |                               |        |
|             |10/2009|10/2008 |  chg | 1-10/2009 | 1-10/2008 |   chg | 12/2008|
|             |       |        |      |           |           |       |        |
| Tiimari     | 5 793 |  5 731 |  1 % |    44 719 |    47 911 |  -7 % | 70 926 |
| Gallerix    | 1 476 |  1 347 | 10 % |    10 785 |    10 300 |   5 % | 13 624 |
| Group total | 7 269 |  7 078 |  3 % |    55 504 |    58 211 |  -5 % | 84 550 |
|             |       |        |      |           |           |       |        |
| Finland     | 5 289 |  5 048 |  5 % |    40 256 |    43 461 |  -7 % | 63 896 |
| Sweden      | 1 598 |  1 521 |  5 % |    11 777 |    10 457 |  13 % | 14 317 |
| Other       |   382 |    509 |-25 % |     3 471 |     4 293 | -19 % |  6 337 |
| countries   |       |        |      |           |           |       |        |
| Retail      |       |        |      |           |           |       |        |
| concepts    | 7 269 |  7 078 |  3 % |    55 504 |    58 211 |  -5 % | 84 550 |
| total       |       |        |      |           |           |       |        |
| Group total | 7 269 |  7 078 |  3 % |    55 504 |    58 211 |  -5 % | 84 550 |

Hannu Krook                                                                     
Tiimari Plc                                                                     

Further information: CEO Hannu Krook                                            
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail hannu.krook@tiimari.fi                           

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                               
important news media                                                            

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of two retail shop concepts:
Tiimari and Gallerix. These two concepts do business in seven countries within  
the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300 shops. All three      
concepts belong to the forerunners of their market segment.