Tiimari Plc Interim report 1-9/2009

TIIMARI PLC	Interim report November 6 2009 at 08.30                            

INTERIM REPORT Q3/2009                                                          

For the third quarter:                                                          

-The revenue development turned to a better direction than for the beginning of 
 the year and net sales were EUR 17.3 million (17.8). Down only 2.7 % from 
 corresponding period last year 
-Gross profit was EUR 9.8 million (10.6) and 57 % (59) 
-EBITDA was EUR -2.0 million (-0.9) 
-Operating profit was EUR -2.9 million (-1.9) 
-Earnings per share were EUR -0.25 (-0.38) 
-The sales of new product groups started in September and their supply will be 
 expanded in October-November 
-The business gift merchandiser was surrendered according to the focus strategy 
-In accordance with the company announced on 22 September, the seasonal
 discounted  sales organised during the quarter had a weakening effect on the
 gross margin. The measures were taken to reduce inventory levels and article

Highlights for the review period:                                       

-Net sales fell by 5.7 % and were EUR 48.2 million (51.1). The weakening of 
 exchange rates was responsible for around EUR 0.8 million of this fall. 
-Gross profit was EUR 29.1 million (29.8) and 60 % (58) 
-EBITDA was EUR -6.3 million (-3.1) 
-Operating profit was EUR -8.8 million (-5.5). 
-Earnings per share were EUR -0.83 (-0.76) 

COMMENTS OF THE MANAGING DIRECTOR                                               

Managing Director of Tiimari, Hannu Krook:                                      
”During the third quarter our actions to turn our sales to increase started to  
produce results towards the end of the review period, especially for Tiimari in 
Finland and Gallerix in Sweden. The revenue development continued clearly       
positive in October and I estimate this trend to continue throughout the last
Tiimari in Finland school supply sales exceeded last year levels and the        
development in the sales in standard offerings continues to be positive during  
early autumn. Gallerix's sales have been ahead of last year already from July   
onwards. The shop coverage of the new product groups, like sweets, CDs and DVDs 
as well as toys is not comprehensive until the beginning of November. A part of 
our new product groups (Fiskars, Novita, Merilasi's Ratia collection) will be   
launched initially only in our biggest shops. The significant reduction in the  
inventory levels compared to last year reflects our actions regarding the       
improvement of stock turnover to be in the right direction. The reduction of    
investments and increasing stock turnover will enhance the operative cash flow  
for the rest of the year and reduce net gearing levels below last year's level
by the end of the fiscal year. During the review period we ceased our
operations in Norway 
according to our focused strategy and we sold the gift merchandiser Tiimore. The
issued capital loan will enable a faster and broader supply of new product      
categories in our shop network and stabilises the company's financing.”         

GROUP FINANCIAL RESULTS                                                         

Group net sales fell by 5.7 % and were EUR 48.2 million (51.1). The third       
quarter sales were down only by 2.7 % compared to corresponding period last     
year, which is a significantly better direction than the beginning of the year. 
Currency exchange-rate changes in the Swedish, Polish and Norwegian currencies  
reduced group net sales by about EUR 0.8 million relative to the comparison     
period. Tiimari's business is very seasonal, and the majority of both sales and 
profits accrue during the last quarter of the financial year. The third quarter 
gross profit was EUR 9.8 million (10.6), down both measured in euros and in     
relative measures. The company's executed program to reduce inventory levels and
the renewal of the product offering have had a negative effect on the gross     
profit particularly during the third quarter, but simultaneously these actions  
have released tied up assets according to plan. The closing down of the shop in 
Norway also had a negative effect on the operating profit margin. The review    
period gross profit was EUR 29.1 million (29.8). The gross profit margin was 60 
%, better than the comparison period (58). The Group's operating profit was EUR 
-8.8 million (-5.5).                                                            
The net financial expenses for the review period were EUR 2.5 million (2.5) and 
the third quarter net financial expenses were EUR 0.8 million, down from the    
comparison period last year (0.9). The result before taxes was EUR -11.3 million
(-8.0). The net result for the discontinued operations were EUR -0.6 million    
(0.1). Earnings per share were EUR -0.83 (-0.76). The earnings per share for    
continued operations were -0.79 (-0.77).                                        
The company has at the end of the review period tested its goodwill for         
impairment. According to the calculation goodwill was not impaired.             

OPERATING SEGMENTS                                                              


This segment comprises all the Tiimari-concept shops in Finland and abroad. Net 
sales for the review period fell by 7.7 % and were EUR 38.9 million (42.2).  The
number of stores operated by the company at the end of the review period was 205
(194), of which 168 (158) were in Finland.                                      
The operating profit for this segment was EUR -5.9 million (-4.8). The weaker   
result was caused mainly by the lag in sales. Additionally, the third quarter   
seasonal discounted sales were now more aggressive as part of the project to    
reduce inventory levels and article numbers. The fixed costs were bigger than   
the comparison period last year due to the increase in shop amounts. The profit 
improvement programme initiated at the beginning of the year slowed down the    
increase in cost.                                                               
The increase in the amount of shops as well as the trade union compliant pay    
increases in the spring increased significantly the rent and salary expenses    
compared to the same period last year. Then again, the shop base will enable us 
to increase sales and profitability as the demand increases.It takes between six
and eighteen months for a new store to grow to full profitability depending on  
the market area. The development in the foreign shops is slower than for the    
domestic shops and in most markets the total result is negative during the first
three quarters due to the seasonality of demand.                                
Tiimari started its operations in Lithuania in the end of 2008. In Sweden,      
Tiimari has had eight own shops from the beginning of September of the review   
period and the amount has increased in Poland by two shops to ten shops after   
the review period. During the review period we withdrew from Russia and Norway  
and the effect of these markets on the results for the review period was        
negative. The demand in the Baltic and Poland declined significantly compared to
the same period last year as so did the profitability.                          

