OEG consolidated unaudited results for Q3 and 9 months of 2009

OEG consolidated unaudited results for Q3 and 9 months of 2009                  

Financial highlights, Q3 2009:                                                  
Continuing operations                                                           

| Revenue:                             |           415.1 | million kroons      |
| EBITDA from day-to-day operations *: |            37.0 | million kroons      |
| EBIT from day-to-day operations *:   |           -40.4 | million kroons      |
| Extraordinary expenses, incl         |                 |                     |
| Structure optimization and closure   |           -40.4 | million kroons      |
| of casinos:                          |                 |                     |
| Financial income and expenses net:   |            -3.7 | million kroons      |
| Net loss before income tax **:       |           -84.5 | million kroons      |

Financial highlights, 9 months 2009:                                            
Continuing operations                                                           

| Revenue:                             |         1,279.0 | million kroons      |
| EBITDA from day-to-day operations *: |            97.3 | million kroons      |
| EBIT from day-to-day operations *:   |          -144.9 | million kroons      |
| Extraordinary expenses, incl         |                 |                     |
| Non-capitalized investment expenses: |           -11.5 | million kroons      |
|                                      |                 |                     |
| Structure optimization and closure   |           -65.9 | million kroons      |
| of casinos:                          |                 |                     |
| Financial income and expenses net:   |            -5.6 | million kroons      |
| Net loss before income tax **:       |          -227.9 | million kroons      |

€1 = 15.6466 kroons                                                             

*Ordinary business activity is referred to as business activity excluding       
investment activities, structure optimization, casinos closures, and financial  
income and expenses.                                                            

**Net loss before minority interest.                                            

Within 3rd quarter of 2009, OEG concern has continued adjusting its activities  
to the changing market situation. In addition to 49 casinos closed within the   
1st half of the year (including 24 casinos in Ukraine) in the 3rd quarter of    
2009 OEG has decided to close another 18 casinos: 4 in Estonia, 5 in Latvia, 4  
in Lithuania, 4 in Romania and 1 in Poland. Decisions on casino closings are    
connected with significant decrease of gaming market during the year of 2009.   
Within the 9 months of 2009 gaming market volumes contracted in total by 54% in 
Estonia, 38% in Latvia and 39% in Lithuania in comparison with the same period  
last year.                                                                      

During 9 months of 2009, concern has maintained stable revenues despite of      
negative developments on markets and closing down 39% or 43 casinos in          
continuing operations. EBITDA from day-to-day operations has been positive in   
all quarters of current year, constituting 97.3 million kroons (6.2 million     
euros) in 9 months total.                                                       

Expenses connected with casino closings in the 3rd quarter of 2009 have amounted
to a total of 40.4 million kroons (2.6 million euros). OEG personnel number     
within 3rd quarter was decreased by 228 employees. Decrease in workload         
connected with restructuring and optimization program has caused a 22% decline  
in salary fund of Group support units from September in comparison with June    
2009. The expected effect of 3rd quarter optimizations on operating expenses    
within the 4th quarter 2009 is 52.1 million kroons (3.3 million euros) and      
within the year of 2010 is 208.8 million kroons (13.3 million euros).           

During last one and a half year, Concern has implemented an extensive efficiency
program - 53 casinos were closed (without Ukraine), number of jobs was reduced  
by 1 132 or approximately by one third. The activities of increasing the        
efficiency have included reducing the remuneration payable to employees by 20%, 
reducing the rental prices on average 30%, reducing the number of slot machines 
and resulting cost of gaming tax.                                               

The total cost effect of optimisation activities implemented within the last    
year and current year is expected to be 549.4 million kroons (35.1 million      
euros), constituting 21.2% of the year 2008 total operating expenses in         
continuing operations.                                                          

The 9 months 2009 consolidated financial results of the Group were substantially
influenced by developments on Ukrainian gaming market. OEG has launched a       
liquidation process of Ukrainian operations due to the fact, that Ukrainian     
parliament has banned casino operations in Ukraine for an undefined period and  
has cancelled all licences issued to casino enterprises. According to           
estimations, liquidation of Ukrainian subsidiaries will cause impairment losses 
in amount of 187.1 million kroons (12.0 million euros), which is included in    
income statement on line „Profit (-loss) from discontinued operations“.         

