Integrity Media Report: All the Right Pieces

LAS VEGAS, Nov. 10, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over the past few months, Strategic American Oil Corporation (OTCBB:SGCA) has done its best to convey to the market its acumen in building a better exploration and production company. Individually, its announced achievements have certainly been newsworthy yet the greater value may be in the aggregate view.

The rising price of oil, just like the rising price of gold, has created many an upstart -- public companies with an optimistic and perhaps longshot goal to find the precious resource and to monetize said find. This is where Strategic American strikes a stark contrast.

Recently, we've seen Strategic American demonstrate the stuff of that comparison. And of course, Strategic American is already producing in a way the aforementioned might never. Factor in the security of an imperative financing now in place, a compelling acquisition of past producing wells, and today's news piece confirming that it has acquired the exclusive rights to an oil and gas database containing approximately 40 years of oil and gas prospect information, and SGCA presents itself as an intriguing, active prospect in the small cap oil and gas realm.

A profile featuring Strategic American Oil Corporation and of interest to investors of oil and gas related companies Credo Petroleum Corporation (Nasdaq:CRED), Newfield Exploration Company (NYSE:NFX), Cano Petroleum (AMEX:CFW) and Swift Energy (NYSE:SFY) is available at

About Strategic American Oil Corporation

Strategic American Oil Corporation is an exploration and production company with operations in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Illinois. The Company draws on an internationally recognized team of geologists, engineers and executives with extensive oil and gas exploration and production experience.

To view a corporate presentation of SGCA visit the link below:

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Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results. Integrity Media Inc. (IMI). IMI provides no assurance as to the subject company's plans or ability to effect proposed actions and cannot project capabilities, intent, resources, or experience. The subject companies haven't always approved the statements made in this report. This report is neither a solicitation to buy nor offer to sell securities and is for information purposes only and shouldn't be used as basis for investment decisions. IMI isn't an investment advisor, analyst or licensed broker dealer and this report isn't investment advice. IMI has been compensated $5,000 and 42,857 shares of SGCA for this publication and other advertising services by Strategic American Oil and Gas (SGCA). Paid reports constitute a conflict of interest as to IMI's ability to remain objective in communication regarding subject companies.



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