Tiimari's product categories were conceptualised in order to further strengthen 
our position as an arts & crafts and party shop. We will furthermore be strong  
in cards, gift packaging and office and school supplies.                        
In order to boost sales, new product groups were introduced in order to raise   
customer numbers and increase the size of individual purchases and smooth out   
the seasonal changes in sales.                                                  
The control of product flows and management of product groups were developed and
the amount of article titles was reduced by five percent.                       

The investments in the segment during the review period were EUR 0.7 million    
(2.3) and they were allocated mostly opening new shops, as previously agreed.   
The investment for the review period also included the acquisition of the       
business operations in Sweden (0.4).                                            


The Gallerix segment comprises the Gallerix concept stores in Sweden and        
Finland. The number of stores operated by the company at the end of the review  
period was 4 (2) in Finland and 11 (12) in Sweden. In Sweden most of the        
business is based on franchising, and there were 78 (79) stores run on this     
Net sales for Gallerix increased by 5.3 % and were EUR 9.4 million (9.0). When  
calculated with unchanged exchange rates, the sales would have been about 11 %  
higher. Operating profit was EUR -1.2 million (-0.7). The rental and personnel  
costs for the new stores caused an increase in Gallerix's structural costs and  
the volume of business has not yet risen to a profitable level. In Finland there
were 7 shops at the most during the beginning of the year and of those three    
were closed or joined to Tiimari to reduce fixed costs. To reduce costs four own
shops were also closed in Sweden. The product group management was developed and
the goal was to increase the Gallerix share in franchisee purchases as well as  
improve the profitability of the franchisees. In Luleå, a pilot project was     
initiated, where the Gallerix franchisee integrated Tiimari and Gallerix under  
one roof.                                                                       
Capital expenditure for the segment was EUR 0.2 million (0.4) and was mainly    
related to the opening of new stores.                                           


The board of directors at Tiimari decided in August to explore new options for  
the business gift merchandising operations. In September the business operations
were sold to its operative management. Tiimore's revenue was EUR 1.1 million    
during 2008. In the deal, the entire personnel transferred as did part of the   
inventory and fixed assets. The price for the deal was about  EUR 0.1 million.  
As part of the deal, the inventory was revalued and fixed assets that were not  
sold were removed. This resulted in costs of about EUR 0.2 million.             
Tiimore is classified as discontinued operations.                               

PROFIT-IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME                                                    

At the beginning of the review period, the company announced a EUR 8 million    
profit-improvement programme covering savings in man hours, marketing and       
administrative expenses as well as measures aimed at increasing the margin.     
Furthermore, the cash-flow improvement programme aimed to reduce current assets 
and restrict capital expenditure. The profit-improvement programme was set in   
motion as planned in terms of cost saving actions. The euro-denominated margin  
improvements dependent on the level of sales were, as a result of weak sales,   
smaller than expected, but the gross-margin percentage increased by two percent 
compared to the review period last year.                                        

Marketing costs were EUR 0.9 million lower than for the comparison period.      
Savings in man hours were brought about and they reduced costs arising from the 
use of temporary employees. Store-related workforce costs fell in Finland by    
around 8 % from the comparison period. The Russian shops and the Norwegian shop 
were closed during the review period and they will cause only minor             
administrative expenses. The repatriation of the financial management saved EUR 
0.5 million in costs during the beginning of the year.                          

Capital expenditure during the review period totalled EUR 0.9 million (2.9). The
level of current assets was EUR 20.8 million, representing a decrease of EUR 2.6
million from the start of the financial year and a decrease of EUR 6.7 million  
from the comparison period (27.4).                                              

BALANCE SHEET, FINANCIAL POSITION AND CASH FLOW                                 

Net working capital for the group was EUR 13.2 million. Net working capital at  
the end of the comparison period was EUR 17.0 million and EUR 10.7 million at   
the end of 2008. The net working capital is affected by the seasonal            
fluctuations in the operations, so that there is an increase during the year and
a reduction by the end of the fiscal year. Current assets amounted to EUR 20.8  
million (27.4) and decreased EUR 2.6 million from the beginning of the review   
period. Current receivables amounted to EUR 3.9 million (3.8), after falling by 
EUR 0.3 million since the beginning of the financial year. Current liabilities  
decreased by EUR 5.4 million to EUR 11.5 million (14.3) over the same period.   
Increased turnover of inventory is sought across the whole group. It is believed
that the measures implemented will reduce the level of inventory by EUR 4.0     
million by the end of the current financial year, as planned. Non-current assets
totalled EUR 56.8 million (63.9), a decline by EUR 1.3 million from the         
beginning of the review period.                                                 
Interest-bearing liabilities totalled EUR 40.3 million (44.9), increasing by EUR
6.0 million from the beginning of the financial year. The company's financial   
position was tight at the end of September. The capital loan issued by the      
company in October mended this situation. The equity ratio (equity to assets)   
was 30.3 % (33.6 % at end of the comparison period and 34.6 % at the beginning  
of the financial year). Net gearing is expected to decrease below last year     
levels by the end of the year.                                                  

The company reached an agreement on the changes in the EBITDA loan covenants.   
The change affected the third quarter loan covenants as well as the convenants  
for the end of the fiscal year.                                                 
A directed share issue was arranged in order to improve the balance sheet and   
financial position of the company. The resulting increase in equity amounted to 
EUR 6.1 million after a deduction of EUR 0.4 million in issue costs. This was   
recorded in its entirety in the invested unrestricted equity fund. EUR 4.4      
million from the proceeds was used for the repayment of interest-bearing debt.  
Shareholder's equity per share was 1.53 euros (3.23).                           