OEG is planning to demand compensation of investments from the Ukrainian state  
basing on investments propitiation and mutual protection agreement signed       
between Estonian and Ukrainian governments and has already started this process.
External revenue by segments                                                    

Continuing operations                                                           
| (thousands of  |      9 months| Change | Proportion|   9 months | Proportion |
| kroons)        |          2009|        |           |       2008 |            |
|                |              |        |           |            |            |
| Estonia        |      289,078 | -49.5% |     22.6% |    572,500 |      31.3% |
| Latvia         |      277,441 | -44.6% |     21.7% |    501,147 |      27.4% |
| Lithuania      |      224,539 | -29.6% |     17.6% |    318,760 |      17.4% |
| Belarus        |       30,615 |  43.2% |      2.4% |     21,375 |       1.2% |
| Poland         |      335,472 |  -8.8% |     26.2% |    367,858 |      20.1% |
| Romania        |       41,403 |  40.4% |      3.2% |     29,482 |       1.6% |
| Slovakia       |       80,461 | 322.7% |      6.3% |     19,034 |       1.0% |
| Total          |    1,279,009 | -30.1% |    100.0% |  1,830,156 |     100.0% |

€1 = 15.6466 kroons                                                             

The Concern ended the 9 months of 2009 in continuing operations with sales      
revenue of 1,271.9 million kroons (81.3 million euros). Total consolidated      
revenue (sales revenue and other income) surged to 1,279.0 million kroons (81.7 
million euros), 30.1% less than the 9 months of 2008 total consolidated revenue 
of 1,830.2 million kroons (117.0 million euros).                                

In the 9 months of 2008 and 2009 93% consolidated revenue was formed by gaming  
operations and 7% of other income.                                              

At the end of September 2009, the Concern had 68 casinos with a total area of   
25,642 square metres. At the end of September 2008, the number of casinos was   
131 and their total area was 38,482 square metres. During the 9 months of 2009, 
1 new casino was opened in Lithuania and 1 new casino in Slovakia, in total 67  
casinos were closed: 17 in Estonia, 12 in Latvia, 6 in Lithuania, 7 in Romania, 
1 in Poland and 24 in Ukraine.                                                  

| Number of casinos by segments    |               |             |             |
|                                  |   30 Sep 2009 | 31 Dec 2008 | 30 Sep 2008 |
| Estonia                          |            19 |          36 |          34 |
| Latvia                           |            21 |          33 |          33 |
| Lithuania                        |            11 |          16 |          16 |
| Ukraine                          |             0 |          24 |          24 |
| Belarus                          |             5 |           5 |           5 |
| Poland                           |             8 |           9 |           9 |
| Romania                          |             2 |           9 |           9 |
| Slovakia                         |             2 |           1 |           1 |
| Total                            |            68 |         133 |         131 |

Consolidated expenses before depreciation in continuing operations for 9 months 
of 2009 decreased in total by 16.5% or 249.7 million kroons (15.9 million euros)
in comparison to consolidated expenses of 9 months of 2009, including decrease  
in the 3rd quarter by 19.0% or 97.6 million kroons (6.2 million euros) in       
comparison to consolidated expenses of the same period last year. In comparison 
with the 9 months of 2008 the strongest cost deacline came from personnel       
expenses -27.2% or 154.7 million kroons (9.9 million euros) and marketing       
expenses -36.4% or 53.7 million kroons (3.4 million euros). Expenses declined in
Estonian segment by 25.9%, in Latvian segment by 31.9% and Lithuanian segment by
15.0% in comparison with the 9 months of 2008.                                  

The largest expense item before depreciation and impairment expenses was        
personnel expenses including social charges which amounted to 414.9 million     
kroons (26.5 million euros), followed by gaming tax expenses of 299.9 million   
kroons (19.2 million euros), rental expenses of 167.4 million kroons (10.7      
million euros) and marketing expenses of 94.0 million kroons (6.0 million       
euros). Consolidated expenses of the 9 months of 2009 include non-capitalizable 
expenses related to opening of new casinos in total 11.5 million kroons (0.7    
million euros), expenses related to closure of casinos and reducing the number  
of personnel in total 65.9 million kroons (4.2 million euros). Expenses related 
to closure of casinos in 2009 in amount of 84.2 million kroons (5.4 million     
euros) are reflected in the results of the last quarter of 2008.                

