BIOHIT OYJ INTERIM REPORT, 6 NOVEMBER 2009 AT 9:30 AM                           


The Biohit Group's financial trends in the January-September period of 2009:    
- Net sales were EUR 25.1 million (EUR 25.5 million in 1-9/2008). 
- Operating profit amounted to EUR 0.3 million (operating profit EUR 1.0
- Loss before taxes was EUR 0.0 million (profit EUR 0.5 million). 
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.02 (EUR 0.01). 

During the third quarter, the Biohit Group's net sales decreased by 7% on the   
previous quarter and amounted to EUR 8.1 million. The decline was due to the    
weaker demand for pipettes and seasonal variations. This is offset by the growth
in sales of pipette tips, the maintenance business and diagnostic test kits     
compared to the previous quarter. The loss before taxes for the third quarter   
was EUR 0.1 million.                                                            

NET SALES AND RESULT BEFORE TAXES                                               


Net sales for the third quarter remained at the same level as in the            
corresponding period of 2008, amounting to EUR 8.1 million (EUR 8.2 million     

Operating profit for the third quarter amounted to EUR 0.1 million (operating   
profit EUR 0.7 million) and the loss before taxes to EUR 0.1 million (profit EUR
0.8 million). Earnings per share were EUR -0.01 (EUR 0.04).                     

Taking into account the current global economic situation, net sales trends were
satisfactory in the third quarter, particularly in the North American and Asian 

The loss before taxes was EUR 0.1 million (profit EUR 0.8 million) due to the   
growth in fixed costs.                                                          


The Group's net sales for the entire reporting period declined by 1% on the     
corresponding period of 2008 to EUR 25.1 million (EUR 25.5 million). Operating  
profit for the reporting period amounted to EUR 0.3 million (operating profit   
EUR 1.0 million) and the loss before taxes to EUR 0.0 million (profit EUR 0.5   
million). Earnings per share were EUR -0.02 (EUR 0.01).                         

Trends in the global economy during 2009 have also been reflected in Biohit's   
business and net sales of pipettes have underperformed expectations in all      
market areas.                                                                   

The loss before taxes was due to a slight decline in sales and the moderate     
growth in fixed costs.                                                          

Key figures by segment, January-September                                       

Sales and maintenance of liquid handling products accounted for 95% of net sales
during the reporting period. The net sales of the liquid handling business      
amounted to EUR 23.9 million (EUR 24.4 million) and the net sales of the        
diagnostics business to EUR 1.3 million (EUR 1.1 million). Test kit sales       
generated EUR 1.1 million (EUR 0.9 million) and instruments EUR 0.2 million (EUR
0.3 million) of the net sales of the diagnostics business.                      

The operating profit of the liquid handling business amounted to EUR 1.9 million
(operating profit EUR 2.6 million), while the operating loss of the diagnostics 
business totalled EUR 1.5 million (operating loss EUR 1.6 million).             

The impact of currency exchange rates                                           

Currency exchange rate fluctuations did not have a material impact on the total 
net sales of the liquid handling business. When calculated using comparable     
currency exchange rates, the change in net sales for the liquid handling        
business during the reporting period was -4%. The reported change in net sales  
was -2%.                                                                        

Excluding the impact of instrument sales, net sales growth in the diagnostics   
business totalled 32% when calculated using comparable currency exchange rates. 
The reported figure for net sales growth excluding instrument sales was 24%.    

BALANCE SHEET                                                                   

On 30 September 2009, the balance sheet total was EUR 26.7 million (EUR 26.6    
million on 30 September 2008) and the equity ratio was 45.6% (44.6%).           


Cash flow during the reporting period was EUR 0.4 million (EUR 0.2 million). Net
cash flow from operating activities was, however, EUR 2.2 million (EUR 1.2      
million), primarily due to a reduction in working capital, which was freed up   
for investments. At the end of the reporting period, the Group's cash and cash  
equivalents totalled EUR 1.7 million (EUR 1.3 million on 30 September 2008 and  
EUR 1.3 million on 31 December 2008). Current ratio was 2.3 (2.3).              

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT                                                        

Research and development expenditure during the reporting period amounted to EUR
1.7 million (EUR 1.5 million), that is, 6.6% of net sales (5.7%). EUR 0.3       
million (EUR 0.2 million) in development expenditure was capitalised during the 


Gross investments during the reporting period totalled EUR 1.7 million (EUR 0.9 
million). Investments were primarily made in production technology in Helsinki  
and Kajaani, significantly increasing tip production capacity.                  