The cash flow from operations was EUR -11.6 million (-9.4). The cash flow was   
negative because the business made losses and also because of the decrease in   
current non-interest-bearing liabilities. Group capital expenditure amounted to 
EUR 0.9 million (2.9). This mainly related to expansion of the store network in 
existing market areas.                                                          


The average number of group personnel in the review period was 709 (680). The   
numbers have been altered to reflect the full-time employee equivalent. Most of
personnel were employed by the Tiimari segment in Finland. The majority of the  
personnel in the shops are part-time employees. The sales of the gift           
merchanidising business reduced the personnel by eight.                         

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

Tiimari shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki plc stock exchange. As at  
30 September 2009, the share price was EUR 1.40 (3.28) and the market value of  
the company was EUR 23.1 million (33.8). The share capital of the company was   
EUR 7.686.200 at the end of the review period and the number of shares was      
16,474,755. During the quarter, the Board of Directors resolved - by virtue of  
authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting - to arrange a directed     
share issue. 5.175.535 shares were issued, paid for and registered by the end of

TREASURY SHARES (Stock Exchange Release, 29 April 2009 www.tiimari.com)         

On 23 April, the company cancelled the 11.850 treasury shares that it possessed.
The shares were cancelled without reducing the share capital. At the end of the 
review period, the company did not possess any treasury shares.                 

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 7 APRIL 2009 (Stock Exchange Release 7 April 2009      

The Annual General Meeting of Tiimari plc approved the financial statements for 
2008 and the members of the Board and the Managing Director were discharged from
liability. The meeting decided that the loss for the financial year, EUR        
1.585.287,88, would be posted to accumulated retained earnings and that a       
dividend would not be issued.                                                   

It was decided that the number of Board members would be six. Peter Seligson,   
Arja Hautanen, Sven-Olof Kulldorff, Juha Mikkonen, Alexander Rosenlew and Hannu 
Ryöppönen were elected to the Board of Directors.                               
Chartered Accountants KPMG Oy Ab were elected to continue as auditors and they  
nominated Sixten Nyman (Chartered Accountant) as Principal Auditor.             

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on issuing a maximum  
of 5,655,535 shares, in one or more tranches, via a share issue and/or by       
granting special rights to shares (including share options), as specified in    
chapter 10, section 1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act. The Board 
may decide to issue either new shares or existing shares held by the company.   
The maximum amount of the proposed authorization is equivalent to 50% of all    
company shares at the time of convening the Annual General Meeting. The         
authorisation may be used for financing and implementing potential acquisitions 
or other arrangements, for consolidating the company's balance sheet and        
financial situation, for implementing loyalty-and incentive-based compensation  
schemes for new members of the Board, management and other personnel or for any 
other purposes determined by the Board of Directors. Within the framework of the
loyalty- and incentive-based compensation scheme, a maximum of 500,000 option   
rights may be granted in total to new members of the Board and to the new       
Managing Director of the company. This authorization supersedes previous        
share-issue authorizations and is effective until the next Annual General       
Meeting or 30 June 2010 if this is earlier.                                     

ORGANISING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Stock Exchange Release, 7 April 2009      
www.tiimari.com )                                                               

The Board elected Peter Seligson as its chairman and Hannu Ryöppönen as its     
vice-chairman. The Board appointed Peter Seligson chairman of the Nomination and
Compensation Committee and Alexander Rosenlew and Arja Hautanen as its other    
members. The Board appointed Hannu Ryöppönen chairman of the Audit Committee and
Juha Mikkonen and Peter Seligson as its other members.                          

DIRECTED SHARE ISSUE (Stock Exchange Release, 20 April, 24 April and 30 April   
2009 www.tiimari.com )                                                          

On 23 April 2009, the Board of Directors decided to apply its authority to issue
shares. On the basis of the directed share issue , 5,175,535 new shares were    
issued, which corresponds to around 45.8% of all of the company's shares before 
the share issue. The share issue price was EUR 1.25 and after the deduction of  
share issue costs, accumulated funds of EUR 6.1 million were posted to the      
company's invested unrestricted equity fund.                                    

The pre-emptive subscription rights of the shareholders have been deviated from 
since the purpose of the share issue is to strengthen the balance sheet and the 
shareholder's equity of the company, in a way that is as quick and as cost      
effective as possible taking the instability of the stock market into           
consideration. The shares were listed on 25 May.                                

OPTION RIGHTS (Stock Exchange Release, 24 April 2009 www.tiimari.com)           

The Board of Directors of Tiimari plc announced on 23 April 2009 that it will   
grant a total of 480,000 option rights, entitling the issue of up to 480,000 new
shares in the company. Option rights were granted to the new managing director  
of the Company and to the new members of the Board. The options are granted as a
part of the loyalty and incentive scheme.                                       

The former option schemes for Tiimari plc have now become void.                 