Consolidated operating loss for the 9 months of 2009 in continuing operations   
amounted to 222.3 million kroons (14.2 million euros). The operating profit for 
the 9 months of 2008 totalled 93.7 million kroons (6.0 million euros).          

Consolidated net loss for the 9 months of 2009 including discontinued operations
(Ukrainian segment), totalled 440.7 million kroons (28.2 million euros),        
including losses of impairment of assets related to liquidation of Ukrainina    
operations in amount of 187.1 million kroons (12.0 million euros). In the first 
9 months of 2008 the net profit amounted 103.4 million kroons (6.6 million      

The management of Concern has revised its estimations regarding the intra Group 
loan contracts in preparing consolidated interim financial results of the 9     
months of  2009, as the intra Group loans will not be settled in the forseeable 
future. Consequently, the exchange differences will be recognised directly in   
the separate component of equity.                                               

Estonian segment                                                                

In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external revenue amounted to 289.1       
million kroons (18.5 million euros) including gaming revenue of 259.7 million   
kroons (16.6 million euros). In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external    
revenue declined by 49.5% compared to the same period of last year. In the 9    
months of 2009 the gaming market in Estonia shrank by 54%. The market share of  
Olympic Casino Estonia AS grew by 5% up to approximately 49%.                   

In the 9 months of 2009 the segment's operating loss reached 74.8 million kroons
(4.8 million euros). In the 9 months of 2008 the segment earned operating profit
in amount of 81.3 million kroons (5.2 million euros).                           

During the 9 months, 17 casinos were closed in Estonia, occurring expenses      
related to closures amounted to 16.3 million kroons (1.0 million euros). At the 
end of September, there were 19 Olympic Casinos in Estonia with a total of 545  
slot machines and 17 game tables.                                               

Latvian segment                                                                 

In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external revenue amounted to 277.4       
million kroons (17.7 million euros) including gaming revenue of 253.8 million   
kroons (16.2 million euros) and other revenues of 23.6 million kroons (1.5      
million euros). In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external revenue declined
by 44.6% compared to the same period last year.                                 

The Latvian segment's operating loss amounted to 40.5 million kroons (2.6       
million euros). In first 9 months of 2009 the segment earned operating profit in
amount of 33.9 million kroons (2.2 million euros).                              

During the 9 months of current year, 12 casinos were closed in Latvia, occurring
expenses related to closures amounted to 14.0 million kroons (0.9 million       
euros).  At the end of September, there were 21 Olympic Casinos in Latvia with a
total of 646 slot machines and 25 game tables.                                  

Lithuanian segment                                                              

In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external revenue amounted to 224.5       
million kroons (14.3 million euros) including gaming revenue of 211.2 million   
kroons (13.5 million euros) and other revenues of 13.3 million kroons (0.9      
million euros). In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external revenue declined
by 29.6%, the Lithuanian gaming market shrank by 39%.                           

In the 9 months of 2009, the segments`s operating loss reached 9.7 million      
kroons (0.6 million euros). The operating profit of the last year`s  the same   
periood was 43.1 million kroons (2.8 million euros).                            

Within the 9 months of 2009, 1 casino was opened and 6 casinos were closed in   
Lithuania, occurring expenses related to closures amounted to 7.8 million kroons
(0.5 million euros) and expenses related to opening of the casino amounted to   
1.1 million kroons (0.1 million euros). At the end of September 2009, the       
Lithuanian segment was operating 11 casinos with a total of 396 slot machines   
and 53 game tables.                                                             

Belarusian segment                                                              

At the end September, Olympic Casino Bel IP was operating 5 casinos with a total
of 261 slot machines in Minsk.                                                  

The Belarusian segment's sales revenue has grown 43.2% compared to the first 9  
months of 2008 and amounted to 30.6 million kroons (2.0 million euros). The     
Belarusian segment's sales revenue has grown in roubles 1.7 times compared to   
the first 9 months of 2008. The operating loss of Belarusian segment was 8.2    
million kroons (0.5 million euros). In the 9 months of 2008, the Belarusian     
segment's external revenues amounted to 21.4 million kroons (1.4 million euros) 
and operating loss was 13.9 million kroons (0.9 million euros).                 