The average number of Group personnel during the reporting period was 368 (372  
in the corresponding period of 2008 and 350 in 2007). Of these, 173 (173 in     
2008, 179 in 2007) were employed by the parent company and 195 (199 in 2008, 171
in 2007) by subsidiaries.                                                       

KEY FIGURES                                                                     

|                  |  7-9/2009 |  7-9/2008 |  1-9/2009 |  1-9/2008 | 1-12/2008 |
| Net sales, MEUR  |       8.1 |       8.2 |      25.1 |      25.5 |      35.1 |
| Operating        |       0.1 |       0.7 |       0.3 |       1.0 |       1.3 |
| profit/loss, MEUR|           |           |           |           |           |
| Profit/loss      |      -0.1 |       0.8 |      -0.0 |       0.5 |       1.0 |
| before taxes,    |           |           |           |           |           |
| MEUR             |           |           |           |           |           |
| Investments,     |       0.5 |       0.3 |       1.7 |       0.9 |       1.2 |
| gross, MEUR      |           |           |           |           |           |
| As a percentage  |       6.3 |       3.5 |       6.9 |       3.4 |       3.5 |
| of net sales     |           |           |           |           |           |
| R&D expenditure, |       0.4 |       0.4 |       1.7 |       1.5 |       2.0 |
| MEUR             |           |           |           |           |           |
| As a percentage  |       4.9 |       4.9 |       6.6 |       5.7 |       5.8 |
| of net sales     |           |           |           |           |           |
| Average number   |       376 |       375 |       368 |       372 |       369 |
| of personnel     |           |           |           |           |           |
| Equity ratio, %  |      45.6 |      44.6 |      45.6 |      44.6 |      46.5 |
| Earnings per     |     -0.01 |      0.04 |     -0.02 |      0.01 |      0.07 |
| share, EUR       |           |           |           |           |           |
| Equity per       |      0.94 |      0.91 |      0.94 |      0.91 |      0.97 |
| share, EUR       |           |           |           |           |           |
| Average number   | 12,937,627| 12,937,627| 12,937,627| 12,937,627| 12,937,627|
| of shares during |           |           |           |           |           |
| the period       |           |           |           |           |           |
| Number of shares | 12,937,627| 12,937,627| 12,937,627| 12,937,627| 12,937,627|
| at end of period |           |           |           |           |           |

SHORT-TERM RISKS AND UNCERTAINTY FACTORS                                        

During the third quarter, the company's business has been impacted not only by  
seasonal variations but also by the global recession, which has weakened demand 
for liquid handling equipment in particular. Although the risks inherent in the 
company's business operations - as described in the Financial Statement Bulletin
dated 13 February 2009 and the interim reports released during the period - have
not changed significantly, the continuing global recession has ushered in       
uncertainty factors concerning the development of the company's operations.     
These uncertainty factors increase the significance of risks related to the     
Group's liquidity and exchange rate trends. Correspondingly, delays in the      
breakthrough of the diagnostics business have a negative impact on the          
development of the company's liquidity.                                         

Biohit has sought to minimise the effects of the global recession especially by 
focusing on sales of disposable tips and maintenance services and by offering   
cost-effective diagnostics products to its customers. These measures are also   
geared towards improving the company's profitability and liquidity.             

During the reporting period, Biohit has tried to minimise the risks associated  
with the diagnostics business through measures such as increasing co-operation  
with partners and opinion leaders as well as strengthening the organisation of  
the diagnostics business. Biohit has made a concerted effort to open up the     
Finnish market in particular during the reporting period. Growth in the         
diagnostics business continued during the third quarter and, in the company's   
opinion, there have been no unfavourable changes in the risk level.             

OUTLOOK FOR 2009                                                                

The development of the Group's net sales was more moderate in the reporting     
period than in the previous year and it is expected that this trend will        
continue during the rest of the year.                                           

The global recession has led customers to push back their investments and cut   
costs, which will impact on sales of pipettes in particular. As before, demand  
is expected to focus on disposable tips and maintenance services during the rest
of the year. On the whole, the net sales of the liquid handling business are    
expected to remain more or less at the same level as in the previous year. In   
the diagnostics business, continued moderate growth is expected in net sales of 
test kits during the last quarter.                                              

In spite of the contraction in net sales growth, the company expects that its   
full-year result will be in the black.                                          

REVIEW BY BUSINESS AREA                                                         

Liquid handling business                                                        

Biohit's liquid handling business develops, manufactures and markets laboratory 
equipment and accessories for the pharmaceutical, food and other industries.    
Biohit's products are also used in research institutions, universities and      
hospitals. The product range includes mechanical and electronic pipettes as well
as disposable tips. While the majority of products are marketed under the Biohit
brand, the company also manufactures customised OEM (Original Equipment         
Manufacturer) products that complement the diagnostic test and analysis systems 
of many global companies. In addition, the company offers maintenance,          
calibration and training services for liquid handling products through its      
distributor network ( and  

The global recession continued during the reporting period and led to cost      
cutting, especially in R&D, among Biohit's customer base, and this has had an   
unfavourable impact on total market trends. In all market areas, demand has     
centred on disposable products, such as pipette tips, and on the maintenance of 
customers' existing pipettes. However, favourable trends have also been seen in 
pipette sales in Asia. For example, Biohit received a major order from a        
forensics laboratory in Japan for both electronic (eLINE) and mechanical (mLINE)
pipettes. Thanks to this new customer, Biohit is better poised to grow its      
business in Japan, particularly in the public sector.                           