Hannu Krook (M.Sc. Economics), took up the role of Managing Director of Tiimari 
plc on 7 April.                                                                 
Markku Breider (MBA) was appointed a member of Tiimari's management group and   
Director of Retail Chain Operations on 3 June.                                  

EVENTS AFTER REVIEW PERIOD (Stock Exchange Releases 19 October 2009, 22 October 
2009 and 2 November 2009 www.tiimari.com)                                       

The Company organised an extraordinary general meeting on 19th October 2009. In 
the meeting it was decided to issue a EUR 4.980.000 million directed convertible
capital loan. The loan was oversubscribed and has been paid in full. The        
exchange rate of the loan is about EUR 1.4746 per share and can be exchanged to 
a maximum of 3.377.173 shares. The loan was issued to increase the flexibility  
of the financing and to enable the efficient introduction of new products into  
the product offering.                                                           
The extraordinary general meeting granted share issue authorisation to the      
Board, on the basis where the amount of company shares can increase by a maximum
of 4.000.000 shares.                                                            
The authorisation is valid until 30 April 2013.                                 
The extraordinary general meeting decided to increase the amount of board       
members by one and Markku Pelkonen was elected as new member of the Board.      
The Board decided in its organising meeeting Hannu Ryöppönen as its chairman and
Peter Seligson as its vice chairman. Hannu Ryöppönen was elected chairman of the
nomination and compensation committee and Alexander Rosenlew and Peter Seligson 
as members. Juha Mikkonen was elected chairman of the audit committee and Hannu 
Ryöppönen and Peter Seligson as members.                                        
The Virala group subscribed to the capital loan and announced its share in      
Tiimari to exceed 1/4, should the loan be exchanged to shares.                  
Arja Hautanen resigned from the Board effective 2 November 2009. 

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                              

The global economic downturn is affecting consumer purchase behaviour and       
purchasing power in all of Tiimari's market areas. The economic recession and   
the resulting fall in demand has had and continues to have an impact on         
Tiimari's sales and profitability. Heightened competition creates pressure to   
adjust sales prices but is, at the same time, also expected to have a positive  
influence on purchase prices. Furthermore, unfavourable changes in purchase     
prices and exchange rates between the euro and currencies relevant to the       
business could weaken Tiimari's operating profit and its financial position.    

Tiimari's management has responded to the weakening demand, for example by      
rationalising the management of goods streams, adjusting the number of personnel
in various areas, boosting marketing activities to increase the number of       
customers and the sum of purchases per customer in established stores and in new
stores, closing down unprofitable stores, reviewing pricing and by pursuing     
increased efficiency of the Group in general. Furthermore, the Company has also 
launched a major profit-improvement programme in order to achieve its financial 
goals. Additionally, the Company has decided to focus its investment on the     
expansion and increased profitability of existing business operations. If the   
measures launched and already implemented should fail to bring the expected     
result, this might have a negative impact both on the Company's earnings for the
current financial period and on its financial position.                         

The company's operational risks and factors of uncertainty have been explained  
in more detail in the 2008 financial statements and no significant changes have 
occurred since.                                                                 


Tiimari's full year operative profitability (earnings before interest,          
depreciation and amortisation and non-recurring items) is expected to land at   
last year's level. A reduction in inventory levels and investments will    
enhance the cash flow.                                                          
The operative cash flow before taxes and financing items is expected to be      
clearly positive in 2009.                                                       

Board of Directors                                                              
Tiimari plc                                                                     

Further information:                                                            
Managing Director, Hannu Krook -                                                
tel. +358 (0)3 812911,                                                          
email:  hannu.krook@tiimari.fi                                                  

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Main source of information                                                      

Tiimari Plc shares are listed at Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Plc. The Group comprises   
two retail shop concepts, Tiimari and Gallerix. The concepts operate nearly 300 
shops in seven countries within the Baltic Sea region. Both concepts belong to  
the forerunners within their business segments.                                 

BASIS OF PREPARATION                                                            

This Interim Report was prepared in accordance with the IFRS recognition and
measurement principles, but in the preparation all IAS 34 standard requirements
have not been 
fulfilled. The interim consolidated financial statements were prepared applying 
the same accounting policies and methods of computation, as in the financial    
statements for 2008. Financial figures presented in this document are not       
All figures in the accounts have been rounded and consequently the sum of       
individual figures may deviate from the presented total figure. The figures in  
the tables are presented in thousands of euro.                                  

The application of changed or new standards (IFRS) starting 1.1.2009:           
IAS I, Presentation of financial statements, which has changed the presentation 
of the income statement and changes in shareholder's equity, application of     
standard affects presentation of group's interim report.                        
Other applied standard changes do not have a significant impact on the interim  

Use of Estimates:                                                               

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires the    
management to use estimates and assumptions that affect reported amounts of     
assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities and the amount of income and expenses. Although the estimates are   
based on the management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual  
results may ultimately differ from the estimates used.                          

The use of estimates affects the valuation of inventory, deferred tax assets,   
depreciation times of non-current assets and valuation of receivables.          
Additionally, the estimates affect the valuation of goodwill and brands.        
Inventory valuation is based on regular devaluation as follows: 30 months 25%,  
36 months 50 % and 42 months 100 % and specific write-offs as needed.           