Polish segment                                                                  

In the 9 months of 2009, the segment's external revenue amounted to 335.5       
million kroons (21.4 million euros), accounting for largest part or 26.2% of the
Group's consolidated revenue. During the 9 months of 2009, segment's revenue has
declined by 8.8% compared to the first 9 months of 2008, but in polish zlotys   
the segment's sales revenue has grown by 17.0%. The operating loss of Polish    
segment was 25.7 million kroons (1.6 million euros).                            

Within 3rd quarter 1 casino was closed in Poland, the occurring losses amounted 
to 12.9 million kroons (0.8 million euros). The segment's operating result was  
influenced by expenses related to the removal and renovation of casinos in total
amount of 1.8 million kroons (0.1 million euros).                               

At the end of September, Concern was operating 8 casinos in Poland with 386     
slots and 57 gaming tables.                                                     

Romanian segment                                                                

The Romanian segment finished the 9 months of 2009 with the revenue of 41.4     
million kroons (2.6 million euros) and operating loss 64.4 million kroons (4.1  
million euros). In 9 months of 2008, segment's external revenue amounted of 29.5
million kroons (1.9 million euros) and operating loss 41.1 million kroons (2.6  
million euros).                                                                 

Within the 9 months, 7 casinos were closed and a flagship casino which was      
temporarily closed for renovation was reopened in Romania. Expenses related to  
the preparations of opening of the flagship casino in Bucharest, opened on 15th 
May in this year, influenced the operating result by 6.3 million kroons (0.4    
million euros). Expenses related to closures of casinos amounted to 14.8 million
kroons (0.9 million euros).                                                     

At the end of September Concern operated 2 casinos in Romania with 13 game      
tables and 88 slots.                                                            

Slovakian segment                                                               

The first casino in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, was opened in June     
2008. In January 2009 a second Olympic casino was opened in Trnava. At the end  
of September Concern operated 2 casinos in Slovakia with 20 game tables and 95  

The Slovakian segment finished the 9 months of 2009 with a revenue of 80.5      
million kroons (5.1 million euros) and operating profit 0.9 million kroons (0.1 
million euros). In the same period of 2008, the Slovakian segment's external    
revenues amounted to 19.0 million kroons (1.2 million euros) and operating loss 
was 13.2 million kroons (0.8 million euros).                                    

Balance sheet                                                                   

At 30 September 2009, the consolidated balance sheet totalled 1,892.2 million   
kroons (120.9 million euros). At 31 December 2008, the consolidated balance     
sheet of Group amounted to 2,403.6 million kroons (153.6 million euros). Within 
the first 9 months of 2009, the balance sheet volume declined by 21.2%.         

Current assets accounted for 441.7 million kroons (28.2 million euros) or 23.3% 
of total assets and non-current assets for 1,450.5 million kroons (92.7 million 
euros) or 76.7% of total assets. Intangible assets accounted for 462.9 million  
kroons (29.6 million euros) or 31.9% of non-current assets.                     

At 30 September 2009, consolidated liabilities amounted to 500.3 million kroons 
(32.0 million euros) and consolidated equity amounted to 1,391.9 million kroons 
(89.0 million euros). The largest part of liabilities were loans in amount of   
310.5 million kroons (19.8 million euros), payables to employees of 50.8 million
kroons (3.2 million euros), tax commitments of 60.6 million kroons (3.9 million 


In the first 9 months of 2009, the consolidated expenditures on property, plant 
and equipment totalled 63.9 million kroons (4.1 million euros) including        
investment in gaming equipment of 16.5 million kroons (1.1 million euros),      
renovation of casinos in amount of 26.2 million kroons (1.7 million euros), and 
acquisition of other items of property, plant and equipment in amount of 5.8    
million kroons (0.3 million euros), prepayments for tangible assets amounted to 
15.4 million kroons (1.0 million euros).                                        