Biohit has launched new liquid handling products during the reporting period. In
September, the company launched new filter tips to round out its filter tip     
range. The unique SafetySpace™ filter tips improve pipetting safety and enable  
more accurate and reliable results, even when handling demanding liquids. The   
SafetySpace filter tips are designed to meet high quality and purity demands.   
This makes SafetySpace the ideal pipette tip for all researchers, especially    
those working in cell culture, molecular biology and microbiology applications, 
as well as radioactive work.                                                    

Earlier this year, the company launched the user-friendly electronic eLINE Lite 
Dispenser for automated multiple dispensing as well as pipette maintenance and  
calibration software (                                       

In line with its strategy, Biohit also continued to focus on boosting           
order-delivery chain efficiency, enhancing product life cycle management and    
comprehensive quality assurance, strengthening the Biohit brand as well as      
developing both new technologies and the OEM business.                          

Diagnostics business                                                            

Biohit's diagnostics business develops, manufactures and markets tests and      
analysis systems primarily for the diagnosis and prevention of diseases of the  
gastrointestinal tract. The product range includes the GastroPanel and          
GastroView examinations (, and the       
ColonView quick tests for primary and occupational healthcare; lactose          
intolerance and Helicobacter pylori quick tests for specialised healthcare; and 
instruments and analysis systems for laboratories ( 
Additionally, the company runs a service laboratory in Finland                  
( -> Service Laboratory) and in the UK.               

Although the trend in the sales of the diagnostics business was fairly good     
during the reporting period, it is not yet at a satisfactory level. Growth      
centred on sales of test kits.                                                  

In order to further the spin-off of the diagnostics business, Biohit focused on 
strengthening its business and growth potential during the reporting period.    
Several measures have been taken to safeguard growth potential, such as         
bolstering the sales organisation of the diagnostics business and focusing on   
the markets in which it is first expected to make a breakthrough. In addition,  
Biohit has incorporated its UK diagnostics business by establishing a           
subsidiary, Biohit Healthcare Ltd that focuses on sales.                        

During the reporting period, Biohit invested in increasing recognition for its  
GastroPanel and GastroView examinations and co-operation with commercial        
players, especially in Finland. For example, Yhtyneet Medix Laboratoriot and    
Terveystalo Group have introduced the examinations into their service range.    

Biohit is also marketing different-sized GastroPanel laboratories to hospitals, 
general practitioners, and research and service laboratories in numerous        

The aim is to promote the effective introduction of the GastroPanel examination 
in order to develop safe, ethical and cost-effective diagnosis of dyspepsia     
(occasional or chronic pain or complaints in the upper abdomen) and related     
Helicobacter pylori infection and atrophic gastritis (the loss of appropriate   
glands and function of the gastric mucosa). The prevalence of dyspepsia in the  
Western population is 20-40%. GastroPanel and GastroView examinations are       
recommended for the primary diagnosis of dyspepsia, along with the ColonView    
test for revealing the risk of colorectal cancer. In the case of people over 45,
upper abdominal symptoms of dyspepsia are often related to the large intestine  
(see Additional information).                                                   

The focal point in research and development during the period has been on       
improvements to existing products and the commercialisation of new products and 
concepts. Biohit has continued the commercialisation process of the Acetium     
capsule (formerly called BioCyst). When taken with meals, Acetium capsules      
inactivate carcinogenic acetaldehyde, which is produced by microbes from sugar  
and alcohol in an anacidic stomach. Microbes from the mouth and pharynx can live
and produce acetaldehyde in an anacidic stomach, which can be diagnosed very    
reliably with the GastroPanel and GastroView examinations.                      

An anacidic stomach caused by Helicobacter pylori infection or autoimmune       
disease is the major risk factor for stomach cancer. Use of PPIs (Proton Pump   
Inhibitors) also leads to excessive microbial growth in the stomach and         
acetaldehyde production. The GastroPanel and GastroView examinations can be used
to diagnose not only an anacidic stomach caused by atrophic gastritis, but also 
risks of gastric and esophageal cancer and deficiency of vitamin B12, iron and 
calcium. Atrophic gastritis is usually asymptomatic. Slightly less than 100,000 
people in Finland and about 500 million people around the world have atrophic   
gastritis. As from this year on, PPI medication (pantoprazol) will be available 
from pharmacies without prescription. In 2007, 464,000 people were reimbursed by
the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) for their PPI medication.    
Acetium is currently scheduled to be available as an over-the-counter medicine  
at pharmacies in early 2010.                                                    

For smokers and those who intend to quit, XyliCyst tablets and gum will be      
available, e.g. in pharmacies and other outlets in 2010. XyliCyst releases
that inactivates carcinogenic acetaldehyde that dissolves into saliva during    
smoking. Acetaldehyde causes cancer and may also be responsible for tobacco     
addiction. XyliCyst products thus have considerable health benefits. For
smokers who intend to quit, XyliCyst tablets and gum offer a new approach to
taking care of preventative oral hygiene and dental health as well as
acetaldehyde, which causes cancer and addiction.                                