Tiimari's business is characterised by seasonality with the net sales being     
generated largely during the final quarter. Regular goodwill impairment testing 
is thus carried out at the end of the financial period. Goodwill shall be tested
earlier during the year in case of an indication of significant changes to the  
expected cash flows of a cash-generating unit arising from occurrences in       
business operations or in the operating environment.                            

Gross profit and gross profit margin %                                          
Gross profit is revenue less cost of goods sold and franchise leases. During the
outsourced finance department the material and services included expenses from  
hired staff and franchise leases were reported in other operating expenses.     
These items have been corrected in the results of the review period according to
the instructions on the calculation of gross profit                             

| CONSOLIDATED INCOME  |                  |        |        |        |         |
| STATEMENT            |                  |        |        |        |         |
| eur 1 000            |         7-9/2009 |7-9/2008|1-9/2009|1-9/2009|1-12/2008|
|                      |                  |        |        |        |         |
| SALES                |           17 344 | 17 819 | 48 235 | 51 133 |  84 550 |
| Cost of goods sold   |           -7 512 | -7 265 | -19 181| -21 383| -33 806 |
|                      |                  |        |        |        |         |
| Gross profit         |            9 832 | 10 554 | 29 054 | 29 750 |  50 744 |
| Gross profit, %      |             57 % |   59 % |   60 % |   58 % |    60 % |
| Other operating      |                  |        |        |        |         |
| income               |              427 |    262 |    865 |    412 |     539 |
| Employee             |                  |        |        |        |         |
| benefit costs        |           -5 214 | -4 611 | -15 690| -13 305| -19 154 |
|                      |                  |        |        |        |         |
| Depreciation         |             -873 |   -952 | -2 519 | -2 388 |  -3 515 |
| Goodwill impairment  |                0 |      0 |      0 |      0 |  -5 000 |
| Other operating      |                  |        |        |        |         |
| expenses             |           -7 087 | -7 135 | -20 528| -19 936| -29 406 |
| OPERATING PROFIT     |           -2 915 | -1 882 | -8 819 | -5 467 |  -5 793 |
| Operating profit, %  |            -17 % |  -11 % |  -18 % |  -11 % |    -7 % |
| Financial income     |              -84 |     -5 |     46 |     63 |     154 |
| Financial expenses   |             -684 |   -937 | -2 512 | -2 548 |  -4 262 |
| Net financial income |             -769 |   -942 | -2 466 | -2 485 |  -4 108 |
| INCOME BEFORE TAXES  |           -3 684 | -2 824 | -11 285| -7 952 |  -9 901 |
|                      |                  |        |        |        |         |
| Taxes                |               -3 |   -860 |    144 |     36 |      77 |
| NET INCOME FOR THE   |                  |        |        |        |         |
| PERIOD               |           -3 686 | -3 684 | -11 141| -7 916 |  -9 824 |
| Net income for the   |                  |        |        |        |         |
| period from          |                  |        |        |        |         |
| discontinued         |                  |        |        |        |         |
| operations           |             -392 |   -196 |   -587 |    130 |    -104 |
| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE |        |        |        |         |
| INCOME                                  |        |        |        |         |
| NET INCOME FOR THE PERIOD     |  -4 079 | -3 880 | -11 727| -7 787 |  -9 929 |
|                               |         |        |        |        |         |
| Translation diffrences        |     372 |    -59 |    353 |    -59 |    -726 |
| Other                         |       0 |      0 |      0 |      0 |     -21 |
| Comprehensive income for the  |         |        |        |        |         |
| period net of tax             |  -3 707 | -3 939 |-11 374 | -7 846 | -10 676 |
| Comprehensive income for the period attributable |        |        |         |
| to:                                              |        |        |         |
| Equity holders of the      |            |        |        |        |         |
| company                    |     -3 707 | -3 939 | -11 374| -7 846 | -10 676 |
| Earnings per share         |            |        |        |        |         |
| for profit attributable    |            |        |        |        |         |
| to the equity holders of the Company    |        |        |        |         |
| Basic earnings per share   |           |        |        |         |         |
| EUR                        |    -0,25  |  -0,38 |  -0,83 |  -0,76  |   -0,94
| Diluted earnings per share, EUR | -0,25|  -0,38 |  -0,83 |  -0,76 |   -0,94  |
|                                 |      |        |        |        |          |
| earnings per share from         |      |        |        |        |          |
| continued operations            | -0,22|  -0,36 |  -0,79 |  -0,77 |   -0,93  |
|                                 |      |        |        |        |          |
| earnings per share from         |      |        |        |        |          |
| discontinued operations         | -0,02|  -0,02 |  -0,04 |   0,01 |   -0,01  |
|                                 |      |        |        |        |          |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION     |             |             |
| eur 1 000                            |           |             |             |
|                                      | 30.9.2009 |   30.9.2008 |  31.12.2008 |
| ASSETS                               |           |             |             |
| Goodwill                             |    33 444 |      38 348 |      33 287 |
| Other intangible assets              |    17 902 |      20 420 |      18 950 |
| Tangible assets                      |     5 274 |       4 484 |       5 616 |
| Other financial assets               |       101 |         105 |         105 |
| Receivables                          |        30 |         198 |         115 |
| Deferred tax assets                  |        29 |         299 |           0 |
| Total non-current assets             |    56 779 |      63 854 |      58 073 |
| Inventories                          |    20 773 |      27 449 |      23 409 |
| Trade and other receivables          |     3 923 |       3 830 |       4 255 |
| Cash and bank                        |     1 791 |       3 952 |       2 188 |
| Total current assets                 |    26 487 |      35 231 |      29 852 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                         |    83 267 |      99 085 |      87 925 |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES |           |             |             |
| Emoyrityksen omistajille kuuluva oma pääoma      |             |             |
|   Share capital                      |     7 686 |       7 686 |       7 686 |
|   Own shares                         |         0 |         -55 |         -55 |
|   Distributable equity fund          |    23 011 |      16 921 |      16 921 |
|   Translation differences            |      -593 |        -278 |        -945 |
|   Retained earnings                  |    -4 916 |       9 001 |       6 836 |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY           |    25 189 |      33 275 |      30 443 |
| LIABILITIES                          |           |             |             |
| Deferred tax liabilities             |     6 208 |       6 596 |       6 330 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities         |    21 998 |      27 870 |      12 297 |
| Provisions                           |        31 |          41 |          31 |
| Total non-current liabilities        |    28 237 |      34 507 |      18 658 |
| Interest bearing liabilities         |    18 312 |      17 025 |      21 864 |
| Account payable and other payable    |    11 529 |      14 278 |      16 960 |
| Total current liabilities            |    29 841 |      31 303 |      38 824 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES                    |    58 078 |      65 810 |      57 482 |
|                                      |           |             |             |
| TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND       |           |             |             |
| LIABILITIES                          |    83 267 |      99 085 |      87 925 |

| Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows       |             |          |        |
| eur 1000|                                  |             |          |        |
|         |                                  |             |          |        |
|         |                                  |    1-9/2009 | 1-9/2008 |   2008 |
| Cash flow from operations                  |             |          |        |
| Profit/loss for financial period           |     -11 727 |   -7 786 | -9 929 |
| Adjustments:                               |             |          |        |
|         | Depreciation and impairment      |        2646 |     2449 |  8 622 |
|         | Gain (+) and loss (-) on sale of |             |          |        |
|         | fixed assets                     |         -44 |     -885 |   -690 |
|         | Financial income and expenses    |        2379 |     2485 |  4 116 |
|         | Taxes                            |        -153 |      -36 |    -80 |
|         | Other adjustments                |          30 |     -445 |    173 |
| Change in working capital:                 |             |          |        |
|         | Change in short-term receivables |         596 |    3 445 |  2 732 |
|         | Change in inventories            |       2 769 |     -731 |  2 799 |
|         | Change in short term liabilities |      -6 064 |   -4 954 | -2 026 |
| Interest paid                              |      -1 382 |   -2 578 | -3 104 |
| Interest income received                   |           9 |       93 |     58 |
| Other financing expenses paid              |        -509 |        0 |   -347 |
| Taxes   |                                  |             |          |        |
| paid    |                                  |        -101 |     -431 |   -387 |
| Net cash flow from operations              |     -11 551 |   -9 374 |  1 937 |
| Cash flow from investment activities       |             |          |        |
|         | Acquisition of subsidiary companies            |          |        |
|         | net cash of acquired                 |       0 |     -409 |   -736 |
|         | Investments in                       |         |          |        |
|         | tangible and intangible assets       |    -941 |   -2 509 | -4 505 |
|         | Capital gains from tangible and      |         |          |        |
|         | intangible assets                    |       1 |    1 111 |    985 |
|         | Repayment of loan receivables        |       0 |      -89 |     65 |
| Net cash flow from investments                 |    -940 |   -1 896 | -4 191 |
| Cash flow from financing activities            |         |          |        |
|         | Proceeds from share issue            |   6 089 |    3 100 |  3 100 |
|         | Long-term loans, increase            |   4 770 |        0 |      0 |
|         | Long-term loans, decrease            |  -1 000 |     -322 | -2 000 |
|         | Short-term loans, net change         |   2 187 |   11 238 |  2 325 |
|         | Dividends paid                       |       0 |   -1 648 | -1 648 |
| Net cash flow from financing                   |  12 046 |   12 368 |  1 777 |
| Change in liquid assets                        |    -445 |    1 098 |   -477 |
|         | Liquid assets, beginning of review   |         |          |        |
|         | perios                               |   2 188 |    2 852 |  2 852 |
|         | Effect of exchange rate changes on   |         |          |        |
|         | liquid assets                        |      48 |         1|   -187 |
|         | Liquid assets, end of review period  |   1 791 |    3 951 |  2 188 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN   |          |        |       |         |
| EQUITY                                 |          |        |       |         |
| eur 1 000       |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
|                  Attributable to the equity holders of the company |   Total |
|                                                                    |  equity |
|                 | Share | Distr |  Own | Translat | Retain | Total |         |
|                 | capit | i-but | shar |      ion |     ed |       |         |
|                 |    al |  able |   es | differen | earnin |       |         |
|                 |       | equit |      |      ces |     gs |       |         |
|                 |       |     y |      |          |        |       |         |
|                 |       |  fund |      |          |        |       |         |
| Shareholders'   |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| equity 1.1.2008 | 7 686 |13 821 |  -55 |     -219 | 18 434 |39 667 |  39 667 |
| Comprehensive income    |       |      |          |        |       |         |
|  for the period |       |       |      |      -59 | -7 786 |-7 845 |  -7 845 |
|                 |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| Dividends paid  |       |       |      |          | -1 648 |-1 648 |  -1 648 |
|                 |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| Share issue     |       | 3 100 |      |          |        | 3 100 |   3 100 |
| Other items     |       |       |      |          |      2 |     2 |       2 |
| Equity on       |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| 30.9.2008       | 7 686 |16 921 |  -55 |     -278 |  9 001 |33 275 |  33 275 |
|                 |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| Shareholders'   |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| equity 1.1.2009 | 7 686 |16 921 |  -55 |     -945 |  6 836 |30 443 |  30 443 |
| Comprehensive   |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| income          |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
|  for the period |       |       |      |      353 |-11 727 |-11 374| -11 374 |
|                 |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| Option rights   |       |       |      |          |     30 |    30 |      30 |
| Share issue     |       | 6 089 |      |          |        | 6 089 |   6 089 |
| Annullment of   |       |       |      |          |        |     0 |       0 |
| treasury shares |       |       |   55 |          |    -55 |       |         |
| Equity on       |       |       |      |          |        |       |         |
| 30.9.2009       | 7 686 |23 011 |    0 |     -592 | -4 916 |25 189 |  25 189 |

