-- Shipment Performance Reports - On a monthly basis, customers can view their shipments' performance in easy-to-read charts and summary tables. The reports measure the percentage of containers that loaded on time by port and carrier. Over time, customers can lower their total landed costs by selecting the ports and vessel services that are most reliable and cost effective. -- Exception Management Reports - Customers can receive daily and weekly exception management reports in Excel to determine if any shipments are overdue at key points in the supply chain. They save time spotting potential delays in reports rather than searching online and through e- mails. -- EDI Performance Reports - CargoSmart's integration customers can now receive weekly reports to measure their EDI data quality. The reports identify missing and out-of-sequence events by ports and carriers. CargoSmart works with customers and their carriers to resolve data quality gaps for important cargo routes and improve data sharing. -- Spot-On Reporting Services - To complement the reports, CargoSmart provides 24x7 monitoring services. CargoSmart notifies customers when exceptions to key shipment plans occur. The personalized service ensures that customers know immediately when their most critical shipments may be delayed.Customer Advocacy Team CargoSmart's Customer Advocacy Team provides tailored services for customers, including evaluating existing supply chain processes, making product recommendations, preparing customized reports, and monitoring critical shipments to help customers improve supply chain efficiencies. The Customer Advocacy Team recently set up EDI Performance Reports for Brother International, a manufacturer of home and office printers, electronic stationery, and sewing machines for the consumer and fashion industries. The U.S.-based traffic division currently receives multiple-carrier ocean shipment status updates from CargoSmart directly to its ERP system. "It is critical for us to have timely and accurate information about our import shipments so that we can give our internal and external customers the information they need," said Cecile Martinez-Brown, import/export supervisor for Brother International. "CargoSmart's EDI Performance Reports allow us to better manage our internal EDI events so that we can work with our carriers to improve the data quality of our shipment information." CargoSmart's subscription-based advanced visibility reporting services are available to customers individually or bundled with CargoSmart's supply chain visibility, execution, collaboration, and compliance solutions. About CargoSmart CargoSmart Limited (www.cargosmart.com) is a Software as a Service (SaaS) global shipping and logistics solutions provider, with advanced visibility and exception management, that enables shippers, consignees, and logistics service providers to keep cargo moving and delivered on time. Through online tools and integration services, CargoSmart customers can plan, process, and monitor the critical path of multiple-carrier shipments and communicate in-depth, timely information to key supply chain associates. CargoSmart launched its services in October 2000 and has helped over 17,000 customers lower transportation management costs, streamline operations, and reduce the risk of late shipments.
Contact Information: Press Contact: Christine Deihl CargoSmart Limited +1-408-325-7651 christine.deihl@cargosmart.com