Cash flows                                                                      

Consolidated operating cash flows during the first 9 months of 2009 were 68.8   
million kroons (4.4 million euros), cash outflows from investing activities were
131.4 million kroons (8.4 million euros), cash flows from financing activities  
were 32.6 million kroons (2.1 million euros). Net cash outflows amounted to 30.0
million kroons (1.9 million euros).                                             


At 30 September 2009, the Group employed 2,461 people (31 December 2008: 3,924):
534 in Estonia, 435 in Latvia, 646 in Lithuania, 94 in Belarus, 473 in Poland,  
157 in Romania and 122 in Slovakia.                                             

Employee remuneration expenses including relevant social charges amounted to    
414.9 million kroons (26.5 million euros), in first 9 months of 2008 the        
relevant figure was 569.6 million kroons (36.4 million euros).                  

The key financials                                                              
Continuing operations                                                           
|                                   |      9 months |     9 months |    Change |
|                                   |         2009  |         2008 |           |
| Revenue (kroons, millions)        |       1,279.0 |      1,830.2 |    -30.1% |
| EBITDA(kroons, millions)          |          19.9 |        321.3 |    -93.8% |
| Operating profit (kroons,         |        -222.3 |         93.7 |   -337.2% |
| millions)                         |               |              |           |
| Net profit (kroons, millions)     |        -226.2 |         81.8 |   -376.5% |
| EBITDA margin                     |          1.6% |        17.6% |           |
| Operating margin                  |        -17.4% |         5.1% |           |
| Net margin                        |        -17.7% |         4.5% |           |
| Equity ratio                      |         73.6% |       76.7%  |           |
| Number of casinos at end of       |            68 |          107 |       -39 |
| period                            |               |              |           |
| Total area of casinos at end of   |        25,642 |       31,594 |    -5,952 |
| period (in square metres)         |               |              |           |
| Number of slots at end of period  |         2,417 |        4,118 |    -1,701 |
| Number of game tables at end of   |           185 |         199  |       -14 |
| period                            |               |              |           |

Underlying formulas                                                             

o EBITDA = earnings before financial expenses, taxes, depreciation, amortisation
and impairment losses                                                           
o Operating profit = profit before financial expenses and taxes                 
o Net profit = net profit for the period before minority interest               
o EBITDA margin = EBITDA / revenue                                              
o Operating margin = operating profit / revenue                                 
o Net margin = net profit / revenue                                             
o Equity ratio = equity / total assets                                          