| SEGMENT INFORMATION |         |         |           |           |            |
| NET SALES           |         |         |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |    2009 |    2008 |      2009 |      2008 |       2008 |
|                     |     7-9 |     7-9 |       1-9 |       1-9 |       1-12 |
| Tiimari             |  13 782 |  14 492 |    38 945 |    42 180 |     70 926 |
| Gallerix            |   3 685 |   3 214 |     9 426 |     8 953 |     13 624 |
| Other operations    |       0 |   1 390 |       400 |     3 023 |      1 223 |
| Eliminations        |    -123 |  -1 277 |      -536 |    -3 023 |     -1 223 |
| Group               |  17 344 |  17 819 |    48 235 |    51 133 |     84 550 |
|                     |         |         |           |           |            |
| OPERATING PROFIT    |         |         |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |    2009 |    2008 |      2009 |      2008 |       2008 |
|                     |     7-9 |     7-9 |       1-9 |       1-9 |       1-12 |
| Tiimari             |  -1 977 |  -2 153 |    -5 855 |    -4 770 |     -3 602 |
| Gallerix            |    -246 |      50 |    -1 213 |      -714 |       -526 |
| Other operations    |    -693 |     222 |    -1 751 |        17 |     -1 665 |
| Group               |  -2 916 |  -1 882 |    -8 819 |    -5 467 |     -5 793 |
| DEPRECIATION AND GOODWILL IMPAIRMENT    |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |    2009 |    2008 |      2009 |      2008 |       2008 |
|                     |     7-9 |     7-9 |       1-9 |       1-9 |       1-12 |
| Tiimari             |     626 |     741 |     1 845 |     1 793 |      7 669 |
| Gallerix            |     226 |     201 |       612 |       575 |        791 |
| Other operations    |      22 |      10 |        62 |        20 |         55 |
| Group               |     874 |     952 |     2 519 |     2 388 |      8 515 |
| CAPITAL EXPENDITURE |         |         |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |    2009 |    2008 |      2009 |      2008 |       2008 |
|                     |     7-9 |     7-9 |       1-9 |       1-9 |       1-12 |
| Tiimari             |     154 |     939 |       721 |     2 310 |      4 205 |
| Gallerix            |      19 |     189 |       206 |       361 |        747 |
| Other operations    |       0 |     210 |        14 |       247 |        289 |
| Group               |     173 |   1 338 |       941 |     2 918 |      5 241 |
| NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL     |         |           |           |            |
| AREA                          |         |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |    2009 |    2008 |      2009 |      2008 |       2008 |
|                     |     7-9 |     7-9 |       1-9 |       1-9 |       1-12 |
| Finland             |  12 194 |  13 192 |    34 850 |    38 413 |     63 896 |
| Sweden              |   3 966 |   3 325 |    10 178 |     8 936 |     14 317 |
| ROW                 |   1 184 |   1 301 |     3 207 |     3 783 |      6 337 |
| Group               |  17 344 |  17 819 |    48 235 |    51 133 |     84 550 |
| INTANGIBLE ASSETS   |         |         |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |         |         | 30.9.2009 | 30.9.2008 | 31.12.2008 |
| Book value at 1     |         |         |           |           |            |
| January             |         |         |    52 237 |    57 145 |     57 145 |
| Changes in exchange |         |         |           |           |            |
| rates               |         |         |       370 |         6 |       -294 |
| Additions           |         |         |       175 |     2 291 |      2 000 |
| Depreciation and    |         |         |           |           |            |
| impairment          |         |         |    -1 251 |    -1 720 |     -6 598 |
| Disposals and       |         |         |           |           |            |
| intra-balance sheet |         |         |           |           |            |
| transfer            |         |         |      -185 |     1 046 |        -16 |
| Book value at the   |         |         |           |           |            |
| end of period       |         |         |    51 346 |    58 768 |     52 237 |
| TANGIBLE ASSETS     |         |         |           |           |            |
| eur 1 000           |         |         | 30.9.2009 | 30.9.2008 | 31.12.2008 |
| Book value at 1     |         |         |           |           |            |
| January             |         |         |     5 616 |     4 650 |      4 650 |
| Changes in exchange |         |         |           |           |            |
| rates               |         |         |        29 |         4 |        -56 |
| Additions           |         |         |       691 |     1 088 |      3 677 |
| Depreciation and    |         |         |           |           |            |
| impairment          |         |         |      -829 |      -729 |     -2 024 |
| Disposals and       |         |         |           |           |            |
| intra-balance sheet |         |         |           |           |            |
| transfer            |         |         |      -233 |      -529 |       -631 |
| Book value at the   |         |         |           |           |            |
| end of period       |         |         |     5 274 |     4 484 |      5 616 |

| CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                |           |            |             |
|                                       |           |            |             |
|                                       | 30.9.2009 |  30.9.2008 |  31.12.2008 |
| Loans from financial institutions     |           |            |             |
| against the following securities      |    27 125 |     31 445 |      14 724 |
| Real estate mortgages                 |         0 |      1 000 |       1 062 |
| Corporate mortgages                   |    31 137 |     31 137 |      31 137 |
| Pledged shares                        |     1 476 |      1 476 |       1 476 |
| Other own liabilities                 |           |            |             |
| Bank quarantees                       |     2 603 |      2 114 |       1 914 |
| Othet liabilities                     |         8 |          8 |         405 |
|                                       |           |            |             |
| Leasing liabilities                   |           |            |             |
| Due within one year                   |        48 |         87 |          90 |
| Due after one year                    |       108 |         92 |         131 |
|                                       |           |            |             |
| OTHER RENT LIABILITIES                |           |            |             |
| Due within one year                   |    13 161 |      9 716 |       9 858 |
| Due after one year                    |    18 735 |     14 861 |      14 380 |
| RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (EUR 1     |      2009 |       2008 |        2008 |
| 000)                                  |           |            |             |
|                                       |       1-9 |        1-9 |        1-12 |
| CEO salaries and benefits             |       330 |        189 |         225 |
| Board of directors fees and benefits  |        81 |         88 |         117 |

The CEO salaries and benefits include Kristiina Illi's salaries, severence      
compensation and retirement payments. Kristiina Illi left her position as       
Tiimari CEO 7 April 2009 and her total compensation for 2009 is EUR 222         
The CEO and new members of the Board, Mr. Ryöppönen and Mr. Kulldorff have      
received company share options.                                                 
A EUR 30 thousand expense has been booked relating to board share options in    
addition to the fees disclosed above.                                           

The members of the Board and the CEO subscribed in the spring share issue shares
either personally or through companies where they excercise control. Of the     
board members Hannu Ryöppönen, Sven-Olof Kulldorff, Juha Mikkonen and Peter     
Seligson as well as CEO Hannu Krook subscribed to the convertible capital loan  
after the review period. Also the biggest owner Virala Plc subscribed to the    
capital loan.                                                                   

EVENTS AFTER REVIEW PERIOD                                                      

The company decided to issue a directed convertible capital loan it its         
extraordinary general meeting 19 October 2009. The loan amount was EUR          
4.980.000. The loan was oversubscribed and has been paid in full. The exchange  
rate for the loan is approximately EUR 1.4746 per share.                        
The Board received share issue authorisation, which maximum amount was 4.000.000
shares and is valid until 30 April 2013.                                        
The extraordinary general meeting elected Markku Pelkonen as a new member of the
Arja Hautanen announced her resignation from the Board effective 2 November     

WRITE-DOWN OF INVENTORY                                                         

In addition to the company's current asset valuation policies, non-recurring    
write-downs have been made EUR 165 thousand.                                    

| MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                               |      Shares |    Shares % |
| Major shareholders 30.9.2009                     |             |             |
| Atine Group Oy                                   |   3 292 198 |     19,98 % |
| Assetman Oy                                      |   1 740 645 |     10,57 % |
| Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company           |     828 912 |      5,03 % |
| Primate Oy                                       |     825 000 |      5,01 % |
| Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company       |     789 221 |      4,79 % |
| Baltiska Handels A.B.                            |     716 483 |      4,35 % |
| Aktia Capital Fund                               |     600 000 |      3,64 % |
| Cumasa Oy                                        |     407 625 |      2,47 % |
| Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj (Administrative reg.)    |     300 000 |      1,82 % |
| Arvo Finland Value Fund                          |     210 000 |      1,27 % |

CALCULATION OF KEY FINANCIAL RATIOS                                             

Gross margin = Revenue + materials and supplies                                 

EBITDA = Operating profit + depreciation and amortisation                       

Earnings/share (EPS), EUR =                                                     
Earnings before tax - income taxes / issue-adjusted average number of shares for
the fiscal year                                                                 

Shareholders' equity / share, EUR = equity attributable to the equity holders of
the parent company / issue-adjusted number of shares at the end of the fiscal   

Equity ratio % =                                                                
Shareholders' equity * 100 / Total assets - prepayments received                

Gearing ratio % =                                                               
Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents * 100 / Shareholders'  

Quick ratio =                                                                   
Short-term receivables + cash and cash equivalents * 100 / Short-term           

Interest-bearing net liabilities = Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash 

Net working capital = inventory + short-term non-interest-bearing receivables - 
short-term non-interest-bearing liabilities                                     

Operating cashflow = EBITDA - increase in net working capital - capital         

Further information:                                                            
Managing Director, Hannu Krook -                                                
tel. +358 (0)3 812911,                                                          
email:  hannu.krook@tiimari.fi