Matthias Beuse, PhD (chem.), was appointed the new Managing Director of Biohit's
German subsidiary during the reporting period. He has held managerial sales and 
marketing positions in the bio and health technology industry for over ten      
years, most recently at a company belonging to GE Healthcare. His appointment   
strengthens the German subsidiary's organisation and growth potential.          

Peter Tchernych, who started out as the director of Biohit's diagnostics        
business in June, resigned during the reporting period due to personal reasons. 

SHARES AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                         

Biohit Oyj's shares are divided into series A and series B shares. There are a  
total of 2,975,500 series A shares and 9,962,127 series B shares to a total of  
12,937,627 shares. Series A shares confer 20 votes per share and series B shares
1 vote per share. The dividend paid for series B shares is, however, two (2) per
cent of the nominal value higher than that paid for series A shares. Supposing  
that the market capitalisation value for series A and B shares is equal, the    
total market capitalisation value at the end of the period was EUR 19.7 million.

Biohit Oyj's series B shares are quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki in the Small     
cap/Healthcare group under the code BIOBV.                                      

| BIOBV/NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                           |               1-9/2009 |
| High, EUR                                           |                   1.90 |
| Low, EUR                                            |                   1.27 |
| Average, EUR                                        |                   1.55 |
| Closing price, EUR                                  |                   1.43 |
| Total turnover, EUR                                 |              2,174,667 |
| Total turnover, no. of shares                       |              1,722,756 |


At the end of the reporting period on 30 September 2009, the company had 3,555  
shareholders (3,427 on 30 September 2008). Private households held 72.87%       
(79.64%), companies 23.67% (16.63%) and public sector organisations 3.03%       
(3.03%) of the share capital. 0.53% (0.75%) of shares were in foreign ownership 
or registered in a nominee's name.                                              

Further information about the shares, major shareholders and management's       
shareholdings is available on the company's website at

Notification of a change in Biohit Oyj share ownership in accordance with the   
Securities Markets Act, Chapter 2, Section 10                                   

In accordance with the Securities Markets Act, Chapter 2, Section 9, on 24 June 
2009, Biohit Oyj received notification that the combined share of voting rights 
conferred by shares owned by Professor Pentti Sipponen and Patolab Oy - a       
company in his control - has fallen to under one twentieth.                     

In a transaction made on the same day, ownership of a total of 900,000 Series B 
shares held by Pentti Sipponen was transferred to Biocosmos Oy (450,000 shares) 
and Interlab Oy (450,000 shares) - two companies under the control of Professor 
Osmo Suovaniemi.                                                                

More detailed information about the shares and voting rights held by Pentti     
Sipponen and the companies under his control were published in a stock exchange 
bulletin dated 24 June 2009.                                                    

EVENTS AFTER THE CLOSE OF THE REPORTING PERIOD                                  

After the end of the reporting period, Biohit has established a subsidiary in   
India, Biohit Biotech Systems (India) Private Limited. The new subsidiary       
focuses on sales and marketing of Biohit's liquid handling and diagnostics      
products in the Indian market. Venkat Rao, who has served in Biohit Oyj's       
international sales since 2006, has been appointed as its Managing Director.    

The management of the UK subsidiary also changed after the reporting period.    
Richard Vaughton, who served as Biohit Ltd's Managing Director since 1992, has  
become an independent consultant. Ian Hemmings has been appointed as the new    
Managing Director. Hemmings has been in Biohit's employ for almost 10 years. He 
has been responsible for the pipette maintenance business in the UK and, during 
the past year, for the Pipette Doctor concept globally.                         

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   

January - September                                                             

|                             |    1-9 |     1-9 |  Change |  Change |    1-12 |
|                             |   2009 |    2008 |    MEUR |       % |    2008 |
|                             |   MEUR |    MEUR |         |         |    MEUR |
| Net sales *                 |   25.1 |    25.5 |    -0.3 |      -1 |    35.1 |
| Other operating income      |    0.1 |     0.1 |     0.0 |      46 |     0.2 |
| Change in inventories of    |   -0.1 |     0.1 |    -0.2 |    -249 |    -0.3 |
| finished goods and work in  |        |         |         |         |         |
| progress                    |        |         |         |         |         |
| Materials and services      |   -4.5 |    -5.0 |    -0.5 |     -10 |    -6.7 |
| Employee benefit expenses   |  -11.0 |   -10.6 |     0.4 |       4 |   -14.5 |
| Depreciation                |   -1.3 |    -1.4 |    -0.1 |      -4 |    -1.8 |
| Other operating expenses    |   -8.0 |    -7.7 |     0.3 |       4 |   -10.7 |
| Operating profit/loss       |    0.3 |     1.0 |    -0.6 |     -65 |     1.3 |
| Financial income *          |    0.3 |     0.3 |     0.0 |       8 |     0.4 |
| Financial expenses *        |   -0.7 |    -0.8 |    -0.1 |      -7 |    -0.7 |
| Profit/loss before taxes    |   -0.0 |     0.5 |    -0.6 |    -108 |     1.0 |
| Income taxes                |   -0.2 |    -0.4 |    -0.2 |     -57 |    -0.1 |
| Profit/loss for the period  |   -0.2 |     0.1 |    -0.3 |    -306 |     0.9 |