€1 = 15.6466 kroons                                                             

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION               |                 |
| ASSETS                                    |                |                 |
| (In thousands of Estonian kroons)         |    30 Sep 2009 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| Current assets                            |                |                 |
| Cash and cash equivalents                 |        285,075 |         315,919 |
| Trade receivables                         |          6,809 |           6,507 |
| Other receivables and prepayments         |         77,047 |          86,174 |
| Prepaid income tax                        |         22,280 |          20,464 |
| Inventories                               |         21,789 |          29,576 |
| Assets held for sale                      |         28,706 |               0 |
| Total current assets                      |        441,706 |         458,640 |
| Non-current assets                        |                |                 |
| Deferred tax assets                       |         18,248 |          16,847 |
| Other financial investments               |         61,349 |          15,930 |
| Other long-term receivables               |         11,925 |          45,292 |
| Investment property                       |         43,060 |          45,330 |
| Property, plant and equipment             |        853,019 |       1,313,076 |
| Intangible assets                         |        462,910 |         508,459 |
| Total non-current assets                  |      1,450,511 |       1,944,934 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                              |      1,892,217 |       2,403,574 |
|                                           |                |                 |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                    |                |                 |
| (In thousands of Estonian kroons)         |    30 Sep 2009 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| LIABILITIES                               |                |                 |
| Current liabilities                       |                |                 |
| Interest-bearing loans and borrowings     |         56,808 |          82,802 |
| Customer advances                         |         16,520 |          16,041 |
| Trade payables                            |         21,492 |          70,101 |
| Other payables                            |          8,821 |           9,273 |
| Income tax liability                      |          1,420 |           1,249 |
| Other tax liabilities                     |         59,336 |          87,156 |
| Other accrued payables                    |         61,602 |          73,879 |
| Provisions                                |         10,472 |          12,797 |
| Total current liabilities                 |        236,471 |         353,298 |
| Non-current liabilities                   |                |                 |
| Deferred tax liability                    |         10,176 |          10,924 |
| Interest-bearing loans and borrowings     |        253,671 |         194,968 |
| Total non-current liabilities             |        263,847 |         205,892 |
| Total liabilities                         |        500,318 |         559,190 |
| EQUITY                                    |                |                 |
| Share capital                             |      1,510,000 |       1,510,000 |
| Share premium                             |        227,273 |         227,273 |
| Statutory capital reserve                 |         37,759 |          37,759 |
| Translation reserves                      |         23,628 |          35,407 |
| Retained earnings                         |       -472,039 |         -31,989 |
| Total equity attributable to equity       |      1,326,621 |       1,778,450 |
| holders of the parent                     |                |                 |
| Minority interest                         |         65,278 |          65,934 |
| Total equity                              |      1,391,899 |       1,844,384 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY              |      1,892,217 |       2,403,574 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION               |                 |
| ASSETS                                    |                |                 |
| (In thousands of euro)                    |    30 Sep 2009 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| Current assets                            |                |                 |
| Cash and cash equivalents                 |         18,220 |          20,191 |
| Trade receivables                         |            435 |             416 |
| Other receivables and prepayments         |          4,924 |           5,508 |
| Prepaid income tax                        |          1,424 |           1,308 |
| Inventories                               |          1,393 |           1,890 |
| Assets held for sale                      |          1,835 |               0 |
| Total current assets                      |         28,230 |          29,312 |
| Non-current assets                        |                |                 |
| Deferred tax assets                       |          1,166 |           1,077 |
| Other financial investments               |          3,921 |           1,018 |
| Other long-term receivables               |            762 |           2,895 |
| Investment property                       |          2,752 |           2,897 |
| Property, plant and equipment             |         54,518 |          83,921 |
| Intangible assets                         |         29,585 |          32,496 |
| Total non-current assets                  |         92,705 |         124,304 |
| TOTAL ASSETS                              |        120,935 |         153,616 |
|                                           |                |                 |
| LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                    |                |                 |
| (In thousands of euro)                    |    30 Sep 2009 |     31 Dec 2008 |
| LIABILITIES                               |                |                 |
| Current liabilities                       |                |                 |
| Interest-bearing loans and borrowings     |          3,631 |           5,292 |
| Customer advances                         |          1,055 |           1,025 |
| Trade payables                            |          1,373 |           4,480 |
| Other payables                            |            564 |             593 |
| Income tax liability                      |             91 |              80 |
| Other tax liabilities                     |          3,792 |           5,570 |
| Other accrued payables                    |          3,937 |           4,722 |
| Provisions                                |            669 |             818 |
| Total current liabilities                 |         15,112 |          22,580 |
| Non-current liabilities                   |                |                 |
| Deferred tax liability                    |            650 |             698 |
| Interest-bearing loans and borrowings     |         16,213 |          12,461 |
| Total non-current liabilities             |         16,863 |          13,159 |
| Total liabilities                         |         31,975 |          35,739 |
| EQUITY                                    |                |                 |
| Share capital                             |         96,507 |          96,507 |
| Share premium                             |         14,525 |          14,525 |
| Statutory capital reserve                 |          2,413 |           2,413 |
| Translation reserves                      |          1,511 |           2,263 |
| Retained earnings                         |        -30,168 |          -2,044 |
| Total equity attributable to equity       |         84,788 |         113,664 |
| holders of the parent                     |                |                 |
| Minority interest                         |          4,172 |           4,214 |
| Total equity                              |         88,960 |         117,878 |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY              |        120,935 |         153,616 |