*) The comparison figures for the corresponding period of 2008 have been        
altered. Changes in currency exchange rates for internal receivables are now    
presented under financial items. Using the previous reporting method, net sales 
would have amounted to EUR 24.9 million (EUR 25.7 million in 2008), representing
a change of -3% during the reporting period.                                    

| Earnings per share calculated from      |       1-9 |       1-9 |       1-12 |
| earnings attributable to equity holders |      2009 |      2008 |       2008 |
| of the parent company                   |           |           |            |
| Earnings per share, undiluted**, EUR    |     -0.02 |      0.01 |       0.07 |

**) The convertible bond is not dilutive in respect of earnings per share in the
financial years 2009 and 2008.                                                  

Taking into account translation differences of EUR -0.3 million, the            
comprehensive income for the reporting period was EUR -0.5 million (EUR 0.0     

July - September                                                                

|                                  |      7-9 |      7-9 |   Change |   Change |
|                                  |     2009 |     2008 |     MEUR |     MEUR |
|                                  |     MEUR |     MEUR |          |          |
| Net sales*                       |      8.1 |      8.2 |     -0.0 |       -0 |
| Other operating income           |      0.1 |      0.1 |      0.0 |        8 |
| Change in inventories of         |     -0.0 |      0.1 |     -0.1 |     -132 |
| finished goods and work in       |          |          |          |          |
| progress                         |          |          |          |          |
| Materials and services           |     -1.6 |     -1.7 |     -0.1 |       -7 |
| Employee benefit expenses        |     -3.4 |     -3.1 |      0.4 |       12 |
| Depreciation                     |     -0.4 |     -0.4 |      0.0 |        2 |
| Other operating expenses         |     -2.5 |     -2.4 |      0.2 |        6 |
| Operating profit/loss            |      0.1 |      0.7 |     -0.6 |      -80 |
| Financial income *               |      0.1 |      0.3 |     -0.2 |      -78 |
| Financial expenses *             |     -0.3 |     -0.2 |      0.1 |       24 |
| Profit/loss before taxes         |     -0.1 |      0.8 |     -0.8 |     -106 |
| Income taxes                     |     -0.1 |     -0.3 |     -0.2 |      -59 |
| Profit/loss for the period       |     -0.2 |      0.5 |     -0.7 |     -129 |

*) The comparison figures for the corresponding period of 2008 have been        
changed. Using the previous reporting method for exchange rate changes for      
internal receivables, net sales would have amounted to EUR 8.1 million (EUR 8.5 
million in 2008) and the change during the second quarter would have been -5%.  

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      

|                         |    30 Sep 2009 |     30 Sep 2008 |     31 Dec 2008 |
|                         |  MEUR |      % |   MEUR |      % |   MEUR |      % |
| ASSETS                  |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Goodwill                |   2.6 |     10 |    2.6 |     10 |    2.6 |     10 |
| Intangible assets       |   2.5 |      9 |    1.6 |      6 |    1.6 |      6 |
| Tangible assets         |   6.0 |     23 |    6.6 |     25 |    6.5 |     24 |
| Receivables             |   0.0 |      0 |    0.0 |      0 |    0.0 |      0 |
| Deferred tax assets     |   2.0 |      7 |    1.7 |      7 |    2.0 |      7 |
| Total non-current       |  13.1 |     49 |   12.6 |     47 |   12.7 |     47 |
| assets                  |       |        |        |        |        |        |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| CURRENT ASSETS          |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Inventories             |   5.3 |     20 |    6.1 |     23 |    5.8 |     21 |
| Trade and other         |   6.2 |     23 |    6.1 |     23 |    6.8 |     25 |
| receivables             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Financial assets        |   0.5 |      2 |    0.5 |      2 |    0.5 |      2 |
| recognised at fair      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| value through profit or |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| loss                    |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Cash and cash           |   1.7 |      6 |    1.3 |      5 |    1.3 |      5 |
| equivalents             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Total current assets    |  13.6 |     51 |   14.1 |     53 |   14.4 |     53 |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| TOTAL ASSETS            |  26.7 |    100 |   26.6 |    100 |   27.1 |    100 |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| EQUITY AND LIABILITIES  |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Equity attributable to  |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| the equity holders of   |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| the parent company      |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Share capital           |   2.2 |      8 |    2.2 |      8 |    2.2 |      8 |
| Share premium fund      |   0.0 |      0 |    0.2 |      1 |    0.0 |      0 |
| Fund for investments of |  12.4 |     46 |   12.2 |     46 |   12.4 |     46 |
| non-restricted equity   |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Translation differences |  -0.3 |     -1 |    0.0 |      0 |   -0.2 |     -1 |
| Retained earnings       |  -2.1 |     -8 |   -2.7 |    -10 |   -1.9 |     -7 |
| Total equity            |  12.1 |     45 |   11.8 |     44 |   12.5 |     46 |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Deferred tax            |   0.0 |      0 |    0.1 |      0 |    0.0 |      0 |
| liabilities             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Pension obligations     |   0.1 |      0 |    0.1 |      0 |    0.1 |      0 |
| Total interest-bearing  |   7.9 |     30 |    7.8 |     29 |    8.0 |     29 |
| liabilities             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Other liabilities       |   0.7 |      3 |    0.8 |      3 |    0.7 |      3 |
| Total non-current       |   8.7 |     33 |    8.7 |     33 |    8.8 |     32 |
| liabilities             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| CURRENT LIABILITIES     |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Trade payables          |   1.4 |      5 |    1.6 |      6 |    1.3 |      5 |
| Total interest-bearing  |   0.9 |      3 |    0.9 |      3 |    1.1 |      4 |
| liabilities             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Other liabilities       |   3.6 |     13 |    3.6 |     14 |    3.4 |     13 |
| Total current           |   5.9 |     22 |    6.1 |     23 |    5.8 |     21 |
| liabilities             |       |        |        |        |        |        |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| Total liabilities       |  14.6 |     55 |   14.8 |     56 |   14.6 |     54 |
|                         |       |        |        |        |        |        |
| TOTAL EQUITY AND        |  26.7 |    100 |   26.6 |    100 |   27.1 |    100 |
| LIABILITIES             |       |        |        |        |        |        |

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                

|                                |     1-9/2009 |     1-9/2008 |     1-12/2008 |
|                                |         MEUR |         MEUR |           EUR |
| CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING       |              |              |               |
| ACTIVITIES                     |              |              |               |
| Profit / loss before taxes     |         -0.0 |          0.5 |           1.0 |
| Adjustments                    |          1.7 |          1.8 |           2.1 |
|                                |              |              |               |
| CHANGE IN WORKING CAPITAL      |          1.1 |         -0.8 |          -0.8 |
| Interest and other financial   |         -0.4 |         -0.3 |          -1.0 |
| items paid                     |              |              |               |
| Interest received              |          0.0 |          0.0 |           0.0 |
| Income taxes paid              |         -0.2 |         -0.1 |          -0.2 |
| Net cash flow from operating   |          2.2 |          1.2 |           1.2 |
| activities                     |              |              |               |
|                                |              |              |               |
| CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING       |              |              |               |
| ACTIVITIES                     |              |              |               |
| Investments in tangible and    |         -1.6 |         -0.9 |          -1.2 |
| intangible assets              |              |              |               |
| Investments and capital gains  |          0.0 |          0.4 |           0.5 |
| from investments in funds and  |              |              |               |
| deposits, net                  |              |              |               |
| Net cash flow from investments |         -1.6 |         -0.5 |          -0.8 |
|                                |              |              |               |
| CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING       |              |              |               |
| ACTIVITIES                     |              |              |               |
| Proceeds from loans            |          0.0 |          0.2 |           0.6 |
| Repayment of loans             |         -0.2 |         -0.7 |          -0.9 |
| Net cash flow from financing   |         -0.2 |         -0.5 |          -0.3 |
| activities                     |              |              |               |
|                                |              |              |               |
| Increase (+) / decrease (-) in |          0.4 |          0.2 |           0.2 |
| cash and cash equivalents      |              |              |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents at   |          1.3 |          1.1 |           1.1 |
| beginning of period            |              |              |               |
| Cash and cash equivalents at   |          1.7 |          1.3 |           1.3 |
| end of period                  |              |              |               |

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                                  

Consolidated statement of changes in equity on 30 September 2009                

| MEUR         |   Share |   Share |  Trans- |    Fund for | Retained | Equity |
|              | capital | premium |  lation | investments | earnings |        |
|              |         |   fund  |  diff.  |      of non-|          |        |
|              |         |         |         |  restricted |          |        |
|              |         |         |         |      equity |          |        |
| Equity on 1  |     2.2 |     0.0 |    -0.2 |        12.4 |     -1.9 |   12.5 |
| Jan 2009     |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| Translation  |         |         |    -0.1 |             |          |   -0.1 |
| differences  |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| Profit /     |         |         |         |             |     -0.2 |   -0.2 |
| loss for the |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| period       |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| Equity on 30 |     2.2 |     0.0 |    -0.3 |        12.4 |     -2.1 |   12.1 |
| Sep 2009     |         |         |         |             |          |        |