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE |          |            |            |
| INCOME                                  |          |            |            |
| (In thousands of Estonian    |  Q3 2009 |  Q3 2008 |    9M 2009 |    9M 2008 |
| kroons)                      |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Continuing operations        |          |          |            |            |
| Revenue                      |          |          |            |            |
| Sales revenue                |  412,185 |  582,382 |  1,271,946 |  1,820,209 |
| Other income                 |    2,960 |    4,205 |      7,063 |      9,947 |
| Total revenue                |  415,145 |  586,587 |  1,279,009 |  1,830,156 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
| Cost of materials, goods and |  -13,324 |  -12,573 |    -37,947 |    -40,993 |
| services used                |          |          |            |            |
| Other operating expenses     | -234,613 | -299,374 |   -740,520 |   -874,022 |
| Labour costs                 | -127,388 | -188,301 |   -414,893 |   -569,634 |
| Depreciation, amortisation   |  -77,484 |  -82,452 |   -242,185 |   -227,583 |
| and impairment               |          |          |            |            |
| Other expenses               |  -43,180 |  -15,976 |    -65,802 |    -24,219 |
| Total expenses               | -495,989 | -598,676 | -1,501,347 | -1,736,451 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Operating profit (loss)      |  -80,844 |  -12,089 |   -222,338 |     93,705 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Financial income and         |          |          |            |            |
| expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
| Interest income              |    1,584 |    2,335 |      6,910 |      8,526 |
| Interest expense             |   -4,344 |   -1,769 |    -15,172 |     -4,860 |
| Foreign exchange gain        |     -814 |   -2,319 |      2,895 |      3,739 |
| (losses)                     |          |          |            |            |
| Other financial income and   |     -119 |        0 |       -192 |         56 |
| expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
| Net financing income and     |   -3,693 |   -1,753 |     -5,559 |      7,461 |
| expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Profit (loss) before tax     |  -84,537 |  -13,842 |   -227,897 |    101,166 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Income tax expense           |      501 |   -4,045 |      1,708 |    -19,366 |
| Profit (loss) for the period |  -84,036 |  -17,887 |   -226,189 |     81,800 |
| from continuing operations   |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Profit (loss) for the period |   -3,725 |   23,861 |   -214,517 |     21,616 |
| from discontinued operations |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD |  -87,761 |    5,974 |   -440,706 |    103,416 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Other comprehensive income   |          |          |            |            |
| Translation reserve          |          |          |            |            |
|   continuing operations      |   13,658 |    6,182 |    -20,380 |     -1,551 |
|   discontinued operations    |   -1,608 |  -44,458 |      8,601 |    -19,835 |
| Other comprehensive income   |   12,050 |  -38,276 |    -11,779 |    -21,386 |
| for the period               |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Total comprehensive income   |  -75,711 |  -32,302 |   -452,485 |     82,030 |
| for the period               |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Profit (loss) for the period            |          |            |            |
| attributable to                         |          |            |            |
| Minority interest            |      615 |    -1450 |       -656 |      4,534 |
| Equity holders of the parent |          |          |            |            |
|   continuing operations      |  -84,651 |  -16,437 |   -225,533 |     77,266 |
|   discontinued operations    |   -3,725 |   23,861 |   -214,517 |     21,616 |
|                              |  -87,761 |    5,974 |   -440,706 |    103,416 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Total comprehensive income   |          |          |            |            |
| attributable to              |          |          |            |            |
| Minority interest            |      615 |   -1,450 |       -656 |      4,534 |
| Equity holders of the parent |          |          |            |            |
|   continuing operations      |  -70,993 |  -10,255 |   -245,913 |     75,715 |
|   discontinued operations    |   -5,333 |  -20,597 |   -205,916 |      1,781 |
|                              |  -75,711 |  -32,302 |   -452,485 |     82,030 |
| Continuing operations        |          |          |            |            |
| Basic earnings per share     |    -0.56 |    -0.11 |      -1.49 |       0.51 |
| (EEK)                        |          |          |            |            |
| Diluted earnings per share   |    -0.56 |    -0.11 |      -1.49 |       0.51 |
| (EEK)                        |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Discontinued operations      |          |          |            |            |
| Basic earnings per share     |    -0.02 |     0.16 |      -1.42 |       0.14 |
| (EEK)                        |          |          |            |            |
| Diluted earnings per share   |    -0.02 |     0.16 |      -1.42 |       0.14 |
| (EEK)                        |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE |          |            |            |
| INCOME                                  |          |            |            |