Consolidated statement of changes in equity on 30 September 2008                

| MEUR         |   Share |   Share |  Trans- |    Fund for | Retained | Equity |
|              | capital | premium |  lation | investments | earnings |        |
|              |         |   fund  |  diff.  |      of non-|          |        |
|              |         |         |         |  restricted |          |        |
|              |         |         |         |      equity |          |        |
| Equity on 1  |     2.2 |     0.2 |     0.1 |        12.2 |     -2.8 |   11.8 |
| Jan 2008     |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| Translation  |         |         |    -0.1 |             |          |   -0.1 |
| differences  |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| Profit /     |         |         |         |             |      0.1 |    0.1 |
| loss for the |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| period       |         |         |         |             |          |        |
| Equity on 30 |     2.2 |     0.2 |    -0.1 |        12.2 |     -2.7 |   11.8 |
| Sep 2008     |         |         |         |             |          |        |


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

This interim report was prepared in accordance with the IFRS recognition and    
measurement principles.                                                         

Biohit Oyj has applied the same accounting principles in preparing this interim 
report as for its financial statements of 2008. The changes in the IFRS         
standards that came into effect in 2009 did not affect the accounting principles
of the interim report.                                                          

All the figures in the interim report have been rounded up or down, due to which
the sums of figures may deviate from the sum total presented.                   

The figures in this interim report have not been audited.                       

FIGURES BY BUSINESS SEGMENT                                                     

Group net sales by business segment                                             

|            |  7-9 |   7-9 | Change | Change |   1-9 |   1-9 | Change | Change|
|            | 2009 |  2008 |   MEUR |      % |  2009 |  2008 |   MEUR |      %|
|            | MEUR |  MEUR |        |        |  MEUR |  MEUR |        |       |
| Liquid     |  7.7 |   8.0 |   -0.3 |     -4 |  23.9 |  24.4 |   -0.5 |    -2 |
| handling   |      |       |        |        |       |       |        |       |
| Diagnostics|  0.4 |   0.4 |    0.1 |     16 |   1.3 |   1.1 |    0.1 |    13 |
|            |      |       |        |        |       |       |        |       |

Group operating profit (+) / loss (-) by business segment                       

|            |  7-9 |   7-9 | Change | Change |   1-9 |   1-9 | Change | Change|
|            | 2009 |  2008 |   MEUR |      % |  2009 |  2008 |   MEUR |     % |
|            | MEUR |  MEUR |        |        |  MEUR |  MEUR |        |       |
| Liquid     |  0.6 |   1.1 |   -0.5 |    -47 |   1.9 |   2.6 |   -0.7 |   -28 |
| handling   |      |       |        |        |       |       |        |       |
| Diagnostics| -0.4 |  -0.4 |   -0.0 |     -9 |  -1.5 |  -1.6 |    0.1 |     6 |
|            |      |       |        |        |       |       |        |       |

RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                      

There have been no noticeable changes in related party transactions in the      
reporting period.                                                               


|                                |   30.9.2009 |     30.9.2008 |    31.12.2008 |
|                                |        MEUR |          MEUR |          MEUR |
| Liabilities for which          |             |               |               |
| mortgages have been lodged as  |             |               |               |
| collateral                     |             |               |               |
| Loans from financial           |         3.4 |           2.9 |           3.5 |
| institutions                   |             |               |               |
| For which collateral has been  |             |               |               |
| lodged                         |             |               |               |
| - Corporate mortgages          |         2.3 |           1.6 |           2.3 |
| - Mortgages on real estate     |         1.9 |           1.9 |           1.9 |
| Other liabilities              |         0.2 |           0.3 |           0.2 |
| For which collateral has been  |             |               |               |
| lodged                         |             |               |               |
| - Mortgages on real estate     |         0.8 |           0.8 |           0.8 |
| Rental and lease agreements    |         4.6 |           4.5 |           4.0 |
| For which collateral has been  |             |               |               |
| lodged                         |             |               |               |
| - Corporate mortgages          |         0.2 |           0.2 |           0.2 |

Helsinki, on 6 November 2009                                                    

Board of Directors of Biohit Oyj                                                

Further information:                                                            

Osmo Suovaniemi, M.D., Ph.D., Professor                                         
President & CEO                                                                 
Tel: +358-9-773 861                                                             
GSM: +358-40-745 5605                                                           


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy                                                          
Central storage facility (                                           

About Biohit Oyj                                                                

Biohit Oyj develops, manufactures and markets liquid handling products and      
diagnostic test systems for use in research, health care and industrial         

Liquid handling products include electronic and mechanical pipettes and         
dispensers, and disposable tips, as well as pipette maintenance and calibration 
services. Diagnostics business comprises products and analysis systems for      
diagnosing, screening and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, e.g. the     
blood-sample based GastroPanel and GastroView, for diagnosing diseases of the   
stomach and associated risks, as well as quick tests for the diagnosis of       
lactose intolerance, H. pylori infection and fecal occult blood.                