| (In thousands of euro)       |  Q3 2009 |  Q3 2008 |    9M 2009 |    9M 2008 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Continuing operations        |          |          |            |            |
| Revenue                      |          |          |            |            |
| Sales revenue                |   26,343 |   37,221 |     81,292 |    116,333 |
| Other income                 |      189 |      269 |        452 |        635 |
| Total revenue                |   26,532 |   37,490 |     81,744 |    116,968 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
| Cost of materials, goods and |     -851 |     -804 |     -2,426 |     -2,620 |
| services used                |          |          |            |            |
| Other operating expenses     |  -14,995 |  -19,133 |    -47,328 |    -55,860 |
| Labour costs                 |   -8,142 |  -12,035 |    -26,516 |    -36,406 |
| Depreciation, amortisation   |   -4,952 |   -5,270 |    -15,478 |    -14,545 |
| and impairment               |          |          |            |            |
| Other expenses               |   -2,759 |   -1,021 |     -4,206 |     -1,548 |
| Total expenses               |  -31,699 |  -38,263 |    -95,954 |   -110,979 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Operating profit (loss)      |   -5,167 |     -773 |    -14,210 |      5,989 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Financial income and         |          |          |            |            |
| expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
| Interest income              |      101 |      149 |        442 |        545 |
| Interest expense             |     -278 |     -113 |       -970 |       -311 |
| Foreign exchange gain        |      -52 |     -148 |        185 |        239 |
| (losses)                     |          |          |            |            |
| Other financial income and   |       -8 |        0 |        -12 |          4 |
| expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
| Net financing income and     |     -237 |     -112 |       -355 |        477 |
| expenses                     |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Profit (loss) before tax     |   -5,404 |     -885 |    -14,565 |      6,466 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Income tax expense           |       32 |     -258 |        109 |     -1,238 |
| Profit (loss) for the period |   -5,372 |   -1,143 |    -14,456 |      5,228 |
| from continuing operations   |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Profit (loss) for the period |     -238 |    1,525 |    -13,710 |      1,382 |
| from discontinued operations |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD |   -5,610 |      382 |    -28,166 |      6,610 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Other comprehensive income   |          |          |            |            |
| Translation reserve          |          |          |            |            |
|   continuing operations      |      873 |      395 |     -1,303 |        -99 |
|   discontinued operations    |     -103 |   -2,841 |        550 |     -1,268 |
| Other comprehensive income   |      770 |   -2,446 |       -753 |     -1,367 |
| for the period               |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Total comprehensive income   |   -4,840 |   -2,064 |    -28,919 |      5,243 |
| for the period               |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Profit (loss) for the period            |          |            |            |
| attributable to                         |          |            |            |
| Minority interest            |       38 |      -93 |        -42 |        290 |
| Equity holders of the parent |          |          |            |            |
|   continuing operations      |   -5,410 |   -1,050 |    -14,414 |      4,938 |
|   discontinued operations    |     -238 |    1,525 |    -13,710 |      1,382 |
|                              |   -5,610 |      382 |    -28,166 |      6,610 |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Total comprehensive income attributable |          |            |            |
| to                                      |          |            |            |
| Minority interest            |       38 |      -93 |        -42 |        290 |
| Equity holders of the parent |          |          |            |            |
|   continuing operations      |   -4,537 |     -655 |    -15,717 |      4,839 |
|   discontinued operations    |     -341 |   -1,316 |    -13,160 |        114 |
|                              |   -4,840 |   -2,064 |    -28,919 |      5,243 |
| Continuing operations        |          |          |            |            |
| Basic earnings per share (€) |    -0.04 |    -0.01 |      -0.10 |       0.03 |
| Diluted earnings per share   |    -0.04 |    -0.01 |      -0.10 |       0.03 |
| (€)                          |          |          |            |            |
|                              |          |          |            |            |
| Discontinued operations      |          |          |            |            |
| Basic earnings per share (€) |   -0.002 |     0.01 |      -0.09 |       0.01 |
| Diluted earnings per share   |   -0.002 |     0.01 |      -0.09 |       0.01 |
| (€)                          |          |          |            |            |

Further information:                                                            

Kristi Ojakäär                                                                  
Olympic Entertainment Group AS                                                  
Tel + 372 667 1250                                                              
E-post: kristi.ojakaar@oc.eu                                                    