Biohit Group employs 370 people in 9 countries. Biohit Oyj is headquartered in  
Finland. Subsidiaries are located in France, Germany, the UK, Russia, India,    
China, Japan and the USA. Additionally, Biohit's products are sold by           
approximately 450 distributors in 70 countries. Biohit's share (BIOBV) is quoted
on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Small cap/Healthcare.                                   

Further information at and in the following:                     

Examining a patient experiencing stomach discomfort (dyspepsia) in primary and  
occupational health care                                                        

If a patient suffering from stomach discomfort or seeking a health check        
presents no alarming symptoms which require an immediate endoscopy (gastroscopy 
and/or colonoscopy), GastroView or GastroPanel examinations of blood samples are
safe and cost effective choices for primary examination. In addition, an        
analysis of fecal calprotectin is recommended to exclude inflammatory intestinal
diseases and a ColonView test (fecal blood) is recommended for the early        
diagnosis of a range of large bowel diseases (cancer, polyps and infectious     
intestinal diseases).                                                           

Most cases of atrophic gastritis caused by a Helicobacter pylori infection or   
autoimmune disease, and of early colon cancer, represent themselves either with 
minor symptoms or are asymptomatic. Furthermore, the symptoms may be unspecific,
providing no information on their cause. Accordingly, the aforementioned        
examinations should form part of routine examinations performed through         
occupational and primary health care for all persons over the age of 45.        

Regarding the treatment of dyspepsia patients, the 13C urea breath test and     
fecal antigen test used for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection do   
not provide a diagnosis of atrophic gastritis. Nor do they diagnose the related 
risks of gastric and esophageal cancer and the deficiency of vitamin B12, iron  
and calcium. Furthermore, these tests can deliver 40-50% false negative results 
and may fail to diagnose a Helicobacter pylori infection when this would be     
vital to treatment and patient safety. These false negative results can be      
caused, for example, by atrophic gastritis or a bleeding peptic ulcer or the use
of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medication or antibiotic treatment.              

GastroPanel does not diagnose esophageal cancer, but provides information on the
excessive acid secretion of the gastric corpus mucosa that, for patients        
suffering from heartburn, can promote the creation of esophageal cancer. Another
significant risk factor for esophageal cancer is the anacidic stomach caused by 
atrophic gastritis. This risk factor is most probably due to carcinogenic       
acetaldehyde, produced by microbes living in the anacidic stomach, travelling to
the lower part of the esophagus.                                               

The International Taskforce for the Healthy Stomach Initiative
In addition to the invaluable efforts of the International Taskforce of leading 
scientists and gastroenterologists from Europe, Japan, China, Russia and the    
USA, the turn-key GastroPanel Laboratories are also an effective way to promote 
the use of GastroPanel, GastroView and numerous other microplate based          
immunoassys as well as ColonView for the development of safe, ethical and       
cost-efficient diagnosis and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases (see / Diagnostics / Literature and brochures / GastroPanel           

The ultimate aim of the International Taskforce for the Healthy Stomach         
Initiative is the early diagnosis by the affordable, non-invasive, safe and     
cost-efficient examinations (GastroPanel / GastroView and ColonView) those      
dyspepsia and H. pylori infection patients, who need to have the invasive and   
expensive gastroscopy due to the risk or early stage of gastric- and esophageal 
cancer as well as many other diseases or the invasive and expensive colonoscopy 
due to the risk or early stage of colorectal cancer.                            

- It is recommended that the GastroPanel or GastroView and ColonView
examinations should be used as a routine screening examination for all patients
over 45, and be included in the diagnostic practice of dyspepsia-like
complaints in patients 
of all ages (dyspepsia prevalence of 20-40% in the Western population).         

- To ensure patient safety, the GastroPanel examination is recommended prior to 
any proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy and H. pylori eradication therapy to    
reveal or exclude atrophic gastritis with related risks. Studies of H. pylori   
infection in adults in developed countries revealed prevalence of 30-50%. In the
United States, the estimated prevalence is 20% for people younger than 30 years 
and 50% for those older than 60 years. In developing countries, the prevalence  
rates are much higher.                                                          

- The serious medical and ethical problems of the “test and treat” strategy for 
dyspepsia and H. pylori infection can be corrected simply and economically by   
replacing 13C urea breath test or stool antigen test with the GastroView        
round-the-clock examination or with the GastroPanel examination.                

- Patients with autoimmune disease, such as autoimmune thyroiditis, diabetes, 
rheumatoid arthritis and SLE, may have autoimmune atrophic gastritis with       
related disease risks (e.g., gastric cancer), and, vice versa, patients with    
autoimmune atrophic gastritis may also have other autoimmune diseases.          
Therefore, it is recommended that the clinicians will take this into            
consideration, especially now when the GastroPanel and GastroView examinations  
are readily available for clinical practice, as easy and reliable screening     
methods to diagnose atrophic gastritis with related risks, such as gastric and  
esophageal cancer.